The wankelai incident was still in the ferment. Two days later, xiangmanlou, owned by Meihua group, had little business. Some employees of Meihua even went to Wanke for dinner.

After dinner, he praised wankelai and even the hostile forces gave a thumbs up. It can be seen that the reputation of vankelai has risen to such a terrible height.

Wanke also spared no effort in advertising and marketing, and even invited authoritative departments and some medical professors to build momentum for them.

Some people who had eaten in wankelai went back to preach how magical the traditional Chinese medicine ingredients of wankelai were. Those who couldn't get it from other provinces were worried. All over the country asked wankelai to open stores in the local area.

Looking at the sales report of xiangmanlou, Li Sufang grinned bitterly as well.

Wen Qing gently comforted him: "Chairman, don't be too sad. Since you have lost to Wanjia in diet, let's start from other aspects. By the way, our chain drugstores have already started to be built. If we can launch a batch of special drugs, we can make it famous at one stroke. "

Li Sufang had to shift her attention from the catering industry, thinking for a moment: "you can contact those pharmaceutical companies to see if they have developed special drugs recently. If so, try to win over, even if it costs a high price. Chain drugstores can't be a failure. "

"The chairman can rest assured that Wanjia's energy is on the chain diet, and there is certainly no spare energy to compete with us in the chain drugstore. We will win this time Without competition from thousands of companies, the rest of Meihua group did not pay any attention to it. Wen Qing's beautiful face showed strong self-confidence.

However, before Wen Qing left the office, the chairman's landline phone rang.

Li Sufang answered casually: "who?"

At the other end of the phone was an eager man's voice, which made people feel a bad thing: "Chairman, no good. Wanjia has already entered the chain drugstore first. We are still in the construction. People have already started to open business. On the first day of business, they launched a special cold medicine. It is said that it is very effective. Now, in front of the drugstores of Wanjia, we have entered the chain drugstore, There's a long line! "

Li Sufang was stunned. The phone in her hand fell on the table. The whole person seemed to be ten years old in an instant.

"Chairman, what's the matter?" Wen Qing walked quickly to Li Sufang and asked nervously.

Li Sufang sighed, and her eyes were full of Decadence: "just now the person in charge of the chain drugstores called, and Wanjia's chain drugstores have begun to open business, and on the first day of business, they launched a special cold medicine, and the business is booming!"

"How could that happen?" Wen Qing was stunned: "Wanjia is clearly against us!"

Li Sufang looked dignified: "it seems that this time, Wanjia is going to fight us in an all-round way."

Wen Qing some worried way: "in the current situation, we are not Wanjia opponents at all, we must find out what cards there are."

Li Sufang shook her head: "it's useless. I can't find it at all, but I'm sure there's a master in every family!"

Wen Qing looks serious and looks at Li Sufang. She is eager to speak.

Finally, he still couldn't help it. He whispered, "Chairman, I think I'd better call Xiao Mo to ask him?"

Li Sufang was silent for a while, but she still shook her head: "I've been waiting for two days. I can't do it. I'm giving Xiao Mo a call."

The bad news came one after another, but all the industries involved in Meihua group would appear at the same time. Moreover, every industry of Wanjia is very successful. Even a fool can see that there are experts in Wanjia.

In the office of Meihua group, Li Sufang sits in front of the computer and looks at the performance reports of various industries of Meihua group in recent days.

Almost a bleak, all the performance showed a straight-line decline, just a week, Meihua group loss has reached hundreds of millions of yuan.

If this continues, Meihua group will be able to apply for bankruptcy within a month.

"Well, whose help has all these families received? This attack is so powerful Li Sufang sighed helplessly.

Wen Qing poured a cup of tea, put it on Li Sufang's table, and said again, "Chairman, you'd better call Xiaomo. If we continue to wait, we'll lose even more."

Wen Qing's tone has already taken a plea.

Li Sufang looked at Wen Qing and nodded helplessly: "OK, you can call Xiao Mo to see if he has any way."

Compared with Meihua group, Wanshi group is full of joy.

In the lounge of wanchangru, several people are raising their glasses to celebrate.

"Master mu, Mr. Nangong, thanks to your help this time, let me crush Meihua group! Come on, Wanmou, I'd like to propose a toast to both of you Wan Changru raised his glass and drank it down.

This time, Meihua group is finally in a good mood.

Nangong dragon and Mu Zhengfeng also raised their glasses and drank them slowly.

Looking at Mu Zhengfeng, who was wearing a blue robe and wearing a bun, Wan Changru said with a flattering smile: "master mu, these days I have opened my eyes. I didn't expect Alchemy to have such wonderful effects! It can be used not only in the catering industry, but also in the pharmaceutical industry, even in the hotel industry. Wan Mou this time, thoroughly grew the insightWood is breeze light way: "carve insect small skill, not worth mentioning."

Nangong long looked arrogant and said, "Meihua group is just a secular force. It's not worth mentioning. If it wasn't for revenge on Chen Mo, my Nangong family would be destroyed. There's nothing to be happy about."

"By the way, hasn't Chen Mo appeared yet? How calm he is! Hum When Chen Mo was mentioned, he immediately burst out a strong hatred in Nangong longan, hoping to tear Chen Mo away.

Mu Zhengfeng looked at Nangong long and said, "be calm, don't be impatient. After all, the strength of Meihua group is extraordinary. Only one week is not enough to force it to a dead end. When Li Sufang can't hold on, he will naturally inform Chen mo

Nangong Long's face softened slightly, and he snorted coldly: "I just wish I could not kill Chen Mo as soon as possible and avenge Tian'er!"

Wan Changru's eyes flashed with gloom. Wan Wenyou's legs were broken and almost disabled. Why didn't he want to kill Chen Mo earlier? However, they all underestimated Li Sufang's strength, and have not informed Chen Mo so far.

"At the latest, I will be informed by Chen Suyang. At that time, it was time for us to get revenge. " Wan Changru, who had been planted beside Li Sufang, had already told Wan Changru about Li Sufang's actions.

"Well, tomorrow I will take down Chen Mo's dog's head with my own hands!" Nangong long roared and smashed his glass on the ground. , the fastest update of the webnovel!