Chapter 73

Name:The Guardian gods Author:
Chapter 73

Red has no parent and wasn't a born dragon so the amount of information he got was a lot, to make up for his lack in knowledge as he can't be a full ascended dragon without the knowledge to back it up, that said the inheritance memory overlapped the small memory he has before his transformation which was he didn't recognize his name.

Combining through his thoughts, Red began to see and understand where the name came from and the memory behind it, not only that he noticed that in his real name, "Red" was part of it. Real name is something all true dragons have to distinguish them from dragon beasts who are also dragons but have no inheritance memory or dragon related abilities.

Smirking to himself, " I wonder how those prideful old dragons will feel knowing that one of their own was named by a origin god"

Opening his eyes, Red saw Ikem brushing his scale . Standing up to his full height. Red took down his head a breathed out from his nose ruffling Ikem hair " The little ape has finally grown"

Rolling his eyes, Ikem said with a smile on his face " Nice seeing you again red" Updated chapters on novelbin(.)com

" Where is your father?" Red asked as he looked around.

" Sleeping," Ikem answered as he shrugged.

Red chuckled, his deep rumble echoing in the forest. "Ah, the luxury of slumber. I envy him."

Ikem chuckled in response "You've been sleeping for quite some time, Red. The world has changed," Ikem said, glancing at Red with a thoughtful expression.

Red nodded, acknowledging Ikem's words. " Is this change, what woke me up from my sleep?"

Ikem understood what Red meant, nodding his head " The rain of fire wasn't the only change, the whole world itself has been changing since your sleep"

Red shook his head before replying "I was woken when the child of chaos made his presence know"

" Child of Kaos?, how do you.." Ikem stopped himself from asking the question remembering his father specifically warning about asking Red anything that can be related to his change.

In his father's words, it is something above him. Changing his words, Ikem said " Is that what it is called?"

Red picked up on Ikem change of word but didn't react much, nodding his head " Yes, they are destroyers and enrichers of world, and from what I have seen, this one was enriching your world"

" Are you referring to the rain of fire as enrichment?" Ikem asked with his voice raising a bit. Hearing that what was killing his people being called a gift was something Ikem found outrageous.

" Why the anger boy?" Red asked, confused.

Ikem looked up to Red as he said " What you refer to as enrichment was a disaster for my people and the kingdom i was building"

Seeing that their leader wasn't showing any anger, the apeling calmed down before one of the Ember clan asked " My king, did you find the resource?"

" Not only did i find the resource, I got to meet an old friend, follow me" Ikem said as he started walking back to the farmland while at the same time explaining to his men of the visage of red as to get them prepared when they meet him.

Ikem stopped as he took on a serious expression " No matter what, never ask him what he is, just view him as another magical unseen creature"

" Understood" His men answered cautiously before Ikem nodded as he went back to his usual appearance.

It didn't take much time before they all came to the farmland, the clans men following Ikem stood stunned at the entrance as they took in the sight of red giant form laying down while eating fruit.

Red was also looking at the apelings at the same time a weird look crossed his eyes as he looked back at Ikem "Are you all related?" Red asked.

" Yes, they are my grandchildren" Ikem answered proudly as he gestured to the apelings to come closer.

" Now I understand why you were so angry" Red said as he looked at the apelings.

Red looked at the scared and petrified apelings " Handle your case with them, we can continue our talk after, meanwhile let me go out and see what i have missed"

Ikem glanced at Red appreciatively as Red unfolded his wing to fly off, sound of taking a deep breath could be heard as Ikem looked back at his men.

" I told you guys to be prepared," Ikem said as he looked at their shaking legs.

" My king, I don't think any normal person will be prepared enough to meet such creature" One of the Zephyr clan member said.

" Still that was disgraceful of you guys, you could have at least given him the respect of a greeting. I may not have told you guys but he is a good friend of my father, Your god Ikenga" Ikem said as reprimanded them.

" We apologize for our manners your highness" The clansmen said as they all took a knee.

" I know his presence is scary, but he made no gesture of being a threat. I hope to see something better next time" Ikem said as he looked back at the trees.

"Understood," the men said as they bowed.

" Now back to why we were here in the first place, Which among the Zephyr members here is the fastest?" Ikem asked.

" I am your highness" One of the Zephyr clan members stood up.

Ikem opened his hand as wood tendrils appeared out of thin air turning into a huge rattan bag, which he threw at the clan member who caught the huge bag.