Translator: Soafp

The next day.

Today I’m going to school with Shi-chan.

However, there is one difference from yesterday.

That is, we both have rings on our ring fingers.

According to the school rules, it’s probably not allowed, but there are many other people who wear accessories.

Therefore, it’s not a good idea, but we decided to wear rings just for today, so we decided to do it secretly.

Well, it was a simple silver design, and I thought it wouldn’t stand out that much, but as we passed through the school gate, it was obvious that people were looking at our fingers.

The girls cackled at our fingers, and the boys looked blatantly disappointed—-.

“…… As I thought, we do seem to stand out a bit.”

“…… Haha, yeah.”

We chuckled as we looked at each other.

Well, it’s not good to break the school rules, so we decided to keep the ring as something to look forward to when we go out together outside of school.

We talked about this as we headed to the classroom as usual.

“Ou! Takuya! And Saegusa-san, good morning! Oh, you two, that’s ……”

“Is it noticeable?”

“Yeah, well, I’ve noticed it’s normally.”

As soon as we entered the classroom, Takayuki, who was already at school today, greeted us cheerfully and seemed to have noticed the rings on our ring fingers.

–Does the ring stand out, or does it stand out because it’s Shi-chan? …… Or maybe it’s both.

As I was thinking about this, next to me today, Moshi-chan and Shimizu-san were holding each other’s hands and chatting about the ring.

The boys in the class were watching them with warm eyes, and the usual scene was unfolding.

“Oh yeah, about the study group, can we start this weekend?”

“Yeah, I’m off from club activities, so I’m fine.”

“I’m fine too.”

I remembered that I had confirmed the date of the study session with Lime beforehand, and Takayuki and Shimizu-san both said yes to the weekend.

So we decided to have a study session together this weekend.

“So, where are we going to go?”

Takayuki asked, “A family restaurant or a library?” I remembered that I hadn’t told her where we were going yet, so I gently gave Shi-chan a look.

She understood what I was trying to say and tapped Takayuki on the shoulder to make him turn around, then pointed to her face and opened her mouth.

“Why don’t we do it at my place if you want?”

“Hmm? Yeah, if it’s okay with Saegusa-san, then—-Eeh!? A-Are you sure?!”

She smiled as she spoke, but it seemed to be a surprise to Takayuki.

Of course, Takayuki has a lovely girlfriend named Shimizu-san, and I’m sure he doesn’t feel the same way about Shi-chan.

But even so, it’s normal to have this kind of reaction when you go up to an idol’s house, even if it’s a former one. I couldn’t help but smile a little as I looked at Takayuki, who made me feel like I was looking at myself objectively.

In any case, this is how we ended up having a study session at Shi-chan’s house on a Saturday weekend.

Then the weekend came.

I met up with Takayuki and Shimizu-san in front of the station and led them to Shi-chan’s house while I bought some snacks for our study at a convenience store.

I asked Shi-chan to open the door at the reception desk, and we walked up to her house for the first time in a week.


“Welcome everyone! Come on in, come on in!”

Shi-chan opened the front door and invited us in with a smile.

Since we weren’t leaving the house today, Shi-chan was wearing a large white printed t-shirt and black jersey pants, and her relaxed outfit was also very cute.

We went inside, saying “Excuse the intrusion” to each other.

We were led to the living room, not Shi-chan’s bedroom as before.

It’s true that if you want to study, this would be a better place to do it since the table is bigger, and Takayuki is also here today, so he must have been embarrassed to be in the bedroom.

“I’ll serve tea now!”

Shichan said, and headed for the kitchen to prepare tea, so I said, “I’ll help you too,” and I headed for the kitchen with her.

Takayuki made fun of us, saying that we looked like a married couple, but I was too tired to respond to him, so I decided to ignore him.

But Shi-chan was so embarrassed that she squirmed, even her ears were red. The gesture was so cute that it made me happy just to look at her, which honestly helped.

“Maried couple, what should we do”

“Hmm? If it’s okay with Shi-chan, I’ll register at any time.

“FUE!? M-mou! Don’t make fun of me, Takkun!”

With that said, Shi-chan, who hit me with pompoms while making her face bright red, was so cute that I wanted to hug her.

I’ve only been thinking about how cute she is since I came here, so I decided to prepare tea with her, thinking that what I said earlier was not a joke.

It was still a little after 1:00 p.m. in the afternoon.

There was still plenty of time before evening, so we decided to start our study session.

The study session was led by Shi-chan, the head of the class, with each of us reviewing our weak points.

To be honest, Shi-chan’s academic ability is beyond the level of our school, but since Takayuki, Shimizu and I are all top-ranked students, we all basically proceeded with our own studies without a hitch.

Even so, we were blessed to be able to study in an environment where we could ask Shi-chan for answers to difficult math questions and other questions that we didn’t understand, so we were able to get a good feel for the subject even on the first day of the study session.

We looked at the clock and before we knew it, it was almost 5pm.

After studying for almost four hours straight, we decided to take a break and stop studying.

“S-Speaking of which, Saegusa-san. Do the Angel Girls ever come to this house to play?”

As we were relaxing and relaxing our stiffened bodies, Takayuki asked Shi-chan a question that seemed a little difficult to answer.

“Eh? Yes, Akarin and YUI stayed with me the other night, and all the members came to visit me when I first moved here.”

“I-I see. So, Megumi came here too!”

“Yes, she was, but ……?

When Takayuki heard Shi-chan’s reply, he nodded his head in satisfaction.

However, only she seemed to be unaware of the fact that everyone else knew that Takayuki was actually a Megumi fan.

Shimizu-san, his girlfriend, gave a slightly disgruntled look at Takayuki and pinched his thigh once, squeezing it.

“Ouch! Wait! What?!”


Takayuki was in pain, while Shimizu-san turned her head to the side with a pout.

Shi-chan and I smiled as we watched the two of them getting along as well as ever.

I thought it was really nice to have a relationship where both parties can communicate with each other in a natural way and not just be careful.

It’s like they’re a married couple.”

“Wait, what’s with Takuya?”

I replied exactly what Takayuki said to me, and he looked a little confused that he was the only one who didn’t understand the situation, which was kind of funny.

For better or worse, Takayuki has been honest again today.

“It’s time to have dinner. Saku-chan, do you mind?”

“No, it’s fine.”

Shi-chan and Shimizu-san must have agreed on this beforehand, because they called out to each other and headed straight for the kitchen.

“Eh? What? What’s going on?”

“I’m going to make dinner with Shion-chan, so you two can relax here.”

Takayuki asked what was going on, to which Shimizu-san replied with a slightly mischievous smile.

It seemed that we were going to get to enjoy a home-cooked meal prepared by two of the most beautiful girls in our class.

So I called out to Shi-chan, filled with an honest sense of joy.

“Yes, and by the way, Shi-chan, are you wearing a maid’s uniform today?

“I-I won’t!”

When I jokingly asked her about it, she immediately refused.

Well, that much was really a joke, so I took it in stride, but then Shi-chan squirmed embarrassedly and came up to me and gently gave me an earful.

“…… I’ll do that when we’re alone again.”

With Shi-chan’s breath on my ear, I heard this unexpected reply.

And after saying that, Shi-chan went to the kitchen, looking embarrassed.

–If it’s just the two of us, it’s fine.

My joke, which I had intended to make fun of, was unexpectedly accepted, and I was able to get a great cross-counter from Shi-chan.