Chapter 32 - 32- Exchanging Battle Skills for Mischief Points (2)

Chapter 32: Chapter 32- Exchanging Battle Skills for Mischief Points (2)

Though Yang Chen wasn't aware of it, but simply possessing the Greedvil system provided him with many unseen benefits.

"I thought as much. Since that is the case, what do you think about selling the scroll for mischief points?"

Amon's random words were like bombs exploding in the ears of Yang Chen. His expression visibly changed and he had a wide open mouth when he heard that the scroll can be exchanged for points.

"What?!" Yang Chen unwittingly shouted, the shock that he felt was that much. In his shock, he even forgot that he couldn't touch Amon and extended his hand to grab the latter only to have his hand pass through its tiny body.

Coming to his senses moments later, Yang Chen looked at the tiny demon with dead serious eye and asked for confirmation.

"The scroll can be exchanged for mischief points? Can something like that also be done?".

Needless to say, if those words were true then didn't it mean that he has yet another way to earn mischief points?

"Of course, it can be done" Amon readily confirmed.

"Why did you tell me about this function of the system only now?" Yang Chen asked, his eyes glaring deeply at this tiny demon.

"I told you once remember, the system reinstalled itself when it merged with your soul. It had consumed a lot of energy to go through this transformation. Thus most of the options are currently unavailable. Even I cannot tell when all of those options will be unlocked. However, what I can tell you is that the system will recover as you the host become stronger".

"To answer your question, this exchange function only just unlocked after you reached the eight Star Battle Apprentice level. Plus, even if I told you earlier, it was not like you had any battle skills scrolls with you for the exchange. I simply mentioned when I felt like the time was right"

Amon explained in his defence. He then stroked his chin, looked at the menu and added—

"If you are so curious to know what other options do, you should level up faster. I can feel that whenever you level up, the system also recovers some of its energy".

5000 points was a lot, he could use these points to buy various things that could make him stronger.

Yang Chen stopped hesitating and pressed [Yes]. The light sucked the scroll inside the menu and he could see 5000 points get deposited to him.

With the addition of these many points, the total number of points he had with him was 7675 points.

Yang Chen smiled ear to ear looking at his points. He who did not think twice before spending money in his previous life because of how rich his parents were and the mountain of fortune they left him, became so thrifty and poor after reincarnating in this world.

Well, he was already thankful to have an illness free life this time, it did not bother him that he was poor and had no standing in this world.

Yang Chen's father had built the Yang group back on earth with his blood and sweat and as his son wouldn't he be letting his father down if he couldn't even survive on his own?

This little bit of setback was nothing for him, in fact, this experience would help him forge his character. Yang Chen made his resolve.

"Heh, so touching, I cannot help but tremble with emotions" Amon who could read his mind, laughed from the side.

"Shut up... it's my life, I will decide how I want to live it. Also, stop reading my mind" This hateful fellow sometimes got on his nerves. However, since he was the consciousness of the system, he couldn't get rid of him even if he wanted to.

"Kukuku... host should stop dreaming about getting rid of me, I'm not a physical being like you after all. Anyways, what does the host plan to do with the points?"

Amon's voice suddenly turned from carefree to serious.

Yang Chen ponded over the words for a bit before answering.

"My movement skill seems to have reached the peak completion stage and cannot improve any further. During my battle with the Eight Star Battle Apprentice demonic beasts, I noticed some of the agile ones were able to follow my movements".