
Today is a day that would normally be spent cleaning up after the festival, but our class didn’t have much time to make decorations, and since we sold out early yesterday, we already cleaned up yesterday, so we had the whole day free.

So, as if yesterday’s festivities were a lie, I woke up later than usual, just like a normal Sunday, ate lunch, and after slowly getting ready, I left the house to run some errands.

The destination was a bench a little outside the station.

I thought I had arrived a little earlier than the appointed time, but there was already one person sitting there.

“Oh, Yahoo, Takkun!”

The person ahead of me was, of course, my girlfriend, Shi-chan.

When she noticed me coming, she raised her hand in greeting and smiled at me.

Today she was wearing a cream-colored knit and a long black skirt, and she looked as cute as ever in her autumnal attire.

Since it was her day off, she was wearing a little bit of makeup.

So, to be honest, when I arrived at the bench where we were meeting, I was so nervous that I thought, “That beautiful girl sitting there, the one who is waiting for me right now, is me. ……”

Since we usually meet in school uniforms, every once in a while when I see Shi-chan in her casual clothes, it makes my heart pound like this.

And one more thing, today Shi-chan was no longer wearing her glasses for disguise.

I guess she doesn’t plan to disguise herself anymore, as she announced yesterday at the school festival.

That’s why Shi-chan is now meeting me as a girl named Shion Saegusa.

I was happy to see that Shi-chan’s attitude, or rather her determination, was shown through her actions.

That’s why I thought I should be even more firm as Shi-chan’s boyfriend from now on.

Since Shi-chan has done so much for me, now it’s my turn.

I stood in front of Shi-chan on the bench, held out my right hand and smiled.

” Sorry for the inconvenience, Shi-chan, shall we go?”

“Ehehe, un! Let’s go!”

Shi-chan’s cheeks turned red with happiness as she took my hand and stood up cheerfully.

Then, we grabbed each other’s hands and naturally intertwined our fingers together as we started walking together to a certain place in front of the station.

As we reached our destination, Shi-chan, who was walking next to me, happily shook her joined hands and looked at my face many times with happiness.

Today’s destination was a large karaoke bar in front of the station.

When we arrived at the karaoke bar, there was a crowd of people in front of the bar.

“Oh! Takuya! This way!”

It was my good friend Takayuki who raised his hand and called out my name from the crowd.

Of course, next to him was Shimizu-san.

Shi-chan and Shimizu-san were happily waving to each other.

And not only Takayuki, but also Kengo and Mikitani were already there.

The reason why everyone is here is because the class is going to have a karaoke party to celebrate the great success of the festival.

Yesterday, when we were cleaning up after the festival, we were about to break up.

“Good job, everyone! It looks like we won’t need to clean up tomorrow, so what do you think? How about we all go to karaoke tomorrow and have a party?”

Kengo, the center of the class, suggested this to the others.

His proposal was immediately approved by the majority, and it was quickly decided that we would have a launch party.

Speaking of which, I was reminded of the time when we had just started this class, and I laughed to myself.

At the time, I was a bit of a jerk and didn’t want to go to karaoke with the rest of the class, so I turned it down and was about to leave when Shi-chan, who was standing next to me, puffed up like a blowfish and looked at me like she wasn’t happy.

I could tell now that she really wanted to go to karaoke with me, and I couldn’t help but laugh at her suspicious behavior, but she was so cute.

The girl next to me looked at me with a strange look on her face and asked, “What are you going to do, Takkun?” I quickly replied, “Yes, of course I’m going.”

I hadn’t wanted to go to karaoke back then, but now I was the complete opposite.

I was now more than willing to go to a party with my classmates who had completed the festival together.

I think I’ve changed a lot in the past few months, and most of it is thanks to Shi-chan, who is now standing next to me.

Because of her, I’ve been able to change a lot.

“If you’re going, then I’m going too!”

When Shi-chan heard my reply, she looked surprised for a moment, as if she was surprised that I answered immediately, but then she immediately smiled kindly and said that she would go with me.

“I’m glad you’re both coming this time.”

Kengo, who must have been watching our conversation, came over to us.

“ah, I’m sorry I haven’t been able to join you before.”

“No, it’s okay, it’s not mandatory. But thank you Takuya. …… And congratulations again to you both.”

Kengo smiled and said so to me, and to be honest, I had already come to believe that he was as good as Takayuki.

I’m sure he liked Shi-chan too, but Kengo’s willingness to congratulate me as a friend made me really happy, and I thought it was kind of cool.

With Kengo like that, I’m sure he’ll have a good love life next time.

That’s why I wanted to help my friend in any way I could.

I smiled and replied, “Thank you,” thinking that since Kengo had invited me, I couldn’t refuse the karaoke tomorrow.

“I mean, you look even more amazing in your casual clothes…….”

Kengo came up next to me and spoke softly in a voice that only I could hear, as if he was looking at something amazing.

Kengo looked at Shi-chan, who was happily chatting with Shimizu-san, and he knew immediately what she was talking about.

“Really, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it either.”

“That’s right, Takuya’s dating the love of his life right now.”

He smiled a little unpleasantly and said that it would be tough from now on, to which I replied with a dry laugh.

It’s scary that the admiration of all of Japan is not that over …….

“But it’s okay. I’ve already made up my mind to do something like that.”

Yes, I’ve already sworn that I’ll never let Shi-chan go, with all of her history and everything.

I am determined to make Shi-chan happy, not anyone else.

“—I see, well, let me know if you need anything.”

Kengo nodded once in satisfaction, as if he understood my determination, then patted me on the shoulder and walked to the reception.

After Kengo finished the reception, the launch of today’s cultural festival began immediately.