Ying Yixiong said angrily, "Liancheng jade is clearly the female of our Yin sect. Why do you say she is the spirit daughter of your spiritual sect?"

"If you want to rob our female, please pass me first!"

With that, a flash of black light flashed on Ying Yixiong's body, which was frightening.

Lian Cheng Yu sneered: "so many years, still stay in the middle of the channeling, you Yin people really live more and more back."

"Give up the spirit girl, you will not die!"

There is a yellow light on Liancheng jade, whose breath is far stronger than Ying Yixiong.

"Late channeling!" Ying Yixiong exclaimed.

"Keep looking!" Lianchengyu sneered, his face full of pride, his hands dancing in the void, pinching out a complex formula.


Around yingyixiong, the earth suddenly vibrated, and walls rose out of thin air to surround them.

"Yu Tu Jue! You've made a secret to resist the earth Ying Yixiong was shocked.

Liancheng jade complacent way: "hand over spirit female, Rao you not die!"

Ying Yixiong looks at each other, showing a touch of panic.

"Liancheng jade, Yinnv was first found by our Yingjia family. It was chosen by the young patriarch of Yin clan. If you dare to rob, our little patriarch will not spare you!" Ying Yixiong knew that he could not defeat the other side and began to threaten him.

"Ha ha, coincidentally, I came to look for the spirit girl. I was also ordered by the young master of lingzong. If you want to blame the little master of Yin sect, let him come to our little master of lingzong!" Liancheng jade silk without fear, looking at yingyixiong's eyes, full of fun.

"You..." Ying Yixiong has nothing to say. The identity and strength of the two shaozong masters are basically the same. No one can do anything about it. His threat is useless.

However, Ying Yixiong's strength is not as good as that of others, but if the Yin girl is robbed by Liancheng jade, once the little patriarch blames him, their Ying family will die very ugly.

"Liancheng jade, if you want to rob us, I'll fight with you!"

Ying Yixiong's three men were surrounded by black light, and the black light instantly entered their bodies. Their bodies grew out of thin air. Each of them reached an amazing height of more than three meters, and their clothes were torn.

"The evil spirit of Yin sect is not worth mentioning!" Lianchengyu sneered and drank to the two people behind him: "protect my Dharma!"

The middle-aged couple immediately blocked Liancheng jade behind them. A yellow light flashed past them. In front of them, there were two stone giants, bigger and more powerful than Ying Yixiong.

Liancheng jade continued to pinch out the complicated seal formula with both hands. Yellow light from his body quickly poured into the seal formula. A stone giant with a height of 10 meters climbed out of the earth, which was extremely terrifying.

The three Ying Yixiong have already fought with the middle-aged couple. After only a few rounds in front of Ying Yixiong, the two stone giants were smashed to pieces and sank into the ground again.

However, the middle-aged couple immediately summoned a new stone giant to block the attack of the three Ying family.

But behind him, lianchengyu's magic formula has been completed. The ten meter tall giant is directed by Liancheng jade and rushes to the three Ying family members.


The stone giant stepped out and directly kicked the three of Yingjia out. Even the hard red brick wall was broken. The life and death of the three of Yingjia were unknown!

Nie Xiaoqian looked at both sides of the fight, cold face, these people all want to take her as a gift to the master behind, their life and death Nie Xiaoqian do not care, had better all die.

Liancheng jade points out a finger at the stone giant and says, "close it!"

The stone giant, like a big Mac, immediately turned into a yellow light and disappeared into the ground.

Thanks to the suburb and remote location, ordinary people would be busy if they saw the stone giant.

"The demons of the three of them have been broken. Don't worry. You two will bring them out!" Liancheng jade ordered.

The middle-aged couple jumped into the hole in the wall and threw out the three yingjias who had recovered to normal and were covered with blood.

"Lianchengyu, you can't take the Yin girl away. She was discovered by our Yingjia family!" Should also male lie on the ground, gnashing teeth said.

"I will spare your life for the sake of the same Yin and spirit sect. But if you dare to say one more word to prevent me from taking away the spirit girl, don't blame me for being merciless!" Liancheng Jade's eyes flashed a killing opportunity.

Ying Yixiong is unwilling, but he can't do anything about it. Just now the stone giant's foot has broken the channels in his body. Now his body is stronger than ordinary people.

Lianchengyu sneered and looked at Nie Xiaoqian, who was standing on the sideline coldly, and said, "take it away!"

The middle-aged couple came to Nie Xiaoqian with a bad smile on their faces. The woman touched Nie Xiaoqian's beautiful face and said with an envious smile, "Oh, the little girl is really pretty. It's your nature to serve our little patriarch. Go with your sister

Outside the iron fence, Chen Mo watched the battle quietly, and was surprised: "I didn't expect that there are still immortal practitioners on earth! It's a pity that these people's strength is too weak. I'm afraid that the skills they cultivate are also incomplete versions. "Chen Mo clearly saw that the three men should also use the body cultivation technique. Liancheng jade uses the skill of earth control in the five elements. Although the strength is not good, both of them are pure immortal cultivation skills, which are different from those of heaven ghost school which specially absorb Yin and evil spirit.

"I wonder if the Yin spirit sect in their mouth is a immortal sect that has been continued from ancient times? If it is, I can just take something I need! "

Chen Mo, with Chen Songzi, slowly walked into the courtyard, facing up to block the way of several people in Liancheng jade.

"Who are you?" Liancheng jade stared at Chen Mo with a cold look, and the voice was very thin and hard to hear.

"Chenmo, how are you here? Go back! " After, see Chen Mo Nie Xiaoqian urgent face all white.

Her parents are fake, her uncle is false, but the feelings between her and Chen Mo are true, and Nie Xiaoqian has lived in Fengshan County for so many years, the only thing worth remembering.

She didn't want chenmer to die for her!

Liancheng jade looked at Nie Xiaoqian, who was nervous in his eyes, and smiled with fun: "Yo, it was our spiritual girlfriend's friend, disrespectful! But we little patriarch hate the woman that men provoke him to choose, so you will die, boy! "

"You dare!" Nie Xiaoqian drank quickly, and he said with a face. "If you dare to hurt my friend, I will commit suicide immediately. You will not go back to give a confession to the small patriarch!"

Liancheng jade frowns, see the eyes Nie Xiaoqian, he can see Nie Xiaoqian is serious.

"Tut, it's really emotional. Well, I don't kill him. You go back with me and serve the little patriarch. If you can't satisfy the little patriarch, then the boy will die." Liancheng jade stared at Chen Mo, and looked down at a mole ant.

"Chenmo, go! These people are not ordinary people at all. Your status can not frighten him. Even the law of the secular world cannot be bound. Go away! I said it long ago. My business is not something you can manage! " Nie Xiaoqian is eager to drink, still keep looking at Chen mo.

Chen Mo was calm, sad and happy: "I have said long ago, how can I manage it without trying?"

"How do you like to be strong so much?" Nie Xiaoqian is crying in a hurry.

Chen Mo ignored her, but looked at Liancheng jade, his eyes were cold, and his voice was still flat: "give you a chance to let her go, and then bring you little patriarch to me. Or no one can save you! "

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