Translator: Soafp

A variety of dishes were laid out on the table.

Rice, miso soup, grilled pork with ginger, salad, and Chikuzen-ni, a magnificent home-cooked meal, were laid out on the table.

Both Takayuki and I were surprised that so much food had come out in such a short time, even though it was done jointly by the two of them.

Takayuki was probably joking, but he even asked Shimizu-san to marry him! To be honest, I could understand his feelings.

Both of them were not only blessed with good looks, but also had too much feminine power.

When we were little, we used to sniffle and pick up wooden sticks and play adventure games together, but now we’ve both found the perfect partner for our respective needs, so I guess you never know what’s out there.

“Well, eat it before it gets cold!”

Shi-chan said, smiling as she waited for me to eat.

I decided to start with the miso soup, since it would be a shame if it gets cold after having it made for me.

“Ah, it’s delicious. This miso soup.”

Today’s miso soup was red miso soup, with wakame seaweed and daikon radish in it.

The flavor of the red miso paste and the soup stock were well balanced, and today’s miso soup was delicious without complaint.

I was told to try the ginger yaki, so I did as I was told and took a bite.

Well, I think ginger-yaki is basically a delicious dish, but this ginger-yaki was different from the rest.

The ginger flavor was good, not too sweet, and it was honestly the best ginger-yaki I’ve ever had.

“What do you think?”

“Yes, it’s really good.”

Shi-chan must be confident.

She looked at me expectantly as she asked me how it tasted, so I just said it tasted as good as I thought it did.

” I’m glad, this is my grandmother’s original recipe. I grate the ginger and make it myself!”

Shi-chan said, gesturing to grate the ginger.

Heh, this is homemade after all.

I knew it was completely different from the store-bought sauce, but I was genuinely happy to be able to enjoy the taste that had been passed down in Shi-chan’s family.

Takayuki was also impressed as he ate the gingerbread, proving that it was delicious without any exaggeration because it was his girlfriend.

Then there was the Chikuzen-ni, which Shimizu-san seemed to have shared with us, and it was very tasty and well seasoned.

I don’t know much about cooking, but I thought it must be amazing to be able to produce this kind of flavor in such a short time.

According to Shimizu-san, there is also a shortening technique that is handed down directly from the Shimizu family.

“Takuya, we’re really lucky, aren’t we?”

“Yeah, definitely.”

Takayuki and I savored the food they had made for us as we exchanged words.

The two of them were smiling happily at us as they enjoyed their meal.

When I asked them about it, they told me that they had already decided to cook for us today, and that Shi-chan had prepared the ingredients yesterday.

Shi-chan said smugly, “It’s a plan to grab our boyfriends’ stomachs! So Takayuki and I said, “Yes, you got it,” and bowed our heads deeply.

It was kind of funny, and the four of us laughed together.

After we finished eating our delicious meal, Takayuki and I were allowed to wash the dishes as a way of thanking them for their hospitality.

After we finished washing the dishes, we decided to watch the Angel Girls DVD that Shi-chan and I had watched together the other day, because we didn’t want to start studying again right away.

Since Shi-chan didn’t show any sign of dislike, I said I’d get it for her, and she nodded, so I went straight to her bedroom.

When I left the room and came to Shi-chan’s bedroom, I turned on the light in the room.

There was Shi-chan’s room, the same as last week.

I remembered that Shi-chan had slept on that bed when she had a fever the other day, and then I saw a lump of gray cloth on her pillow.

–Hmmt? What is that ……?

It was probably the sweatshirt I was wearing the other day.

I remember when I tried to return the sweatshirt after washing it, Shi-chan said it was okay because she was going to wash it. ……





Then, for some reason, Shi-chan came to her bedroom in a hurry.

What’s going on?! I thought, but Shi-chan alternately looked at me and the mass of sweatshirts right next to her, and her face turned blue.

“…… This is not what it looks like.”

‘……Eh? Not what it looks like?”

“That’s…… Yes! I’ve been a little sloppy, and I’ve been meaning to do my laundry, but I never did it until today.”

Then, for some reason, Shi-chan suddenly said something like an excuse.

But her eyes were spinning around and she looked completely suspicious as she waved her hands in the air and fumbled for an excuse.

She was talking about laundry, so she was probably referring to the sweatshirt on her pillow.

“I-I see, yes, I understand. But why did you put it on your pillow?”

“That’s… that’s… yes, because of that!”


“I put it there so I wouldn’t forget to do the laundry as soon as I woke up!”

Hmm, sorry, Shi-chan.

But I think that’s a bit far fetched.

If that’s the case, why don’t you just put it in the washing machine from the start instead of putting it under your pillow……

Well, as it turns out, I don’t really care about the sweatshirt, I was wearing it.

But to be honest, I was more curious about the reason why Shi-chan was so worried.

“Like I said it’s okay”

“It’s okay?”

“Yes! It’s not like I used Takkun’s sweatshirt as a hug pillow and sniffed it every night!”

As if to swear by something, Shi-chan declares with a red face and one hand raised straight up.

–Yes, well, let’s put it that way.

As Shi-chan desperately tried to make an excuse, I decided not to pursue the matter any further.

But I thought I’d better tell her this, so I walked up to her, who was acting suspiciously.

“I see. That’s fine.”

“Eh, Y-yes…..?”

“Whenever you want to hug me, I’ll hug you like this.”

I hugged Shi-chan gently.

Like I’ll always be there for you, not just my clothes in the wash—-.

“—Yes, I see. Ehehe, I love you, Takkun.”

Shi-chan hugged me back, looking happy.

“Then I guess I don’t need that anymore.”

“Hmm? Then, you were using it as a hug pillow.”

“Ugh ……, yes, I was, I’m sorry …….”

The embarrassed Shi-chan, who dug her own grave, was still cute and clumsy today.