Chapter 30 - 30- First Change

Chapter 30: Chapter 30- First Change

"Why are you telling me all that? I get it that the skill on my hand is an imitation. So close this window already, in any case, I am unable to buy it right now. Just looking at it is making me feel miserable".

A treasure that is in front of his eyes, yet out of his reach. One could just imagine Yang Chen's conundrum. It was like dangling a banana in front of a monkey only to deny him that.

"Kfufu... host does not need to dismiss it so quickly. There is another reason why I brought this secret art up" Amon scrolled the window and pointed—

"Here read this, the Nine Brilliant Mysterious Change is divided into nine changes, each change bringing out greater power from within the user's body. Each of the nine changes is recorded into nine parts, that is to say, there are nine different parts to this Nine Brilliant Mysterious Change".

"If you were to buy all the nine changes together, it would cost you the amount as shown in the shop. However, what if you bought each change separately? Wouldn't the cost go down?" the smile on Amon's face was brilliant as he watched Yang Chen's gobsmacked expression.

"Can you do something like that?"

"Of course it's possible. I'm after all, the consciousness of the system, I know it's every in and out" Amon proudly declared.

"The Nine Brilliant mysterious change is one of the few secret arts listed in the shop that can be purchased in parts. From what I can tell, the skill in your hand should be a copy of the first brilliant mysterious change".

"Someone must have gotten their hands on the first change of the Nine Brilliant Mysterious Change and tried to create a copy based on it. The one in your hand can be considered the first change".

Yang Chen was stunned, the scroll that he nonchalantly fished out from Zhang Wei's body, turned out to be such a great treasure.

"If the scroll in my hand is the first change of the Nine Brilliant Mysterious Change, then doesn't it mean that I don't have to buy the first change from the shop?" this thought suddenly crossed his mind.

Yang Chen happily kept the scroll inside the [Inventory] of the Greedvil System, this thing was worth more than any of the treasures on his person. He had no shame looting the possessions of the dead, his gamer mindset was that anything that dropped from his opponent was his spoils of war.

After taking the scroll, Yang Chen did not linger around for long and quickly disappeared. The smell of blood that had spread, would soon attract the demonic beasts living inside the forest here.



One day later, at the spot where Zhang Wei and the eight Lackeys he brought were killed, was currently occupied by a pack of crimson jackals who were feasting on their flesh.

They were dining happily when suddenly, a group of people hurriedly approached from the distancde. The pack of demonic beasts were alerted and howled at the trespassers.

Some of them pounced at the middle aged man who was leading the ground only to be turned into bloody mist the next second.

These demonic beasts although unintelligent, still knew the meaning of fear. Thus when they saw their comrades dying like that, the rest of the pack stopped feasting, tucked their tails and ran away.


However, how could it be so easy to leave, the middle aged man looked at the thing they were eating and his face immediately became ugly with anger. He sent forth two palm attacks that quickly turned the running crimson jackals into a bloody mist.

"How could this happen... Who did this? Who would dare to touch the member of my Zhang clan!!" the middle aged man roared, he was none other than Elder Zhang Zhan who had arrived in pursuit of Yang Chen along with Zhang Wei.