Chapter 28 - 28- [Battle Fervour]

Chapter 28: Chapter 28- [Battle Fervour]

"What?!! He stopped my [Mountain Slash]? How can that be.. he is only just a servant so how?"

Zhang Wei muttered in disbelief. He spared no strength on that last attack, it could even be said that it was his most powerful skill. Yet it was unable to so much as touch the other party.

He who was a Nine Star Battle Apprentice, should be than this servant who was a level below him? So then how?

While Zhang Wei was going crazy at the absurdity of the situation, Yang Chen was going through an emotional turmoil of his own.

Amon was able to read his thoughts and mind, didn't it mean that everything that was going on in his head, could be read by this fellow? This was the first time he heard the demon mention that.

"That right... Kukuku. Honestly, I'm surprised that the host only realised this after I mentioned it to you. A smart person would have already connected the dots and arrived at this possibility far faster than you" another snide remark came from the demon.

"You!! I'll get back to you after I am done with this" Yang Chen grit his teeth and cried out in frustration.

He was so caught up in his conversation with Amon that he failed to realise how relaxed and comfortably he was able to fight Zhang Wei even though he was one level weaker than him. The reason for that was something that even Yang Chen did not know.

His foundation which was built after levelling and hunting demonic beasts inside the star fall jungle during these past few days, could be considered pretty solid due to the support of the Greedvil system.

It stabilised, managed and organised the growth of his battle energy and physical body in the best and most optimum way possible.

Yang Chen was severely malnourished and was quite short when he first entered the forest. However, the him right now had grown taller, leaner and had adequate muscles just like an athlete.

Even his skin and facial structure were slowly being affected by his growth. So if one had to put it, the Eight Star Yang Chen's foundation and physical body was much more stable and solid than Zhang Wei who had gained all of his achievements through his clan's support.

Yang Chen was physically exhausted to pursue any further thus, he stopped and turned around after failing to catch the sight of the other party.

Now that he had killed his pursuers, it was time to collect his rewards.

Killing Zhang Wei gave him 350 mischief points. Adding that to his previous total, he had accumulated a sum of 2975 points.

Yang Chen had a delighted smile on his face as he rummaged through the belongings of these people from the Zhang clan. He did not bother to search the bodies of the eight lackeys who were brought over by Zhang Wei because he knew that they wouldn't have anything valuable with them.

Instead, he thoroughly searched the possessions of Zhang Wei. Of course, Yang Chen was not after the latter's clothes but the battle skills they had shown.

[Battle fervour] and [Mountain slash], both were good skills and were of mid tier earth grade. If he were to buy these skills from the shop, it would cost him over 1500 mischief points.

As such he rummaged through Zhang Wei's body to find these battle skills. Fortunately for Yang Chen, he soon found a scroll in the breast pocket of his clothes.

When he hurriedly opened the scroll and read the words that were written in a bold and flashy manner at the top, he was immediately elated.

[Battle Fervour]... a skill that dramatically increases the user's aura for a short period of time. It uses the profound nodes located within one's veins to circulate the battle energy inside one's body in a mysterious way.

The mid tier earth grade battle skill uses three profound nodes near the abdomen to increase one's aura.

Mastering the skill to intermediate completion stage opens one node, advance stage opens two while peak opens all three of them.

If one opens all three nodes their aura would be powerful enough to even overlook the difference of a level.