After we finished buying our clothes, I talked to Ken-chan for a while and then we left the store.

“Thank you! Please come back again!”

Ken-chan even went out and waved us off, and we waved back as we said goodbye.

“He was a funny guy.”

“Right? He’s been a great help to me for a long time.”

Apparently, Ken-chan works as a stylist in addition to his store, so he sometimes does the costumes for the Angel Girls’ TV appearances, and at that time, Saegusa-san and Ken-chan hit it off and became friends.

“It’s almost lunchtime, shall we have a meal?

“Yes, but where would you like to go?”

“There’s a good restaurant near here, why don’t we go there?”

I was a little relieved when I saw Saegusa smiling happily as she said that.

To be honest, I was a little worried at first, wondering if it was really okay for me to be her partner, but I was happy to see her enjoying herself like this.

That’s why it’s no good to think about the “He is the one” anymore.

I smiled to change my mind and said, “Okay, let’s go there! Can you show me around? I replied clearly.

All right, let’s enjoy today to the fullest.

If I’m going to entertain people, I have to entertain myself first.

Saegusa-san brought me to an Italian restaurant very close to Ken-chan’s store.

There were several seats on the terrace of the restaurant, and it seemed to be a popular restaurant among young women, as they could enjoy a delicious Italian meal while feeling the breeze outside.

It was a beautiful day, so we were led to the terrace.

“We came here with the other members and had a great time.”

“Oh, Is that so.”

By members, I assume she means the members of the Angel Girls.

This is a big city, and even in such an ordinary restaurant there are celebrities coming and going.

I mean, don’t people around you notice that? I wondered, but as I looked around, the restaurant was filled with young men and women from all walks of life, and it seemed useless to look for celebrities anywhere in the restaurant.

To begin with, Shiorin-san was right in front of me, but the people around me didn’t seem to notice her at all, so I was convinced that the world is like that.

Shiorin, or Saegusa-san, was looking at the menu and happily wondering what to eat.

“Hey, which one do you want to eat, Ichijo-kun?”

“Hmm? I think I’ll go with the Bongo Bianco, because I like something light.”

“Oh, that’s good! Then I’ll go with ……. I think I’ll have the pescatore!”

After deciding on the menu, we raised our hands and called the waiter to place our order.

It was a beautiful day, and when we looked up at the sky, we were pleasantly surprised to see not a single cloud in the sky.

“Thank you so much for today.”

“It’s my pleasure. I had a great time shopping with you.”

“I see.”

At my words, Saegusa-san looked down in embarrassment.

“Well, then, will you come again when I invite you to ……?”

“Hmm? Of course, I want to go to Ken-chan’s store again, too.”

I replied honestly to Saegusa who asked embarrassedly.

Then she smiled brightly, as if a flower had bloomed.

Even through her sunglasses, her smile was more than enough to make her look cute and pretty.

More than anything, I was just glad that she was so happy to be going out with me, and I naturally started to smile too.

It’s true that Saegusa-san was a top idol until recently, and she’s an impossibly pretty girl.

But more than that, I was really enjoying the time I was spending with her, and I loved it.

That feeling was already clearly rooted in my mind.

So I added more words.

“You know… I also enjoy and like going out with you like this.”

I was too embarrassed to put my feelings into words, so I scratched my cheek with my finger and turned away to tell her so.

I couldn’t say it well at all, but I really wanted to tell her how much fun it is to be with Saegusa-san.

When I finished, I glanced to the side and saw that instead of the usual blush and suspicious behavior of Saegusa-san, I saw her frozen in a daze.

What is it? I was confused by her new behavior.


“Huh? Ah? Sorry.

When I called out to her, she finally came back to my world.

However, her cheeks were stained pink and she looked as surprised as ever.

Just then, the food we had just ordered was delivered to us.

Nice timing!

“Well, it’s going to get cold, so let’s just eat it.”


As we proceeded to eat, Saegusa seemed to naturally regain her composure, and by the time we finished eating, she was back to her normal self.

“It was delicious, wasn’t it?”

“Yes, it was. Hey, Ichijou-kun?”

“Hmm? What’s wrong?”

When we had finished eating, Saegusa-san spoke to me in a formal manner.

“I think it’s a bit unfair.”


“Well, Ichijo-kun calls me by my nickname, but I call you by your last name.”

“Ah, I see.”

Well, if you put it that way, you might be right.

I don’t mind that at all.



“Starting today, I’ll call you Takkun.”

“Eh, no, that’s…”

“I’ve already decided. Nice to meet you, Takkun”

Saegusa-san called me “Takkun” with a smile on her face while holding her cheekbones with both of her hands.

I wondered if this was a retaliation for my attack of calling her Shi-chan.

Needless to say, I was so embarrassed that my face turned bright red.

TL: Tsk