Chapter 51 - 51- The Dark Space

Chapter 51: Chapter 51- The Dark Space

Deep inside the inner regions of the star fall jungle, where no hunter dared to even tread foot was a vast mountain range filled with powerful demonic beasts and mystical plants and trees.

This was the deepest sector of the star fall jungle and also the most forbidden place around this region. The reason for it being a prohibited land was because anyone that set foot inside the innermost region never returned alive and even if they did, they would return deranged and mad.

Because of such reasons, the deepest region of the star fall jungle was considered a forbidden land.

Currently, inside a very inconspicuous cave, the old man with unusual eyes was looking at the ceiling as he murmured under his breath "So he left huh".

After staring at the ceiling for a while, he shifted his attention back to the body of the young man. An expression of frown could be seen hanging on his aged face. Gét latest novel chapters on nov(e)lbj/n(.)c/om

"This kind of recovery ability is unbelievable; it is on par with the Heavenly Star Reformation constitution that is said to be unbelievably rare. However, how is it possible for this brat to possess such incredible regenerative abilities? As far as I can see this brat is extremely normal... wait what is that? H-How can this be?".

At the end of his sentence, the tone of the old man contained some astonishment.

Unaware of the old man's conundrum, Yang Chen who was floating in a space of endless darkness slowly opened his eyes. His body felt tired and it seemed like he had been asleep for quite a while.

It took a few seconds but his dazed eyes finally started gaining some clarity.

"Where am I?" there was only endless darkness here no matter where he looked.

Yang Chen tried to move his body but even that seemed impossible. He could neither get up nor move just simply float around in this endless nothingness.

[DING... Installation completed. Starting Greedvil System. Calculating values.. decompressing data].

"This..." There was no doubt, this was the notification alert from the Greedvil system which had fused with him.

If the Greedvil system was still working then does that mean that he was still alive?

"Amon" Yang Chen called; however, no matter how many times he called the name of that fellow he never responded.

"Can he not hear me?" Yang Chen wondered. In any case, it was a good thing that he was not dead, but if he wasn't dead, then where is this place and why was he in this endless dark space with a blackhole in front of him?

"Right... Menu" he called out the menu he was so familiar with, but to his utter surprise, the menu didn't appear in its usual way. Instead, it was displayed on that massive black hole.

Yes, the window displayed on the surface of that black hole was the Menu he was so familiar with. However, to have appeared there of all places, Yang Chen was completely gobsmacked.

Usually, he would question about such abnormalities to Amon but that tiny demon was nowhere to be seen.

Yang Chen took a few deep breath and composed his mind, be that as it may, the menu that he wanted to see at least appeared in front of him no matter where or in which form.

"Let's see if I can get any clue as to where I am right now. All the options are still there, most of them are still unavailable as usual. Oh!! What is this? The [Map] has opened?"

One of the options on the menu, the [Map] which was previously unavailable since the moment yang chen reincarnated in this world had become accesible.