After we finished eating, we decided to watch a movie together, as Saegusa-san had a movie she wanted to see.

“Takkun! This way!”

Saegusa-san guided us through the crowd as usual.

And my name had changed to “Takkun” as well.

I can see now that it’s quite embarrassing to call me by this nickname.

If it was an old friend or childhood friend, I would probably be okay.

But to be called that by Saegusa-san, who until recently was a super idol, was very embarrassing to me because of the distance between us.

After a short walk, we arrived at the movie theater.

It was a big city, and the movie theater was a combination of a commercial facility and a hotel, so it was hard to believe that this was a movie theater.

We went inside and bought tickets for the movie that Saegusa-san wanted to see.

The movie Saegusa wanted to see was a romantic movie called “Conveying feelings and shortening the distance”.

This movie is famous for its starring Ayari Niimi, the leader of the Angel Girls, Akarin.

Apart from being an idol, Akarin has also been working as an actress since she was a child actress, and her acting skills have made her one of the most sought after young actresses.

So it’s not like she was casted because she was a popular idol or anything.

I looked at Saegusa-san, thinking that was why she wanted to see this, and she was smiling, enjoying herself with a slight blush on her cheeks.

We took seats at the end of the hall as close as possible, bought drinks, and took our seats.

Then, as the venue darkened and the commercial started to play, Saegusa-san took off the sunglasses she was wearing, saying, “Phew, I can finally take them off.”

It’s true that it’s hard to wear sunglasses all the time, even indoors, and I realized that celebrities have their own difficulties.

So I whispered to Saegusa, who was having a hard time.

“It’s been tough. But I’m glad I can see Shi-chan’s face better during the movie.”

I smiled at her with a joke to show my appreciation, and she turned around and looked at me. She then took off her sunglasses.

Her face was so red that I could see it even through the reflection of the monitor.

“No, you can’t, okay? We have to concentrate on the movie?”

“Hahaha, definitely! I will!”

“Let’s watch the movie properly, not me.”

I laughed and said that she was right.

“But maybe you should take a look at my side once in a while….”

As I laughed, Saegusa looked down and muttered in embarrassment.

With that said, I laughed hahaha and my face turned red as well.

The movie started.

The movie was originally a live-action adaptation of a popular girls’ manga.

It’s a very popular movie right now, so much so that I can hear the class saying that Akarin, the lead actress, is too cute.

It was a love story about a boy and a girl, the hero and heroine, who love each other but keep crossing paths, and eventually end up together with the support of a mutual friend who notices their feelings.

The hero is an ordinary high school boy, but the heroine is an idol, and the difference in status keeps them apart. [TL: Hey, I know this one.]

However, the hero managed to convey his feelings to the heroine, who had to change schools because of her idol activities, with the support of the people around him, and the two ended up going out together.

The heroine ends up transferring to a different school, but no matter how far apart they are, the distance between them is already closer than before, so no matter what happens, it’s a very sweet love story.

The heroine is an idol, and I was thinking that there are some similarities with Saegusa-san.

I wondered what I would do if Saegusa-san also had to change schools. I tried to imagine what I would do, but it couldn’t think of anything.

We’ve become such good friends, and even now we’re watching movies together, but to be honest, it was hard just to think of her leaving.

I looked next to me and saw tears welling up in Saegusa’s eyes.

Akarin’s acting was superb, realistically portraying the emotions of a girl struggling with love, and I was so moved by it that I almost cried.

We left the theater and walked together towards the exit.

However, perhaps due to the lingering effects of the movie she had just seen, Saegusa-san was walking in silence, looking down a little.

“…… Takkun, you’re not going to change schools, are you?”

Saegusa-san stopped abruptly and muttered quietly.

Me? Isn’t it the other way around? But seeing how Saegusa was acting, I couldn’t say anything light-hearted like that.

Because I had the same thought earlier.

That’s why I smiled and replied to Saegusa.

“It’s okay, I’m not going to transfer to another school.”

When I replied, she smiled and said, “I’m glad,” as if relieved.

And then.

“I’m not going to change schools, either. That’s why I quit my job as an idol at …….”

At those words, I felt a rush of emotion inside me.

It was probably because I had just watched such a romantic movie.

But I couldn’t stop feeling this way in front of this pretty girl smiling in front of me.

But what did she mean with quitting her idol career?

Could it be that Saegusa-san quit her job as an idol for reasons other than her studies?

I couldn’t help but wonder about that, and my feelings became a mess.

“Come on, come on! It’s already late, let’s hurry up and go home!”

It seemed that Saegusa felt the same way. She took my hand and started to walk towards the elevator, pulling me by the hand.

I couldn’t help but burst out laughing when I saw Saegusa walking toward the elevator in front of me, pulling on my hand.

My earlier squirming disappeared, and now I could cherish the time I had with this funny and cute Saegusa.


“That was fun! Let’s definitely hang out again!”

I smiled and grabbed Saegusa’s hand tightly.

When she suddenly grabbed my hand, Saegusa-san was startled, but she immediately smiled and replied, “Yes, absolutely!” She replied with a smile.

–Absolutely, that’s why.

Her cheeks were slightly tinged with a beautiful pink color as she whispered to me.

TL: And again Tsk