Chapter 55 - 55- Malicious Intentions

Chapter 55: Chapter 55- Malicious Intentions

No matter who it was in his place, they would also have the same reaction. Although he was aware that he was alive and was currently in a special place, he didn't know that he could be kicked out from here.

Time ticked away... Yang Chen needed to make a choice fast. He did not know what would happen if he was kicked out with his physique still broken. Nevertheless, he had a feeling that he won't be able to make this selection once he was out.

Call it his intuition or gut feeling, Yang Chen just mysteriously knew it. Hence after he read the first few lines of the description, he grit his teeth and made his choice.

[DING... you have purchased the 'Extreme Evil Nihility Body' for 410,000 points].

[Your current Constitution is Ordinary (Broken) would you like to replace it with the Extreme Evil Nihility Body?]...


"Yes, of course, yes" Yang Chen immediately clicked the [Yes] option.

[Commencing physique change... Progress:- 1%... 3%].

Just as the commencement rate reached 30% the time limit was up and another notification popped up in front of him.

[Now Ejecting]... Yang Chen felt a powerful dizziness assault him and with his last remaining consciousness he was able to see himself get sucked into that enormous black hole.

Inside the cave where Yang Chen's unconscious body was lying around, a pair of dark eyes was looking at him with astonishment that couldn't be hidden.

The Undying Body... those that possessed the Extreme Evil Body, will have their physique transformed into a state where it would be nigh impossible to kill them.

The undying ability of the Extreme Evil Body as the name suggests, allows one to regenerate from the most serious of wounds and even from the brink of death. It made one's life force so tenacious that even they themselves would have difficulty killing themselves.

Not only that, the regenerative ability of the undying increases the more wounded the possessor of this constitution is.

This ability shines the best the longer the battle goes on. Where one would get tired and exhausted from their injuries, the possessor of this physique would be able to continue fighting without tiring.

Because of this reason, there was seldom any person in the ancient times that sought to battle a person possessing this constitution. If one became an enemy of the Extreme Evil body, one would have difficulty sleeping and eating in peace until they killed that person once and for all.

Of course, possessing the undying ability did not mean that one would really become unkillable. The undying ability only worked when the user still has a fraction of a life remaining.

In the instance that they were killed in a single blow, the undying ability wouldn't work. The other weakness of the undying ability includes when one suffers a mortal wound in areas such as one's head or brain.

In that case, even the unparalleled undying regenerative ability wouldn't be able to recover from that kind of wound as it meant instant death.

Other weaknesses include when one meets an opponent who was many times stronger than them. In that case, the opponent was unlikely to give them time to use their undying ability and recover from their injuries.

One would be foolish to do so, especially when knowing the ability of the Extreme Evil Body. They would prioritise eliminating you in the fastest way possible. Thus it cannot be said that the ability made you an immortal.

However, having it was much better than not having it.