Chapter 56 - 56- Malicious Intentions (2)

Chapter 56: Chapter 56- Malicious Intentions (2)

What's more, this was just one of the many fearsome abilities of the Extreme Evil Body, if it only had one ability it wouldn't be heralded as a legendary constitution through the ancient times.

The old man was extremely excited to see the legendary constitution appearing on Yang Chen's person to the point that he couldn't help but make an ugly smile.

"The heavens are with me. Using this boy's constitution, I can discard this shell and break through the restraints binding my body. Once I possess this new body, I will be able to reach that mythical realm that nobody is able to reach since the ancient times."

"At that time, no one will be capable of stopping me from conquering this world. Even those old fogies would not be my match at that time. They and their righteous sect will all perish under my hand... Hahaha"

The old man spread his hands and laughed. After a while, he calmed down and looked at the unconscious Yang Chen with his unusual black eyes. Greed, envy, joy, pride, various sorts of emotions surfaced within them.

"Boy... you should be happy that this great one will be using your body from now on. Quickly hand it over to me... Hehe. [Demonic Soul Spirit Possession]"

The old man made several complex hand seals and immediately, his unusual black eyes started realising dark black energy. This peculiar energy agglomerated behind the old man to form an enormous demonic avatar with six hands and a frightening face.

The demonic avatar had six eyes and was decorated with ornaments and indigenous markings that flowed all around its body.

The old man smiled when he saw the avatar behind him finish materialising. Next, he bit his tongue and spat out a mouthful of blood that mysteriously suspended itself in the air before being pulled towards the enormous demonic avatar.

"I offer my essence blood and now my soul" Right after saying that, the old man used his right hand to pierce his heart.

"Forbidden Secret Arts:- [Demonic Soul Spirit Possession]".

After devouring the demonic avatar, Yang Chen's eyes closed once again and his body dropped to the ground. Silence engulfed the cave for a long while before there was any activity.

"Unngh" Yang Chen groaned. He tried to move his body but it felt so heavy and unfamiliar. His dim eyes slowly opened regaining some clarity as they looked at the unfamiliar environment.

"Where... am I?" he muttered to himself.

"Kuh!" pain assaulted every cell and corner of his body; nevertheless, he gathered his strength and willed his body up only to realise that he was in a cave.

Moonlight fell on the place from the wide open hole in the ceiling above him, illuminating his surroundings.

What was going on? Yang Chen racked his brain. As far as he remembered, he was fighting those people from the Zhang clan before he lost consciousness and appeared inside that realm.

While he was dilly-dallying there, the notification telling him about the expulsion appeared and kicked him out of the place. And before he knew it, he woke up in this totally unfamiliar cave.

Yang Chen blinked his dazed eyes and sat on the cold floor of the cave absentmindedly.

"That's right, I purchased the Extreme Evil Nihility Body from the shop. So is my constitution restored?" He suddenly remembered the purchase he made inside that realm before losing consciousness.

He had bought the Extreme Evil Nihility Body for 410,000 mischief points. If even after this his constitution was still showing destroyed, he would have nowhere to cry.

Praying in his heart, Yang Chen called out the menu and opened the character option. A new window appeared in front of him, his eyes carefully traced the 2D body depicted on the window and slid over to the particulars on the side.