Chapter 85- Alchemy (2)

85 Chapter 85- Alchemy (2)

"Hey, did you hear that? It looks like the First Elder of the Zhang clan was severely injured while fighting a Demonic Beast".

"Yeah I heard that too. From the rumours it seems like it's quite bad, all the medicines and elixirs of tier 2 were ineffective and now they are looking for an Alchemist"...

"I heard that the Zhang Clan are offering quite a large sum of money"...

"Snort, so what if they have the money? An alchemist is a highly sought out and respectable profession that numerous people in this world aspire to become. However, how many are truly successful in their endeavour? They are so rare because it is extremely hard to become one, it's not just anyone can become an alchemist. In the first place, there wouldn't be any alchemist in this backwater corner of a region after all, there is nothing here that could attract them"...

The crowd discussed.

Listening to their conversation Yang Chen got a basic gist of it. When he read the notice on the board, it basically said the same thing.

Alchemist needed, rewards:- 100 gold profound stones or any item equivalent in value. The notice was issued by the Zhang clan with their clan symbol on the bottom of the parchment. Vissit novelbin(.) for updates

Yang Chen simply walked away after reading the notice, he had no business butting his nose where it didn't belong.

The First Elder of the Zhang clan getting injured... wasn't that a good thing for him? This meant one enemy less for him to take care of. In fact, Yang Chen was hoping in his heart that they didn't find an alchemist.

"But still an alchemist huh" It was not like he was unaware of what an alchemist was. Thanks to the memories of the previous owner of this body, he had a little bit of knowledge about them.

The mischief points were a very important factor to his growth so much so that even having a ton of it wouldn't be sufficient. If he can save mischief points by learning alchemy, then by all means he should give it a try.

And if it turned out later that he didn't have the talent for it, he can just give up then. Yang Chen decided as such. But then again, he was faced with another conundrum. Where would he find an alchemist teacher to teach him?

"Hmmm" As Yang Chen was deliberating what to do, he suddenly remembered that he had read about some words that spelt alchemy in the many books that were stored inside his ring.

Excited over the prospect, he returned back to the inn before schedule, locked himself inside his room and searched the space inside the ring with his consciousness.

"Found it" It didn't take him long to find the book that he had seen before.

The book was actually a diary of someone called the Great Sage Emperor who had written down his understanding of alchemy, the epiphanies he had, the profundities of pills and its unending mysteries.

Since it was impossible to record all of it into one book, there were twelve parts to it. The book that Yang Chen had in his hand was the first volume that talked about the rudimentary of alchemy and how the Great Sage Emperor came to understand it.

Yang Chen flipped one page after another, there were many things written in the book that he didn't understand. But he kept on reading it enthralled by the new knowledge.

His unending curiosity sparked a fire within him and he entered a profound state. Soon, Yang Chen's room descended into silence and the flipping of the page was the only sound that settled here.

Finally, after a long time, he closed the book and released a deep breath of air.