Chapter 31 - 31- Exchanging Battle Skills for Mischief Points

Chapter 31: Chapter 31- Exchanging Battle Skills for Mischief Points

The reason why Zhang Zhan was so angry was because lying in front of him were eight half eaten corpses of humans. Although he couldn't recognise them anymore, the badges on their clothes were enough to identify them as the members of the Zhang Clan.

"E-Elder... the corpse on the right seems to be of young master Zhang Wei. How could this be? Were they killed by the demonic beasts?"

A Zhang Clan member reported with some hesitation. However, before he could complete his sentence, a crisp slap sounded out and he was sent flying.

"You idiot, there is no way young master Zhang Wei would die from the Demonic Beasts. This is still the outer area within the star fall jungle, the level of demonic beasts here isn't enough to kill the young master".

"Someone had definitely killed them. I want all of you to search for the culprit who did it. Use the name of the Zhang clan if you must, but the killer has to be found out. If you understand that, then start investigating".

Zhang Zhan bellowed, he was so angry that he did not care if the one he was hitting was his own clan member. Right now his mind was too preoccupied to care for something as small as that. Reêad latest novels at

Out of the nine corpses, the identity of the one lying on the right was special. That corpse belonged to Zhang Wei, the third son of their patriarch.

If the latter knew what had happened to his son, even Zhang Zhan being an elder wouldn't be able to handle the consequences. The patriarch had sent his son with him so that Zhang Wei could gain some experience and maybe find some opportunity that would allow him to break through into the Battle Master class before he went to the Holy Orchard Academy.

Zhang Zhan's task here other than finding the murderer of his son, was to protect Zhang Wei. However, he had failed miserably. There is no way he would be able to account for this mistake.

Yang Chen stretched his body and grilled some demonic meat to eat. Today was yet another hectic day, although Zhang Wei and his lackeys weren't there to make things difficult for him, he had nevertheless fought a total of ten beasts today, four of which were Eight Star Battle Apprentice Level.

Although they didn't give as much experience as Zhang Wei, it was enough to bring his Exp Bar to the brink of being full. This meant that he was very close to levelling up.

"Tomorrow I will try to go a little bit deeper"

He was currently at the borders of the outer and middle regions of the forest. If he wanted to level up, he needed to find stronger demonic beasts which lived deeper inside the forest.

While Yang Chen was planning his activities for tomorrow, Amon appeared out of its own accord and sat on Yang Chen's shoulder.

"What is it?" Seeing that the demon did not make a snide comment as soon as it appeared and was instead contemplating something intensely, he couldn't help but question.

"Hm? Ah, I was thinking something. Now that you have learned the first change of the Nine Brilliant Mysterious Change, you probably don't have any use for that scroll right?" Amon suddenly asked a bizarre question.

Nevertheless, Yang Chen nodded his head. Now that he had learned the secret art from the scroll, he had no use for it.

Others needed days, weeks or even months of reading, analysis and practice before they could understand and learn a Battle skill. However, for Yang Chen who had the support of the Greedvil system, all it took was a superficial read to prompt a message from the Greedvil system asking him if he wanted to learn the skill.