Chapter 26 - 26- Swift Kills

Chapter 26: Chapter 26- Swift Kills

Zhang Yi and the others have been hitting Yang Chen with all of their power, yet the guy refused to stay put. They felt like they have lost all face today because of a mere slave.

"Hmph, you think you are tough huh? Let's see if you can still stay standing after taking a punch from me" The Seven Star Battle Apprentice lackey looked a Yang Chen and cracked his knuckles.

He stepped forward, tensed his muscles until they ripped out of his clothes and delivered a simple punch with all of his might straight at the temple of the slave.

As the punch inched closer towards Yang Chen, a vicious smile surfaced on his face. He finally stopped playing the fool and called out the steel sword from his inventory.

"Eight Fold Split!!" roaring out the name of his battle skill in his heart, YangChen immediately activated Eight Fold Split as three sword shadows appeared in the air and swiftly shot towards three targets.

The three people who were the targets of the sword slashes were startled and unable to react in time. Naturally, they couldn't muster even the tiniest of defence because of how relaxed and carefree they were.

The sword shadow passed through their body without any resistance and cleanly bisected them in two.

As for the Seven Star Battle Apprentice lackey who had his fist only a couple of inches away from Yang Chen's face, was one of the three to fall down in two.

[Burst Steps]...

Before the other lackeys surrounding could register the scene in front of their eyes, a shadow passed through them and the next thing they saw was their own body which was missing a head.

Whoosh... whoosh... whoosh...

"Young Master, what should we do now?" Li Hao came over and asked nervously. Those swift kills from Yang Chen scared him completely. Fortunately, he was wary of the situation from the start thus he did not step forward to deal with Yang Chen along with those people.

"What do you think? He has killed several of our clan members, this blood debt must be repaid" Zhagn Wei barked angrily "However, what I don't understand is that those elders from the clan told me that the servant we are looking for was unable to cultivate. Yet not only this guy can cultivate, he has also learned a few battle skills. How is that possible?"

A Battle Skill was very rare in this region, even the Zhang clan who was one of the top three clans of the Cloud city, only had a few in their treasury. Aside from that, one also had to have aptitude and compatibility with that skill to practice it.

Given these aforementioned facts, it was only natural for Zhang Wei to be astonished to see a mere slave use not one but two battle skills. Even he, one of the outstanding younger generations of the Zhang clan, had only managed to learn two battle skills.

Zhang Wei was unable to accept that a guy who was younger than him and a servant no less, was as talented as him.

"Young Master, I think he might have stolen those skills from the Zhang Clan" Li Hao spoke from the side. Putting oil in the fire.

"Right, you must be right. He must have stolen those battle skills from the clan treasury and when he was found out, he killed those five people and ran away. Bastard, if I knew that I would have killed him myself from the start"

Zhang Wei cried out furiously, and a killing intent surged from his body. This uneasy feeling of jealousy, didn't bode well with Zhang Wei, he wanted to kill Yang Chen as soon as possible and remove this uneasy feeling from his heart.

Li Hao smiled faintly when he heard that, he was aware of how powerful and cunning this brat was. Even though he had faith in his own strength, he did not dare to challenge the latter. Thus when he saw the killing intent in Zhang Wei's eyes, he was inwardly happy.

This young master of the Zhang clan was the strongest person here, if he personally took action, he should be able to deal with the brat.

"You bastard you will pay for killing so many members of my clan" Zhang Wei roared fiercely. He unsheathed the sword on his back and charged towards Yang Chen.