Chapter 41 - 41- Tracked (2)

Chapter 41: Chapter 41- Tracked (2)

It was better for him to put these points for other important items that he needed at the current moment like the energy gathering elixir and the endeavour pill.

The tier 1 medicines were starting to have less and less effects as his level rose higher. So he was thinking of purchasing a tier 2 medicine.

The battle skill he was practising was all sky grade, if he continued to use tier one medicines, his growth would become quite slow. That is why, he needed higher tier medicine to hasten this process.

A tier 1 medicine costs around 300 mischief points, tier two was more than double that price. Each and every medicine of tier two was above 700 points. The price was so high that Yang Chen's face turned green, he had the urge of complaining to the system. For a one time consumable item, it was too much.

Compared to the cost that each item were listed for in the [shop], the points that the system awarded him were just pocket change. If he wanted to keep up with his ever growing expenditure, he needed to find more ways of earning points.

Sigh... Yang Chen sighed once again, he couldn't remember how many times was that already. Well, the Greedvil system still had many options that were yet to be unlocked, Yang Chen figured that a solution would arrive then.

For now, his body needed rest. So he climbed a tree and took a nap.

Early morning of the next day, Yang Chen woke up early, downed an energy gathering elixir and the endeavour pill just like usual and left the place to travel deeper inside the jungle.

There was no way to tell how deep into the star fall jungle Yang Chen had dived. But seeing how big the trees around this part of the forest had started to grow and the presence of the strong demonic beasts in the distance, told him that he had left the outskirts of the forest and have entered the deep parts of the middle region.

The hunters capable of diving around these parts of the jungle were alos very less, so even if Yang Chen wanted to use the same tactic with the powder of hysteria, it wouldn't provide him with as many mischief points as he got from the outer middle region of the forest.

"But for the sake of becoming stronger, I have no choice" Yang Chen resolved.

Progressing his battle skills was important, but the most important thing was one's own strength. If their foundation was weak, no matter how powerful of a battle skill they used, it won't matter.

"There is no time to explain, they have detected you... move".

Yang Chen's body darted to the side the moment Amon screamed move.

BANG... the instant he moved, something crashed into the ground with an insane speed and raised a cloud of dust.

"Hoh, you dodged that huh" A voice sounded out from amidst the dust and a silhouette of a person could be seen. They had crashed into the ground so hard that they had created a small crater.

The figure stepped out from the crater and glanced at yang chen in amusement.

"Hm? You look quite different than before but there is no mistaking that face. You are that slave who not only committed murder inside the manor and ran, but you also killed young master Zhang Wei and elder Zhang Zhan's son right?" the person pointed at Yang Chen and demanded.

He looked to be around 24 or 25 years old, he had short black hair and an average face. The only thing going around for him would be his sharp eyes and his strength.

Yang Chen didn't recognise who he was but given the fact that he had the badge of the Zhang clan and talked about the incident that he committed back in the zhang manor, there was little to guess about.

"Zhang Bu... is he really that slave Yang Chen?" multiple people walked from behind the foliage of those trees ahead.

The one walking in front was a middle aged man with some wrinkles around his face.

"Elder Zhang Zhan, I cannot be entirely sure but that facial structure definitely matches with the poster the clan gave us"

The person who attacked Yang Chen and who was addressed as Zhang Bu, took out a poster from his pocket and showed it to everyone.

These people looked at the poster and at yang Chen before nodding their heads albeit with some doubts.