When we got off the train at the station, Saegusa-san, who knew the area well, said, “This way,” and we walked towards somewhere in the crowd without hesitation.

I had promised in advance that I would accompany Saegusa to wherever she wanted to go for the day.

So to be honest, I was quite excited to see where she was headed.

It would be funny if I didn’t care, since I was closely following the private life of my super idol Shiorin.

With that in mind, I walked for a while, and Saegusa-san stopped in front of a store on a side street off the main road.

“Ichijo-kun, can I take a look at this store?”

“Mmm? Yes, if you want to go, I’ll go with you.”

I smiled and said yes to the apologetic Saegusa.

but of course with a ” Shi-chan ” attached.

Then Saegusa-san, her cheeks reddening, smiled embarrassingly and said, “Un, thank you,” and walked awkwardly into the street store as if she was running away.

Even in such a big city, her suspicious behavior was still alive and well.

Apparently, she was still not used to being called Shi-chan and was embarrassed.

But I wasn’t going to stop calling her Shi-chan for the rest of the day, because it was so cute to see her get embarrassed every time I said it.

Because this is also to prevent people from finding out that she is Shiorin from Angel Girls. It can’t be helped!

I followed Saegusa into the store, and it seemed to be a stylish clothing store.

Some of the clothes on display were from foreign brands that I had seen before, so this seemed to be a select store for imported goods.

“Ara? Is it Shion by any chance? No way!”

“It’s been a while! I’m here!”

From the checkout counter, a man, not a female …… shopkeeper, noticed Saegusa-san and ran up to her, taking both her hands and shaking them happily.

The shopkeeper was a slender, fair-skinned man with neutral eyes and nose, and his clothes were very fashionable for running such a store.

“Ara? I mean what? Mabye he is?”

“N, Nnno you got it wrong?! It’s my classmate, Ichijo-kun!”

“Ara ara, fu~fu”

“Wa, What?”

“Oh, well, he’s got some good stuff, too.”

The shopkeeper then took both my hands and shook them as he introduced himself, “I’m Ken-chan, the owner of this store, nice to meet you!”

I was overwhelmed by the intensity of his character, but I said, “I’m Ichijo. It’s nice to meet you too,” I managed to reply.

“We have men’s wear in our store, so why don’t you try it on?”

Ken-chan then took my hand and led me to the men’s section.

And then I was being coordinated by Ken-chan as he picked out all the clothes in the store.

I was supposed to be just accompanying Saegusa-san shopping, but somehow I ended up changing my entire outfit.

“Okay, then go change there!”

Ken-chan handed me a full-body coordinated outfit and took me straight into the changing room.

I decided to change into those clothes, thinking that I could at least wear them.

“How’s it going? Did you finish changing?”

“Eh, …… well, …….”

At Ken-chan’s voice, I walked out of the changing room.

“Oh my”

“Hey, Ichijo-kun, ……!”

Then Ken nodded in satisfaction, while Saegusa looked surprised as she put her hands over her mouth.

“……wa, was it that weird?”

I was worried by their reactions, and asked them fearfully.

“What are you talking about, it’s too perfect, Shion is just surprised!”

Oh, really?

If that’s the case, well, I’m happy. ……

Once again, I check myself in the mirror.

Over a plain white t-shirt with a V-neck, I wore a patchwork western shirt with denim and paisley fabrics mixed in, and underneath, black tapered jersey fabric pants.

I was wearing a flashy outfit that I would never be able to match with my white low-cut sneakers that Ken-chan had coordinated for me to wear today.

But even though I would never normally choose a shirt with such a strong pattern, I didn’t feel so uncomfortable when I tried it on, and the pants looked slimmer than the straight jeans I was originally wearing, giving me a very clean look.

As I looked at myself in the mirror, I learned that the balance of the whole body is important in fashion.

But I still can’t believe that the stylish guy in the mirror is me. ……

“What do you think? You should say something to him, Shion?”

“Oh ……, Ichijo-kun, you look very…… cool……?

Ken-chan patted me on the back, and Saegusa-san, looking frazzled and embarrassed, complimented me on my outfit.

I didn’t think that Saegusa-san would say that I looked cool.

I was so happy and embarrassed that I turned red and told Ken-chan, “Well, I’m going to buy this!”

Ken-chan smiled and said, “Ara, is that okay? Thank you! Since you’re Shion’s friend, I’ll give you a discount.” and he just went straight to the checkout.

It was naturally more expensive than the clothes I usually buy, but it was a price I could afford with my part-time job, and more importantly, I got a pretty good deal thanks to the discount.

Why don’t I just go and play with it anyway? So I spent the rest of the day in the clothes I had just bought.

“Hahaha, sorry about that! It was supposed to be your shopping, but I did it first.”

“No! No, it looks really good on you!”

When I told her that I was sorry for only shopping for myself, she smiled and complimented me again, which made me happy.

“Shi-chan, hey?”

Ken-chan didn’t miss the fact that I called Saegusa-san “Shi-chan” and smiled at me.

“I’ll try this on then!”

Saegusa picked up a white maxi dress with a floral pattern from the store and went into the changing room.

After she finished changing, Saegusa came out of the changing room.

“W, well how about it ……?”

Then Saegusa-san asks me, looking at my face in embarrassment.

What do you think, ……?

“It is the best!”

I gave her a thumbs-up, smiled, and answered immediately.

It was just one dress, but when Saegusa wore it, the whole thing seemed to be complete.

She looked pretty and beautiful as a princess in a movie.

When I looked next to her, Ken-chan was nodding his head in satisfaction with a hand on his chin.

“Well then, I guess I’ll buy this today.”

Seeing the two of us reacting, Saegusa-san’s face turned red with embarrassment, but she decided to buy the dress.

Saegusa-san was just so cute as she twirled around and checked her image of herself wearing the dress through the mirror with a satisfied look.