"Mr. Chen, Mr. Jin Dong, please don't stand, please take your seat!"

Looking at Chen Mo, Jin Peiyun made a gesture of invitation: "Mr. Chen, please take your seat!"

None of the people in the rear dare to sit down. They all look at Chen Mo with a flattering smile.

Chen Jingye looks at his son, shocked and full of doubts.

The celebration banquet was held successfully, but the focus is no longer on Mei County, nor on Jin Peiyun, but on Chen mo.

Chen Jingye and Li Sufang also became the object of public praise.

After today, the Chen family will be famous in Fengshan.

Over the next few days, the Chen family kept greeting guests and piled gifts into a hill.

In the past, every new year, Chen's family was isolated from the whole world, which was completely broken, and Chen Jingye couldn't close his mouth.

Chen Mo is also pleased to see his father's smile from the heart.

Fifth day, also known as broken five, Chinese customs, after today, everything will be taboo.

Today, Nie Xiaoqian suddenly called and invited Chen Mo to get together. He said it sincerely.

The venue of the party is still Fengshan laoluwei. When Chen Mo arrives, Tan Qiusheng and Xu Zihao have been waiting for a long time.

Looking at Chen Mo again, Tan Qiusheng and Xu Zihao are somewhat restrained. They have already known what happened in the county guesthouse on the second day of junior high school.

Only Nie Xiaoqian, as usual, has not changed her attitude towards Chen mo.

"Are you two going to make a difference? What can you do in the future?" Chen Mo takes the initiative to speak, although it is a blow, but it is to ease the two people's constraints.

Tan Qiusheng and Xu Zihao smile awkwardly. Tan Qiusheng says with a smile, "I'll say Xiao Mo is still the former Xiao Mo, and will not change because of the change of his status. Do you believe it now?"

Xu Zihao rolled his eyes: "just now I don't know who was so nervous to go to the bathroom!"

Nie Xiaoqian covered his mouth and snickered. Tan Qiusheng made a big red face.

Chen Mo said with a smile: "no matter what we become in the future, our friendship will never change!" Finish saying, also do not know is intentional or unintentional, stare at Nie Xiaoqian.

The friendship in the heart, by Nie Qian to see the panic way But after saying that, a touch of sadness flashed in his eyes.

"Here, let's drink to the long-lasting friendship!" Tan Qiusheng raised his glass and cried.

Xu Zihao silently raised his glass, looked at Chen Mo and said, "one world, two brothers. No matter where we are going to develop in the future, when we are old, I hope we can come back here and relive today's scene! "


The four raised their glasses together, and even Nie Xiaoqian, who did not usually drink much wine, drank it down in one fell swoop.

Several people talked about some old things. The atmosphere was very warm, but Chen Mo always looked at Nie Xiaoqian intentionally or unintentionally, which made Nie Xiaoqian feel uneasy.

After a while, Nie Xiaoqian suddenly raised her glass and said, "after today, I'm going to follow my parents to other places. I'm afraid that there won't be many opportunities for us to meet in the future. Today's party should be regarded as a farewell banquet."

Tan Qiusheng and Xu Zihao were slightly stunned. Tan Qiusheng said in surprise, "Xiaoqian, do you want to leave Fengshan? Isn't your family living well in Fengshan county? Why go? "

Chen Mo and Xu Zihao also look at Nie Xiaoqian, hoping that she can explain why.

"Hehe, maybe my parents want to take me out to see the world! You don't have to be upset. The transportation is convenient now. I can come back to you anytime Nie Xiaoqian's eyes, flash a touch of helplessness, in addition to Chen Mo, Tan Qiusheng two people did not find.

"I support Xiaoqian's decision. People go up and water flows down. Fengshan county is too small and there is more room for development outside. I wish you a good journey Xu Zihao knew that Nie Xiaoqian's family had already made up their minds, and it was not easy to persuade.

Tan Qiusheng is reluctant. In fact, he has always liked Nie Xiaoqian in his heart. However, Nie Xiaoqian has taboos about men and women. He has never dared to express his love.

But he also understood that Xu Zihao was right. Fengshan county is too small, and if you want to get ahead, you still have to go outside to develop.

Like Chen Mo, after staying in Wuzhou for several years, he has changed a lot.

"Well, I wish Xiaoqian a good journey Tan Qiusheng said with a smile.

"Bon Voyage!" Chen Mo also raises his glass.

The four drank in one gulp.

Nie Xiaoqian stood up and said with a smile, "all right, there is no feast that will not end. Let's call it a day. I'll go first."

Tan Qiusheng and Xu Zihao sigh secretly. Chen Mo suddenly stands up and says, "I'll see you off."

Nie Xiaoqian's eyes flash a touch of tension, but not good to refuse Chen Mo, can only nod.

Chen Mo followed Nie Xiaoqian out of the door and walked to the side of the road. Nie Xiaoqian turned around and said with a smile, "send you a thousand miles away. Chen Mo, go back!"

Chen Mo looked at Nie Xiaoqian, but he didn't mean to go back. He said faintly, "Xiaoqian, if you are in trouble, you can tell me, I can help you solve it!"Nie Xiaoqian's eyes raised a touch of hope, but quickly disillusioned, she knew that Chen Mo must have seen something.

"I know that you are in a different position now. Even the big things like the Jin family in Hanyang are respectful to you. Now I might as well give you some information. I'm not from the same world as you. You can't manage my affairs."

Chen Mo said with a smile, "you haven't said that. How do you know I can't control it?"

Suddenly, from an Audi car in the distance, a middle-aged man in a black suit came down and yelled: "Xiaoqian, it's late, let's go back!"

Nie Xiaoqian was shocked and whispered to Chen Mo: "my uncle urged me. You should go back quickly. Remember, don't try to meddle in my affairs. You can't really manage my affairs."


Nie Xiaoqian finished, with a sad smile, went to sit in the Audi.

Looking at the Audi leaving slowly, Chen Mo's face is flat and his eyes are as deep as the starry sky.

Go back to talk to tan Qiusheng and Xu Zihao. Chen Mo leaves with Chen Songzi and stops a taxi to chase Nie Xiaoqian's Audi.

Uncle Nie Qian came down from the courtyard with his uncle.

A pair of middle-aged men and women are Nie Xiaoqian's parents. However, Nie Xiaoqian looked at the eyes of her parents, in addition to the cold, there is no slightest warmth.

"Big brother, can I leave now?" Nie Xiaoqian's uncle asked.

Nie Xiaoqian's father nodded: "put the things on the car and leave immediately!"

All of a sudden, a shrill laughter rang out: "want to go, leave the spirit girl!"

Three figures fell out of thin air and landed in the courtyard. The first one was a thin old man, and the other two were a middle-aged couple.

Nie Xiaoqian's father denounced: "Liancheng jade, what do you want to do?"

The thin old man said with a strange smile: "Ying Yixiong, your brothers have been hiding with the spirit girl for so many years, which makes me easy to find. You can't escape this time!"

Ying Yixiong is Nie Xiaoqian's fake father. Nie Xiaoqian's uncle is also a fake. He is Ying Yixiong's younger brother, Ying Yiping.

As for Nie Xiaoqian's mother, of course, she is also a fake. She is Ying Yixiong's wife, Bai Juan.

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