Chapter 52 - 52- A Cripple?!!

Chapter 52: Chapter 52- A Cripple?!!

For some reason, the [Map] option in the Menu shown in that black hole, was working.

"Maybe it can tell me where I am?" Yang Chen tried to open the [Map]. Incidentally, he just needed to think about opening the option and the option opened without him needing to physically touch the option or anything.

In any case, when Yang Chen tried to open the [Map], a message prompt popped in the black hole. Written on its wide black surface, were a few letters saying [Map cannot be used in this place].

"Cannot be used in this place, does that mean that this was some special place?" Yang Chen hypothesised. Since the [Map] couldn't be used here, his eyes went towards the other options of the [Menu] that caught his attention.

"Wait what's with that huge amount of mischief points in that top left corner" Yang Chen's eyes went wide when he saw the value he had under the Mischief Point section on the top left corner of the menu.

Mischief Points:- 589,200...

When did he collect this many points? Yang Chen remembered the highest amount that he had accumulated up until now, was around 7000 points and that too had decreased after he had spent it on so many things.

So what's up with that high value? It wasn't even 10,000 or 100,000, it was way over that and close to reaching 600,000 points.

Mischief points was awarded when Yang Chen committed an act that was regarded as evil or mischief by the system. Ever since waking up in this world, the system had only been awarding him with 50 or 100 points.

Going by that trend, it would have taken Yang Chen years or even a decade depending on the situation to collect this many points.

Yet now after he woke up in this weird place now, one inconceivable thing after another was happening. The mischief points displayed on the menu were beyond his imagination.

1X Healing potion, 1X Experience Point Booster and 1X Attribute Booster. These were the things that helped Yang Chen when he killed those bullies back in the Zhang manor.

"Wait a minute, earlier didn't the Greedvil system give me a message earlier saying that it finished installing? Did the system reinstall again? But why..."

Since Yang Chen was unconscious, he didn't know what happened after he collapsed nor did he know that it was Amon who had forcefully reinstalled the system all so he could avoid getting by those zhang clan lackeys.

"Am I here because of the system?" It was all a guess but Yang Chen for some reason felt like it was not far away from the truth.

If the system reinstalled itself, it made sense that all the three starter mystery gift boxes that one only got once, would be inside his inventory, it also answered why all his items were missing.

Well now that he had close to 600,000 points, losing a few items didn't affect him that much.

"I am guessing the reinstallation reset my progress huh" Yang Chen surmised, he was about to open [Shop] and see what good items can he get his hands on, when a thought suddenly struck him and his mind immediately went towards the [character] option.

The bad feeling he had been getting for a while, got stronger when he opened the [Character] option and he finally knew why.

The [Character] option like in any game, displayed his Name, Age, Level, Constituiton, Bloodline and other various things. It also listed the Battle Skills that he learned.

The last time when he checked this option, everything was displayed properly and in the exact same sequence as he learned them.

Yet now when he looked at it again, everything was in a mess. His Name and Age were displayed correctly; however, everything else other than that was in shambles.