Chapter 74

Name:The Guardian gods Author:
74 74

Ikem gestured to the farmland behind him " Put as many food as you can into that bag, pick out one person from the Ember clan beside you to act as your protector, I want you to hurry back to the mountain and gather all available Terra and Zephyr clan member, have with you a carriage to pick up the food here"

" Yes" the zephyr clan member answered as he gestured to a female member who stood up and joined him as they went into the farmland.

" As for the rest of you, I want you to pick off the fruits and usable plants, Have it ready for the clansmen before they all get here" Understood, the men said as they went to work.

Ikem picking up Red mana signature went up the mountain near the farmland, " You really have grown up boy" Red said as he watched Ikem getting up the mountain.

Ikem soon got to where Red was, " Hope I didn't keep you waiting"

" You didn't, it was fun watching you reprimand and ordering your people" Red said amusedly.

" I hope their behaviour didn't anger you," Ikem said as he looked at Red.

Red hearing Ikem world laughed out Loud, " Quite the opposite boy, their fear of me was enjoyable besides what type of dragon would I be if my mere presence doesn't strike fear"

" Dragon" Ikem took notice of how Red referred to himself. " Apart from that, boy i really think you should take time to look through the things that fell from the skies, I assure you will find something that will boost your people as a whole" Red said seriously.

Ikem hearing Red serious voice asked " You really are serious when you said they were enrichers"

" I am, beside I myself also got some good things while i was defending the farmland" Red said as he opened up his mouth, where a ring covered with warm red light came out from.

Grabbing hold of the Ring, the red light dispersed. Looking at the ordinary ring, Ikem focused to see if he could find something different about the ring but he found nothing, looking back at Red who had a smug look on his face " You plan on telling me what it does?" Ikem asked.

Red raised one of his claws and pointed at the Ring which glowed a bit before things started falling from the rings, gold sword shield, a huge pile of iron and stones. Ikem stood with his mouth open as he looked at the rings.

" How is this possible?" Ikem exclaimed as he looked at the ring.

" This boy is what you call a storage ring, guess where I found it from?" Red said as he looked at Ikem.

" No need to be riled up, there is a small chance of this happening but i do agree with you informing the other demigods so that they could keep an eye out," Red said in contemplative voice.

" What is your plan Red?" Ikem asked red who fell silent as he began thinking of what he wants to do, there is no need for him to continue guarding the farmland as Ikem already claimed the lan so it's protection is up to him.

" I think I will first have to go meet up with other ascended dragons before deciding on my next step," Red said after thinking for a while.

Ikem yet again was surprised as he looked at Red " There are more like you out there?" " Yes, and they should have also woken up at the same time I did" Red answered Ikem as he unfurled his wings.

" I will pay you and your people a formal visit next time. Hope I am still invited then" Red said as he slowly took off to the sky.

" We will be ready to attend to you anytime you come, and it was nice seeing you again Red" Ikem said as Red took off and within a blink of an eye turning into a black dot in the sky.

Ikem stood at the mountain as he watched Red fly away, " It's truly scary knowing that there is more of him still out there, the kingdom need to keep an eye out for any sighting of such beings near us'' Ikem thought to himself.

Ikem stood at the top of the mountain watching his men take down and gather the food getting it ready for transport, "The next step for the kingdom is to gather all these scattered treasures, if possible i would want the humans to hand over any treasure they took but that won't go well as they won't just hand over anything good thing they have"

" I think it's time we have an early contact with the humans around us, build a better relationship just in case and it will be a good excuse to keep an eye on them. I really wish this treasure event never started, the kingdom will have to pick up its pace if we don't want to be outdone by anyone lucky to pick up a good treasure" Ikem thought to himself as he sighed.

The sun was slowly going down, before Ikem from the top of the mountain saw a large group of apelings heading to the farmland, standing up from where he was sitting. Ikem went down the mountain to meet them.

By the time Ikem went down the mountain, the apeling team had already gathered at the farmland and were already working together to pack up as much food as they could. A figure caught Ikem attention from gathered apelings " Terra"

Hearing someone call him, Terra looked away from the clansmen he was guiding to look at where the voice came from " Father, I hear you went away on a walk with an old friend"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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