Chapter 42 - 42- Tracked (3)

Chapter 42: Chapter 42- Tracked (3)

"I didn't lie to you elder, he is really the person you are looking for" a voice that sounded oddly familiar to Yang Chen rang out from behind the middle aged man who was referred to as elder Zhang han.

"You!!" the moment Yang Chen glanced at that person, he couldn't help but shout in shock.

"Hehe, we meet again brat. I shall return your favour for attempting to kill me today. Your luck ends here".

This person was none other Li Hao, the leader of the hunter band that tried to cause trouble for Yang Chen multiple times.

This time, he came back again leading members of the Zhang clan with him.

Yang Chen's face turned ugly when he saw the lineup they brought with them specifically to hunt him. The power of this group was in no way comparable to the group that Zhang Wei brought with him.

What was going on, how could these catch up to him so fast? Were zhang wei and his team not the only ones who were sent after him? Even if they were, how did they track him down who was steadily moving deeper?

Yang Chen's mind was racing with numerous questions, but he would have to wait for an answer.

" appears that you were not lying to us" Zhang Zhan acknowledged nodding his head.

"Hehe... in that case elder, an I get the reward you promised?" Li Hao rubbed his palm and gave a bootlicking smile.

Zhang Zhan arched his brows, he was just about to say something when he was interrupted.

"How did you find me?" Yang Chen opened his mouth at this moment and asked. His wildly beating heart had finally settled down.

Given the obvious trail, it was all too easy for Li Hao to pursue him. From there, it's like what he said, he just needed to predict the direction where Yang Chen would go next and ambush him on the path.

Since the target only heads straight, the prediction would hardly go awry.

For his enemy to track him so easily, one could clearly see how inexperienced Yang Chen was when it came to real life experience like this.

"I knew you would be tracked down if you leave a trail like that but I didn't think that it would be this soon"

Amon wasn't surprised by how the hunter leader was able to track Yang Chen. In fact, he had long predicted that someone would exploit that trail.

"If you knew that something like this would happen, why didn't you tell me about it?" Yang Chen asked. To the members of the Zhang clan who couldn't see Amon, his behaviour of talking to himself seemed quite bizarre.

"That's because I was hoping for someone to open your eyes and teach you through a life lesson. But I didn't expect the one to teach you that lesson first would be the people from the Zhang clan" Amon replied deviously.

The devious plan of this demon made Yang Chen speechless, he could not ascertain whether this guy was his ally or enemy.

The demon wanted somebody to come knock some sense into him just to make him realise that?

While Yang Chen was having second thoughts about Amon, Zhang Zhan and Li Hao resumed their conversation.

"Haha, we were interrupted. So, Elder Zhang Zhan you were about to give me a reward for my work" Li Hao scratched his head and brought up the previous topic shamelessly.

"Right, you have done a good job leading us to this brat. For that, you must be rewarded. Zhang Bu hand him his reward" Zhang Zhan called out to Zhang Bu.