Chen Mo's face was flat, and he sat directly on the throne. He was not polite to Chu Wenxiong at all.

"This is Reiki water." Chen Mo said lightly.

"You go and get a pot of plants."

Chu Wenxiong immediately brought a pot of peony that was about to bloom and put it on the table.

"Master Chen, I don't know why these days, but the peony, which had to wait for a month to blossom, has a trend of budding. Is it related to you? "

Chen Mo did not answer, but stretched out his hand to grasp the peony in the void. The peony that had intended to blossom withered in an instant.

Chu Wenxiong is shocked by Chen Mo's strength, but at the same time he is puzzled. He frowns at the scene and doesn't know what Chen Mo wants to do.

"You pour a drop of Reiki water from that bottle into the flowerpot." Chen Mo said.

Chu Wenxiong did it.

A drop of spirit water drops into the flowerpot. The peony, which had already withered, recovered miraculously in an instant. What was originally just a budding state, now it is in full bloom. The delicate flowers are extremely brilliant and weird in the hall.

"This is Bring the dead back to life Chu took a breath of cold air and couldn't believe what he saw.

"Lingqi water can bring back the dead to life for these tiny plants, but it has no such effect on the human body. However, if you take it for a long time, you can eliminate all kinds of diseases and prolong your life! " Chen Mo said lightly.

Chu Wenxiong exclaimed: "all diseases disappear, prolong life!"

Not to mention prolonging life, as long as it has the effect of eliminating all kinds of diseases, this aura water is enough to let everyone break the head to compete.

In addition, to prolong life, that is equivalent to elixir level elixir, once known, afraid of losing all one's fortune, they have to rob!

Chu Wenxiong's eyes were full of greed and flattered with a smile: "master Chen, I don't know if you can sell this spirit water?"

"If you want to sell it, I'll give you half of my property." Chu Wenxiong paid off his blood and looked at Chen Mo with expectation.

Half of Wuzhou's property, a few also have hundreds of millions, to exchange for this bottle of Reiki water, it seems that some losses.

In fact, Chu Wenxiong is very smart. He is not young now, and the injuries he left when he was young began to torture his body. If it were not for Chen Mo's Peiyuan Dan, he would be in great pain every day.

However, although Peiyuan Dan can repair the body's trauma, it can't prolong his life. If Chu Wenxiong's life comes to an end, even his family property will not be able to take away a cent.

Even though Chu Wenxiong's family property is half of his family property, the remaining half is enough for him to spend several years or even decades. This business is absolutely cost-effective!

This world is such a cruel reality, no money people take life for money, rich people buy life with money, it is time for Chu Wenxiong to take money to buy life.

Chen shook his head. "I'm not going to sell it."

As soon as Chu Wen's ambition sank, he began to play the card of love: "master Chen, for the sake of my loyal following you, you will be merciful and give me a bottle of spirit water!"

Chen MoSi did not move, light way: "listen to me finish."

"I don't sell this spirit water because it can't appear in the secular world, otherwise it will easily cause unrest."

Chu Wenxiong thought a little, and wanted to understand Chen Mo's concern. This kind of spirit water, which can eliminate disease and prolong life, is undoubtedly the elixir that the emperor of Qin and Han Dynasty have spent countless human and financial resources to obtain. Once it comes out, it will certainly arouse the peep of those who stand at the top of power, and it is likely to trigger a world war.

Chu Wenxiong nodded: "master Chen is thoughtful! But... "

Chu Wenxiong still looked at the bottle of spirit water on the table pitifully, just like a child who saw his beloved toys. How could he have the demeanor of a big man in Wuzhou!

Chen Mo was helpless and glared at Chu Wenxiong: "don't worry. Since I come to you, I can't help you."

"Reiki water can't be sold, but it can be diluted. Although the effect of Reiki water diluted with drinking water is not so powerful, it can eliminate all kinds of diseases and prolong life by drinking for a long time."

"And the diluted Reiki water can be used for sale in a dignified manner!"

As soon as Chu Wenxiong's eyes lit up, he immediately understood Chen Mo's purpose of looking for him, and he was ecstatic: "so master Chen came to me to help you sell those diluted spirit water?"

Chen Mo nodded: "yes."

"I'm going to set up a company to let you take charge of the operation. You can take 20% of the profits from the sale of these Reiki water."

"20%" Chu Wenxiong was ecstatic. Once this kind of aura water was released, it would definitely exceed the demand, and the profit of 20% would even exceed his present wealth.

Originally, he thought that Chen Mo was just asking him to be a free coolie. Unexpectedly, Chen Mo was so generous that he directly allowed him 20% profit.

The most important thing is, since he is responsible for selling Reiki water, will there be a shortage of Reiki water in the future? Even if you flush the toilet with these aura water that other people can't buy every day.Chu Wenxiong was overjoyed, but he still had some doubts in his heart.

Looking at Chen Mo, he found that Chen Mo was in a good mood. Chu Wenxiong asked cautiously, "master Chen, with all due respect, you don't value the money in the secular world. Why do you want to sell these spirit water all of a sudden?"

Looking up, in order to fulfill the promise, Chen Mo has a deep voice

Chen Mo promised that old Tang would push out these spirit water for the benefit of the people, and even thought of giving them away free of charge. But he didn't want people to develop the habit of getting something for nothing. What's more, people would think it's a lie. Therefore, it is the most suitable way to sell these spirit water by commercial means. "

Naturally, Chu Wenxiong didn't understand what Chen Mo was thinking. However, he just asked casually. As for who Chen Mo promised, it was not his concern.

Chu Wenxiong bowed his hand and said, "master Chen, I'll send someone to register the company, but you have to give the company a name first."

He said, "let's call it Chen Lingyan lake."

"Yangui lake life spirit liquid? Good Chu Wenxiong was overjoyed. The name is very appropriate. The spirit of life gives people a feeling of being tall.

Chu Wenxiong can't wait to run the company. Later, Chen Mo is only responsible for the supply of goods, and Chu Wenxiong is responsible for all sales links.

Chen Mo is not worried about Chu Wenxiong playing some small tricks, because he has no courage.

Leaving the villa of Chu Wenxiong, Chen Mo walks up the mountain without exerting his magic power. He is ready to see what the luoyanpo covered by the spirit gathering array is like.

Along the way, there were a lot of pedestrians, and they were all talking about some rumors about luoyanpo and Yangui lake.

Chen Mo laughs when he hears that luoyanpo is protected by ghosts and gods.

Strictly speaking, he is much more advanced than the so-called ghosts and gods. He is an immortal cultivator who even fears ghosts and gods.

Along the way, you will soon reach the edge of luoyanpo. In depth, it is the scope of the spirit gathering array.

At this time, a few young men and women are walking in front of him. Chen Mo's eyes move: "I've met an acquaintance here." , the fastest update of the webnovel!