Chapter 57 - 57- Special Ability- [Wave of Annihilation]

Chapter 57: Chapter 57- Special Ability- [Wave of Annihilation]

There written next to the constitution, instead of Ordinary (Destroyed), it was now replaced by the Extreme Evil Nihility Body.

Yang Chen released a deep breath of sigh he had been holding for a while. A deep sense of relief washed over his body. He felt that the nightmare he was having was finally over.

"My constitution is actually restored... haha" he involuntarily laughed. There was a small part of him that thought all of this was just his dream. After all, that special plane, that black hole and that huge amount of points it was just too much for him to take at once.

Up until the last moment where he confirmed it with his own eyes, he was unable to believe it. His constitution which was destroyed, was finally restored. This meant that he could cultivate once again.

It was a pity that he had lost all of his levels, skills and the progress he made. Nevertheless, it was not like he hadn't gained anything. He now had this insanely rare and priceless constitution. He ought to gain much benefit from it.

"That's right, I wasn't able to learn everything about the Constitution. Let's read about its abilities before we get out of this cave..." Yang Chen pressed on the [Shop] option, and tried to open the physique section.

However, a notification saying that this section is unavailable at this moment popped up barring him from opening it. It was just as he had thought, he really was unable to access this option once out of that special realm.

Yang Chen didn't know how he knew about it but he was glad that he had listened to his instinct and made the purchase before he was kicked out of that realm.

"Well, I at least know that this constitution has the Undying ability". It was not like Yang Chen was completely oblivious of the constitution that he purchased from the shop. He had made the choice after carefully reading about the undying ability and although the other abilities of this physique were too esoteric for him to understand he did at least try to read some of it.

So it can be said that it was not like he knew nothing about the Extreme Evil Nihility Body.

He did not know if the ring had any value or not, but due his habit of picking up drops from his opponent made him unable to not pick up the ring.

Thinking that it might be precious, Yang Chen extended his hand and was just about to touch the ring when suddenly his body shuddered, the hairs on his body stood up and he felt something entering his body.

Yang Chen felt like he saw a pair of unsettling demonic eyes open in some unknown dimension before all of it quickly disappeared. The feeling was so abrupt that Yang Chen did not even have time to ponder about it before it was gone.

"What was that?" he wondered before shaking his head and picking up the ring. Now that he was observing it closely, he could see that the ring reflected a violet sheen in the moonlight.

"Oh!?" Yang Chen marvelled and put the ring on the index finger of his right hand. Next, he quickly swapped clothes before walking outside.

Now that he found himself in an unfamiliar environment, he first needs to ascertain where he was currently. Fortunately for him, he had the right option for the right job.

[Map], the option was unavailable when he first reincarnated in this world, but after the system reinstalled itself once again, it was accessible once again.

Opening the [Map] showed him a detailed chart of the place he was currently at, along with the geography and its structure.

"Looking at the layout of this place, I should still be inside the star forest jungle. But I cannot tell where exactly I am" Yang Chen muttered coming out of the cave.

A vast mountain range was behind him and in his front was an enormous forestland.