Chapter 25 - 25- Putting up a show (2)

Chapter 25: Chapter 25- Putting up a show (2)

"I refused to believe a person who isn't even a One Star Battle Apprentice, can suddenly become powerful enough to kill several people on the level of a Seven Star Battle Apprentice. Didn't you also say that you all were exhausted after a day of hunt and were even forced to fight an Eight Star demonic Beast?"

"Besides, I asked those elders before coming here. They told me he was just an ordinary slave with no accomplishment in Battle Energy cultivation"

Zhang Wei stated his eyes staring intently at Yang Chen. Although he had his doubts, he sent Zhang Yi precisely for that reason. Once those two fought, he will soon find out what was the case.

Zhang Yi who knew his role, charged towards Yang Chen and threw a punch. Wind rustled around his fist showcasing the power behind those muscles. That punch from him was powerful enough to even make a dent in steel.

Even the other lackeys who were more powerful than Zhang Yi wouldn't dare to receive that fist head on. So when they saw Yang Chen brace his body and position his arms in front of him, everybody thought that he had gone mad.

A mere slave daring to defend against the punch of a Six Star Battle Apprentice, What foolishness. He would no doubt suffer incredibly once that attack hit. Everybody except for Li Hao, though the same thing.

Bang... the fist commented squarely and to no one's surprise, sent the servant flying.

Yang Chen flew a couple of meters, then rolled on the ground before coming to a stop. Mud covered his body and he looked extremely miserable after just one punch.

His pathetic condition made the lackeys and Zhang Wei laugh, the latter was convinced and immediately dropped all cautiousness against him when he saw Yang Chen get sent flying after just one punch.

He believed all of those rumours that he heard from the man beside him to be false. A trash like that, wasn't worth his attention.

"Zhang Yi.. rough him up a little bit for resisting. Remember, don't kill him"

For every people that he fooled he was rewarded 25 points and other than the hunter leader who had seen his powers and was sceptic about the scene unfolding out, he had managed to fool nine people.

That is to say, he had earned a total of 225 points just by playing the fool in front of them.

Although collecting mischief points was good, it was after all an added bonus, his main objective was to lower the guards of these people and kill them at the opportune time before they could even respond.

The scene played out...

After seeing that servant who was covered in mud and grime kept on getting up and standing back on his feet regardless of how many times he fell or how many punches or kicks he suffered, some of the lackeys started snickering at Zhang Yi.

They boldly stepped forward criticizing that he was unable to even beat a mere slave. In truth, they wanted to release some of their frustration on Yang Chen too and at the same time put a good impression in front of Zhang Wei.

After Zhang Yi, two more people came forward to beat him. They were all Six Star Battle Apprentice and as powerful as Zhang Yi.

However, after a while, they realised that the slave was a tough nut to crack. Even with their combined effort, they weren't able to put down this cockroach who kept on getting up no matter how much beating he suffered.

"What are you all doing? That is enough fooling around from all of you. You useless people can't even knock out a single weak servant. So what if he keeps on getting up? He may have a strong willpower but a single good punch on his head should do the trick"

Finally, the strongest person among the lackeys, the Seven Star Battle Apprentice criticized sternly from the side. He was unable to take this farce any longer and stepped forward himself.

He gestured with his chin and the three people beating Yang Chen immediately backed away. Although they felt extremely depressed in their hearts, they dared not show on their face.ViiSiit novelbi/n(.)c/(o)m for latest novels