Chapter 40 - 40- Tracked

Chapter 40: Chapter 40- Tracked

"If you go beyond that, prepare to face unimaginable consequences. So in the future, try to resolve any troubles with just one use of the first change"

Amon assessed the condition of his body after using the First Change of the Nine Brilliant Mysterious Change and commented. He did not stick long, after giving his advice, he disappeared into thin air.

It took a while but after the intense pain assaulting his body stopped, Yang Chen tried to pick himself up only to realise that he was completely exhausted. His feet wobbled and he fell face first on the ground.

He was almost out of battle energy after just activating the secret art once. If not for him consuming the Energy Gathering pill daily, he wouldn't even have enough battle energy to win this fight.

Higher grade Battle Skills might produce stronger effects, but they also ate quite a lot of Battle Energy at the same time.

The [Wild Revolution Steps] was a Sky Grade Battle Skill, not to mention the Flame Slash ability of the two star Flame Expelling Sword also used up quite a lot of battle energy every time it was used.

This kind of consumption was too much for Yang Chen who was still a Battle Apprentice, to keep up. The only reason he was able to activate the skills one after another was because the energy gathering pill was increasing the rate at which his body naturally gathered battle energy.

Yang Chen did what his body asked of him and took a rest for a good long while. Because the place was the territory of the Armoured Hog, no demonic beasts dared to enter it. Thus he could relax without worrying about being attacked.

After giving his body sufficient rest, Yang Chen started practising his battle skills. There was no time to waste, the effects of the medicines were still there. He wanted to make the most use out of it.

The orange hue of the setting sun fell on the body of a young man who was diligently practising his battle skills.

And now even after reincarnating in this world and in this perfectly healthy body, all he ate was meat but without any flavour.

Yang Chen gave a deep sigh and diverted his mind to something else. Nom.. nom... after the last time where he got a bunch of mischief points from his action, he hadn't earned any more mischief points since then.

He didn't execute that plan again. The reason for that was because the same tactic wouldn't work every time as the powder of hysteria starts losing its effects the more it is used on the same entity.

Plus if he continued to cause Demonic Beast Stampede like that, people would become suspicious of it sooner or later.

Yang Chen already had enough enemies, he didn't want to pile more on top of that. He would have to hold on using the powder of hysteria like that until he became strong enough to disregard their retaliation.

From that chaos two days ago, Yang Chen had earned a total of 3,975 points. Adding in the amount he had and deducting the ones he used for purchasing the Flame Expelling sword and the elixirs, he had a total of 4450 mischief points with him.

The Flame Expelling Sword cost a total of 2100 points. Well considering that it was a two star weapon and greatly increased his combat powers, it was a worthwhile expenditure.

"4,450 points huh" Although it wasn't much, it was far higher than the pitiful sum of amount he had before.

Just a little bit more and he would reach the amount he needed to purchase the second change, but Yang Chen was not in a hurry to buy that.

The secret art would always remain in the [Shop], so he can buy it anytime he wants and when he had the points. Besides, even if he rushed and purchased the second change, it would be a waste of points since he who was only at the initial completion stage of the First Change, can't learn the Second Change.