Chapter 66

Name:The Guardian gods Author:
66 66

"All life forms, including me, a half-divine being, require blood for survival. Although I don't comprehend if it is the same for the gods, I still recognize the vital role blood plays in life," Ikem muttered unintentionally, unaware that he was speaking aloud, with Bara attentively listening.

"Wood signifies life for me, but how can I imbue wood with life?" Ikem recalled that Bara, at times, referred to himself as 'we'—a collective representation of small consciousness.

An audacious idea struck Ikem: "What if, through Bara, I could infuse life into wood?"

Hearing Ikem's words, Bara felt a profound clarity. Recollecting his initial encounter with Ikem and the peculiar connection thereafter, he realized, "This is my purpose."

Looking at Ikem with solemn determination, Bara spoke, "Let's do it, Ikem. Let's bring your dream of giving life to fruition."

With that, as if an unspoken agreement had been reached, before Ikem could respond, he sensed the elements in his heart stirring. Ikem concentrated deeply to comprehend the unfolding events, receiving only the word "Answered." Subsequently, Bara began glowing red, transforming into a drop of blood that gracefully entered Ikem's body and journeyed straight to his heart.

Upon reaching Ikem's heart, the blood breached the space where the core resided, merging with it. The core disintegrated, transforming into a small green tree with blood-red roots that were intertwining with Ikem's veins. This seamless connection allowed the absorption of blood to become a shared experience.

The whole transformation led Ikem to the fourth stage where a whole new experience awaited him and right now he was about to display one of the abilities from this stage. Blood red roots started flowing out from Ikem's body taking root into the ground and quickly spreading all over the mountain.

It took a while before Ikem felt that he had connected with the mountain, closing his eyes, with his connection to the roots Ikem felt the flowing blood/life force of his people buried in the ruins, even those that were buried he could feel them and clearly underwood where they were.

Supplying Mana, blood red roots stretched out into the ruins fishing out those that have survived, while at the same time the roots formed mouth from where ikem's voice was clearly relayed to his people in the mountain " Everyone should gather at the top of the mountain, no need to grab your properties leave everything behind where you are and gather at the mountain top, leave the rescuing to me "

Back to the Zephyr clan messengers ready to inform the four cursed clan of their leader's word. Surrounded by a tier two spell "Windy boots" The Zephyr clan messengers, still enveloped in the protective gusts of the "Windy Boots" spell, pressed forward through the ravaged landscape. The once lush forest, home to various magical creatures and flora, now lay in ruins. The twisted branches of fallen trees and the charred remains of foliage bore witness to the destructive force that had swept through.

As the trio made their way across the plains, they encountered the desolation that had befallen the area. Pillars of smoke rose in the distance, indicating fires that continued to rage unchecked. The ground beneath their feet crunched with the remnants of the once-vibrant ecosystem. The wind carried with it a haunting silence, broken only by the occasional creaking of damaged trees and the distant crackle of flames.

After a solemn hour of traversing the devastated landscape, the messengers arrived at the location where the four cursed clans were encamped. The camp itself bore the scars of the disaster, with tents torn and structures partially collapsed. Some members from each clan were gathered, tending to wounded comrades or mourning the loss of loved ones.

Approaching the leaders of the four cursed clans, the messengers bowed respectfully before delivering their message.

"We come on behalf of the King," spoke the messenger, his voice carrying above the mournful whispers of the camp. "The mountain palace has fallen, and everything is in ruins. The King sends word for all clans to regroup back at the mountain. Together, we can strategize and face whatever threat has befallen us."

The leaders of the four cursed clans exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of grief and determination. One by one, they nodded in agreement. Despite the tragedy, the fact their father is alive and well shows them that the situation can get better.

"We will gather our people and join the regrouping," said the leader of the Ember clan, his eyes reflecting the flames that had ravaged the surroundings. "But what of sustenance? Our food supplies are scarce, and many have perished."

The Zephyr messenger nodded, understanding the urgency of the situation. "Our king anticipated this. He instructs each clan to contribute what little food remains. Together, we shall share resources and face the challenges as one united front.

With a shared resolve, the leaders of the four cursed clans began organizing their people. The messengers, now assisted by the clan members, distributed what meager provisions had survived the disaster. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the scarred landscape, the messengers and the clans continued their preparations for the journey ahead—a journey that would require not only physical resilience but also caution as there might be creature that will see this as an opportunity to attack such large group of gathered apelings.

Night came by as the four clan leaders sat in circle of a campfire while discussing how long and how much danger there will possibly be in for their journey back to the mountain, Ripple had a look of realization on her face as she spoke out loud " What about the shrine, no message about the shrine has gotten to any of us"