At the end of the conversation with Murong Yan'er, the smile on Chen Mo's face slowly disappears.

According to the memory of her previous life, Chen Mo remembers something happened to Murong Yan'er's birthday party.

He didn't attend the banquet in his last life, so Chen Mo didn't know exactly what happened, but later he heard something from his classmates. It seems that Murong's family is in trouble this time.

Chen Mo's previous life focused on an KeYue, and paid little attention to Murong Yan'er and did not inquire too much. But this time, Chen Mo will not let her go. Even if her father has a bad attitude towards him, Chen Mo will not let her encounter any danger.

Since it's a birthday, it's natural to give birthday gifts. For those gifts in the secular world, Chen Mogan doesn't look up to them. Moreover, with the power of the Murong family, there is no lack of those worldly things.

Chen Mo wants to give away, naturally he wants to give a unique one.

Chen Mo takes out a piece of chalcedony from the storage ring, reaches out and cuts out a small piece of chalcedony, which is made into a jade talisman similar to Li Sufang's Wen Qing.

With this jade talisman, Murong Yan'er has a second life!

It can also be seen from this jade amulet that in Chen Mo's mind, Murong Yan'er has been regarded as an existence at the same level as Li Sufang and other relatives.

After finishing the Yufu, Chen Mo secretly records the time of Murong Yaner's birthday party and continues to immerse himself in cultivation.

At the end of March, Hanyang is located in the center of China. The weather is changeable, but this does not affect the enthusiasm of the citizens when spring is coming.

Yangui lake, located in the suburb of Wuzhou, is naturally the first choice for many people to visit on weekends.

Especially in the area of Yangui Lake recently, under the influence of the spirit gathering array, the vegetation is lush and the flowers are in full bloom. Compared with most areas where the dead trees are waiting to be sent out, it is undoubtedly a wonder.

Some local people were surprised and thought that this was an abnormal phenomenon from heaven, which was a good omen.

In fact, just a few days after Chen Mo went to Hanyang, rumors about Yangui lake had already been making a lot of noise. Many citizens came to watch it by car.

However, Chen Mo's spirit gathering array can not only gather the aura of heaven and earth around them, but also serve as a maze. Many people find that once they enter the area of luoyanpo and Yangui lake, they will lose all six senses and can't distinguish the southeast, northwest and northwest. After a circle, they will return to their original place inexplicably.

People who don't know why, they associate this strange experience with some gods and ghosts. They think that there are ghosts and gods to protect the environment from being damaged.

In this way, Yan Guihu's deity is even more extraordinary, as if the immortal's holy land sheltered by immortals.

This kind of rumor soon attracted the attention of the official, and the official immediately sent a special research team to investigate the Yangui Lake area of Luoyan slope.

The research team picked some herbaceous plants near Yangui lake. Through analysis, it was found that all the plants in the area of Yangui lake and luoyanpo had extremely strong vitality, comparable to some tonics such as ginseng and Polygonum multiflorum.

However, they found that the rumors of those citizens were true. No matter how hard they tried, they could not enter the depths of luoyanpo.

The experts were shocked and had to believe that luoyanpo was really protected by ghosts and gods.

However, the experts did not give up their minds. If we can find out the secret of early growth and flowering of plants in luoyanpo, the value of this research result is immeasurable.

Some experts have proposed to take the plants on the edge of Luoyan slope and plant them in other places. However, they found that these plants will wither and die soon after transplanting. It seems that they can't survive without leaving the area of luoyanpo.

After many experiments, experts finally determined that it was not the magic of the plants in luoyanpo, but that the place was different from other places.

However, due to the maze effect of the spirit gathering array, these experts can't enter the depths of luoyanpo no matter whether they take a car, walk, or land from the air by helicopter.

Moreover, from the air, they found that luoyanpo and Yangui Lake were shrouded in a layer of fog, and they could not see the scene below.

One time, the roar of a helicopter disturbed Chen Mo's practice. Chen Mo offered his sword to cut the sky. A golden light flashed by and cut off the tail of the helicopter. He was so scared that no one came to spy on him again.

Finally, the experts finally gave up their minds and were convinced that there were ghosts and gods here, and they did not dare to continue to explore for fear of disturbing the ghosts and gods in the mountains.

The fame of luoyanpo and Yangui lake has continued to rise in a straight line. Almost everyone in Wuzhou city knows the rumors of luoyanpo and Yangui lake.

The day before Murong Yan'er's birthday party.

That day, Chen Mo finished his practice and went to the corner of the villa balcony, where there was a glass bottle.

On the top of the glass bottle, along the balcony window glass, there are drops of water that are falling drop by drop, falling in the glass bottle impartially, which has received most of the water.Although these water droplets slide down from the window glass, they are not contaminated with any dust, just like the purest distilled water.

Chen Mo grabs the glass bottle with his hands, and his mind moves, and he is put into the storage ring.

"It's almost done. If you promise someone else, you need to do it as soon as possible, otherwise you won't be calm."

Chen Mo talks to himself, carrying his hands and slowly moving his steps.

One step, has come to the villa outside, a few steps, the whole person has appeared in the villa group at the foot of the mountain.

At the foot of luoyanpo mountain, the villa of Chu Wenxiong.

In recent days, Chu Wenxiong is in a good mood. The rumors of Yangui lake and luoyanpo have doubled the price of Yangui lake villa area. What's more, the plants planted in his yard are full of vitality, and the flowers even show some signs of budding.

Chu Wenxiong's insight was even more brilliant than those so-called experts. Although he did not know the specific reason, he understood that this was an excellent phenomenon.

"Chu Wenxiong."

Suddenly, a voice of indifference came from behind, and Chu Wenxiong turned around abruptly: "who?"

When he saw the thin figure of the boy behind him, Chu Wenxiong's face was startled, and he quickly bowed his hands and saluted: "master Chen, how did you come?"

"I have something to do with you. Come with me." Chen Mo goes straight into the hall of Chu Wenxiong villa.

Chu Wenxiong was a little frightened. As a big man in Wuzhou, he did a good job in the security of his villa, but none of his security personnel found out how Chen Mo came in.

If the person who came in was his enemy, I'm afraid Chu Wenxiong is dead now.

But thinking of Chen Mo's unpredictable methods, Chu Wenxiong was immediately relieved. If master Chen was found by his security personnel, it would not be master Chen.

Following Chen Mo into the hall, Chu Wenxiong looks at Chen Mo who is standing with his hands down and says, "what do you want from master Chen?"

Chen Mo thought, the glass bottle filled with spirit water appeared on the table in front of him.

Chu Wenxiong wondered, "is this , the fastest update of the webnovel!