Hanyang City, Meihua group subordinate chain catering company, xiangmanlou.

Meihua group started with real estate. But recently, the official regulation of real estate is relatively strict, and the real estate bubble is serious. Meihua group has begun to withdraw from the real estate market and operate in an all-round way.

Xiangmanlou chain catering is an industry mainly operated by Meihua group in the future. It has invested several hundred million yuan. There are many stores in Hanyang province.

Xiangmanlou has good service, delicious dishes and green and healthy food. In today's serious environmental pollution, once the food under the banner of "green, healthy and pollution-free" is launched, it is widely welcomed by people from all walks of life. Every store is full of customers every day. In a few months, the initial investment has recovered 70% and the income is considerable.

After discussing with Wen Qing, Li Sufang even planned to take xiangmanlou as an important direction of Meihua group's future transformation, striving to open its stores in every corner of the country within three years.

However, in recent days, the business of xiangmanlou has declined in a straight line, with more than a dozen stores in the city for three consecutive days.

Li Sufang and Wen Qing were greatly shocked and came forward to investigate the cause in person.

At noon, Hanyang City, scenery Road, xiangmanlou store, a woman with a child was about to come in to order, but suddenly another woman appeared beside her.

"Xiaoyun, how can you still come to xiangmanlou? It's out of date here. Now everyone goes to wankelai."

The woman called Xiaoyun, a little puzzled, asked: "the main products here are green and healthy food, and the service is good. How can it be out of date? What's good about wankelai

Xiaoyun is a white-collar worker with only one son in her family. Her living conditions are good and she pays attention to diet and health. Green and healthy food has always been her first choice.

Another woman is Xiao Yun's colleague. She left work at noon and went out to dinner with Xiao Yun.

"Green health food is good, but what wankelai recently launched is Chinese medicine health food."

It seems that those professional terms are not convincing enough. Xiao Yun's colleague changed his words and said, "you know Xiao Wang in our office? Not cervical spondylosis attack two days ago, did you ask for leave? "

Xiao Yun nodded and looked at her colleagues curiously. She knew Xiao Wang and asked for leave. But it had nothing to do with eating?

The colleague continued: "Xiao Wang went to the hospital for acupuncture and massage. Although the symptoms were relieved, he still felt pain. Finally, Xiao Wang was dragged by his husband to Wanke to drink a Chinese herbal health soup for cervical vertebra. Guess what? All of a sudden, the pain in her neck is gone! "

"It's amazing!" Xiaoyun is skeptical. After all, 90% of the so-called health care products made of traditional Chinese medicine are deceptive. She doesn't believe that a mere bowl of soup can cure the stubborn disease of cervical spondylosis.

That colleague exaggerates to say: "it is so magical! Xiao Wang went to the hospital for two consecutive days. Her cervical spondylosis recovered directly. I saw her at work today and talked to her for a long time. She highly praised wankelai's health food with traditional Chinese medicine. She almost praised wankelai all morning! "

Xiaoyun some heart, she also met Xiao Wang today, see Xiao Wang spirit and spirit are good, she also wonder how Xiao Wang cervical spondylosis so quickly?

I didn't expect that was the case.

Xiaoyun also has some occupational diseases, listening to colleagues said that Wanke is so magical, can't help but also some heart: "OK, let's go to Wanke to have a try, see if it's really so magical!"

Looking at the two people turn to leave, the empty corner of the store, two outstanding temperament women stand up, face a little serious.

"Wen Qing, what is the origin of wankelai Li Sufang said solemnly.

"Good." Wen Qing will call at once.

After a while, Wen Qing came over in a panic, and his tone was a little anxious: "Chairman, I have found out that wankelai is actually the industry of Wanjia. In a few days, it has blossomed all over Hanyang, and all cities above the county level have their stores."

"Wankelai mainly focuses on health food with traditional Chinese medicine. According to the feedback of customers these days, its reputation is very good, and it is even very miraculous. If you take a sip of soup, you can cure your stubborn disease for many years. They have basically robbed all the customers of xiangmanlou

Behind him, the person in charge of xiangmanlou with a lonely face came over and said sour: "what's more, yesterday I listened to a female guest chatting and said that she had drunk a bowl of soup, cured the infertility that has troubled her for many years, and successfully saved her desperate marriage."

"Now wankelai has been regarded as an authoritative hospital in the market. It has not only taken away our customers, but also taken many patients from the hospital."

Li Sufang looked serious and thought for a moment. She said, "what you hear is false, but what you see is true. Let's go to Wanke to taste it for yourself, and the truth will come out."

"If the rumors are true, then wankelai will be our fatal enemy in developing the green and healthy food industry chain!"

Wankelai's stores in Hanyang have really reached the point of flooding. Li Sufang and Wen Qing just turned a corner and saw a store.From a distance, you can see the dark people in the store, and even have formed a long line. Compared with xiangmanlou, when the business was the best, there were more people and the business was very hot.

The two pretended to be ordinary customers and queued in. One ordered a soup that was called refreshing.

Li Sufang and Wen Qing looked at each other suspiciously and took a sip of the ordinary, slightly yellowing spareribs and corn soup from the porcelain bowl.

After the entrance, except for a faint smell of herbal medicine, there was nothing special about it, but after about five minutes, Li Sufang and Wen Qing were shocked at the same time.

Just feel a cool air from the stomach to the four limbs, two people immediately feel refreshing, comfortable, eyes see things more clearly, breathing air also feel particularly smooth.

Li Sufang was shocked and studied the soup carefully again. It seems that there is the most common stewed corn with spareribs in it. The only special thing is that the soup is a little muddy, which seems to be made with some Chinese medicine.

"It's no wonder that in just three days, wankelai launched Chinese medicine health food, which was so popular, and it really has some ways." Li Sufang sighed.

Looking at Wen Qing, Li Sufang looked serious: "let's go."

Wenqing nodded and her face was dignified.

Back at Meihua group, Li Sufang and Wen Qing immediately closed the door for discussion.

"Xiaoqing, what do you think is in wankelai's soup? To achieve that amazing effect Li Sufang asked solemnly.

Wen Qing shook her head: "I don't know. There should be a secret recipe. If you only rely on that bowl of soup, you can't have that refreshing effect. It's estimated that there are experts behind you!"

"You can find out what kind of people Wanjia has hired as a helper." Li Sufang ordered.

"Well, I'll send someone to check it right away, but the chairman, would you like to call Xiao Mo to see if he can figure out the problem." Wen Qing asked tentatively.

"No, it's business competition. Xiao Mo can't help. Don't disturb his study." Li Sufang shook her head and refused.

"Well, I'll do it now."

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