Chapter 84- Alchemy

84 Chapter 84- Alchemy

The morning of the next day, he woke up at the continuous notification sounds of the system that rang in his head.

Unbeknownst to him, he had racked up quite some points since the morning.

"900 points, it looks like the Zhang clan is in quite some uproar".

It appeared that throwing Zhang Hua's body at their doorstep was the right choice, he not only got back at that despicable clan but also earned some points through it.

Yang Chen came down to the dining hall, and after finishing his breakfast, he quickly slipped out of the Inn.

Since he didn't know when he would accidentally bump into that girl again, he wanted to avoid staying in this place as much as possible. As such, Yang Chen roamed the streets of Cloud City purchasing things he deemed necessary for his travel.

The first thing that he went shopping for, was clothes. Yang Chen was practically lacking clothes. Other than the one he had on, he did not have any more. As such, he bought a few sets of clothes that seemed okay to his eyes.

Of course, none of them had any enchantments cast into them like the black robe he had on. When he asked the shopkeeper about it, the guy gave him a weird look as if asking what are you talking about.

Nevertheless, from their reaction Yang Chen was able to guess that clothing like that with enchantment cast on them wasn't something one could just find anywhere or known about for that fact. Or else the shopkeeper wouldn't have given him that look.

After stocking up on clothes, Yang Chen went for the spices next, the flavours that brought life into the food. The bland food he had every day before coming to this city, was a torture through and through. He could no longer go back to eating the same thing hence he wanted to stock up on some spices.

Nevertheless, it was easier said than done to wipe out a clan that even the Lin clan and Xiao clan were helpless against. Who knew how many strong people they had in their clan, their strength and what kind of battle skills they had?

An extensive research into these things needed to be done before he could wage a one man war against the Zhang clan.

Fortunately for him, the Zhang clan was the overlord of this city and every movement and action they made, was the gossip of the town. However, it did not mean that he could dig into sensitive information from the ordinary masses.

Donning on his black robe, Yang Chen dived inside many dark alleys and shady establishments. Although he did find some information about the Zhang clan, there was no way of confirming the authenticity of it.

Plus, him digging around had also attracted multiple spies on him who he quickly escaped from.

"Do I have no other way than to sneak inside the Zhang Manor myself?".

As much as he abhorred that place, this was his only option and a dangerous one at that. Sneaking inside the enemy base not knowing their strength, would get him into a hell lot of trouble.

Of course, he had full faith in his Sky grade Battle Skills even if all of them were in the beginner completion rate, if he superimposed multiple of them at once he believed even a Battle Grandmaster won't be able to find him.

But that kind of thing took a heavy toll on his body and consumed too much battle energy. He wouldn't be able to keep that up for long.

While he was deliberating what his next choice of action should be, he came across a notice board that gathered quite a lot of crowd around it.