Chapter 65

Name:The Guardian gods Author:
65 65

" So we just leave it to luck and hope whatever lands in our world is good," Ikenga asked with a disturbed expression on his face.

" Exactly, we can do nothing but hope for the best, I don't plan on watching the rain of miracles as I still have some sleep and lessons to catch up to" Nana said as her huge corporal form slowly receded into the planet.

The Five gods watched their mother head back to sleep while their soul floated in outer space looking at the Whale, nobody said anything but it was easy to guess that none of the gods was happy with what they were seeing.

The whale nose fully opened at this time with a burst of pressure. An array of light came out from the nose before spearing and falling down into the planet Nana. The gods watching the array of light were able to notice the huge stones, seeds, plants and weapons of different types that came from it.

The stones came in different sizes as as they fell down onto the planet, they all caught on fire, Ikenga Knowing the effect of stones falling from sky stretched out his hands to see if he could exert his will to stop it.

Ikenga found himself frozen in place as he couldn't move because he noticed the whale attention was on him, the whale didn't even open its eyes to look at him but Ikenga knew he was being watched, calmly taking his hands down, Ikenga watched along with other gods as whatever was spewed out from the whale turned into a meteor shower raining down into the planet.

The gods watched the whole time as the whale did whatever it wanted to do, so after the whale nose closed and with that it moved, almost like the space environment was full over water. The huge whale slowly swam away.

Once the huge whale began moving, the gods felt themselves being attracted back into their realm and were overcome with the feeling of sleepiness, the gods didn't fight the attraction but instead let themselves be pulled.

Crepuscular spoke before disappearing " Hope our children can handle whatever it is that comes from this bizarre incident"

Nobody responded but from their head movement, it can be seen that they agreed. Ikenga before being pulled away noticed an eye on him to which he looked back to see Mahu smiling at him before blowing a kiss as she disappeared. A smile came upon Ikenga's face as he was pulled back to his realm before falling back asleep.

Ikem stood in the ruin, as his body started glowing red from the inside, red veins like roots can be clearly seen from how they were glowing from up under his skin, This was Bara who now lives in symbiosis with Ikem after he advanced to the Fourth stage.

The fourth stage was a stage in Ikem power advancement, he still couldn't explain how the stage worked but his knowledge of the stage started when his Core grew up once again at the time the hair in his body have turned completely green, he became in a way a living tree as he was now capable of hiding his presence the way the treant did.

He stayed in the third stage for a year before he got a reaction to the element living in his heart, the reaction started when he was sleeping before his consciousness was brought into a green space surrounded by wooden elements, it took a while for Ikem to notice that the space was the space in his heart.

Once he took notice of that, he heard the collective voice of the element living in his body " What is wood to you?" After the question, Ikem was thrown out of the space but from then on it became something of a nightmare where every time he fell asleep he was being asked the same question.

The question became something that was part of Ikem's life as he pondered on what wood is to him, he was smart enough to understand it wasn't really about wood, but it had something to do with the element itself.

Thinking deepöy into, Ikem turned the question to what he wants the wooden element to be able to do, that made it easier for him as he began thinking back the time he watches he father gives life to plants, Ikem knew he had a lot of limitation with his element but his father who also has the same element made it so incredible that it seems like there was no weak so if that was the question then he wants the wooden element to do what his father is able to do.

Given the elements that answer didn't work as there was no reaction after he delivered it, that got Ikem to get stumped until he took the question to his closest friend Bara who has been growing alongside him all this time.

" Hey Bara, This might be a weird question but what is wood to you?" Ikem remembered asked Bara the question this way.

Bara displayed no hesitation as he swiftly responded to Ikem's question. "For me, wood and plants serve as vessels for life and nourishment. Wood, in particular, is my conduit for consciousness, enabling me to sustain my vessel through the essence of blood."

Surprised by Bara's unexpected answer, Ikem stood in contemplation. He began reflecting to himself, "Achieving what my father did with the woods/plants seems impossible. It demands a profound understanding and connection with different elements to coalesce and bring forth life."

"I should commence with something I am at least familiar with, a realm where I've gained some understanding. What has captivated me about my father's connection with plants is how he gives them life. So, for me, wood symbolizes life. Building on Bara's explanation, wood's capacity to absorb nutrients and sustain life makes it a tangible representation of life force. Bara, as a wooden lifeform, possesses the unique ability to absorb life force, particularly in the form of blood. If so then what significance does blood hold for me, and how does it intertwine with the essence of life?"