On the border of Xihai Province, in the misty Youlan mountain, the headquarters of wudaozong gate is located.

Gongsun Ziying knelt in the hall of Youlan gate and kowtowed incessantly. His voice was shrill: "master, master Chen killed my father and abandoned my accomplishments. Please avenge me for my disciple!"

On the stone chair above the hall, there is an old man with a bald head in black, who is the head of the Youlan gate, Qin Guanhai.

Yuan Qingshan, who came back from the desert, stood at the head of Qin Guanhai and quickly bowed down and said, "master Chen's strength is unfathomable. I can't even stop a move under him. I can't easily offend him!"

Qin Guanhai glanced back and forth on Yuan Qingshan and Gongsun Ziying. The faces of all the disciples in the hall were different. I didn't know who they would listen to as the sect leader.

Gongsun Ziying raised his head, and his pretty face was already covered with pear blossom and rain: "master, don't worry. I got the news before I came that master Chen has died in the desert of the northwest sea of death. I beg the master to come forward and kill master Chen's followers and avenge my Gongsun family! "

"My Gongsun family is willing to give half of our property as a reward to the master!"

"Master Chen is dead?" Yuan Qingshan's face was surprised, and immediately, he drank coldly and said firmly: "no, it's impossible! The news must be false. "

"Master, don't be fooled Yuan Qingshan turned to look at Qin Guanhai, and said anxiously.

Qin Guanhai waved his hand to stop him. His face was gloomy and said, "Qingshan, Ziying is my favorite disciple. Master Chen even abandoned her cultivation and didn't give me the appearance of Youlan. If I don't do something, what kind of face will I have to stand in the martial arts world in the future?"

"Ziying, go back and prepare yourself. I will go down the mountain and ask Master Chen for justice."

Gongsun Ziying was overjoyed and bowed down: "thank you, master!"

Yuan Qingshan still wanted to persuade him, but when he saw a flash of greed in Qin Guan's eyes, he immediately gave up the idea of persuasion and sighed in secret.

"Elder martial brother is greedy for the property of Gongsun's family. I'm afraid this will make you LAN gate fall into the abyss of doom!"

Yanjing, a super family of Yang.

In the villa, Yang Mingyu looks into the mirror and is applying medicine to the scar on his face.

Yang Minghua, the most effective man, knocked at the door and came in.

"Young master, there is news from Hanyang that it is Chen mo Died in the northwest sea of death desert

Yang Mingyu's hand couldn't help shaking, and the ointment was smeared on his eyebrows.

Taking out a napkin from the box beside the table and wiping the ointment on his eyebrows, Yang Mingyu's expression returned to normal.

"Is the news true?"

Yang Minghua said in a deep voice: "I'm not sure, but 80% of them are true."

"Then 20% of that is false? 20% chance, too big. " Yang Mingyu continued to apply medicine to the scar.

Yang Minghua stood aside respectfully and kept silent.

"Is there any news from Nangong family? Has nangongyu, the old man, not been cleared yet? " Yang Mingyu asked casually.

Yang Minghua arched his hand: "I still haven't heard that nangongyu has any sign of going out of the pass. Even his swordsman Gu Changfeng died in Nangong's house, and he didn't see nangongyu appear."

"Is it possible that Nangong Yu has already died? It's just the fog that Nangong family deliberately let out, which makes people afraid of Nangong family! "

"No, nangongyu was the first master thirty years ago, so he didn't die so easily." Yang Mingyu's tone is very positive.

"What do we need to do next? Go to find out if Chen Mo is really dead? " Yang Minghua asked for instructions.

"No, we just have to wait and see. Someone will do it for us." Yang Mingyu turned his head and looked at Yang Minghua with a smile in his hand.

"I understand!"

Wuzhou, yanguihu villa group, home of Chu Wenxiong.

As the person in charge of the spirit of life, Chu Wenxiong has been in high spirits recently, and his status has risen rapidly. Those big men who used to be equal to him in the past have to take the initiative to lower their heads when they see him.

As the person in charge, Chu Wenxiong naturally has the right to use the spirit of life at will. So now Chu Wenxiong looks a few years younger and taller.

Even though he sang at night, Chu Wenxiong was still full of energy. He knew that all this was given by master Chen.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Chu Wenxiong was in the courtyard of the villa, and a middle-aged man with short hair and fine hair was correcting his posture.

This man is Chu Wenxiong's new bodyguard. He is an expert in the inner world, Mr. Qi.

A gust of wind blows, chuwenxiong villa top, suddenly a bald old man, like ghosts, two people did not notice.

"Mr. Chu, your feet are pressing down three inches, right!" Mr. Qi guided Chu Wenxiong very seriously.


A sneer, in the night sky suddenly ring, let a person frighten.


Mr. Qi immediately turned around and looked at the people with vigilance.The bald old man's body floated down and stood steadily in the yard, looking at Chu Wenxiong with a sneer on his face: "are you the big man of Wuzhou, Chu Wenxiong?"

Chu Wenxiong was shocked that he could hide many of his eyes and ears. Even Mr. Qi didn't even notice that he was very powerful.

"It's Chu. Is that your excellency?" Chu Wenxiong bowed slightly with humility.

"You don't need to know who I am. I'll give you three days. You can gather master Chen's party members and wait for me three days later. I have something to announce!" Qin Guanhai said coldly and haughtily.

"If someone doesn't arrive in three days, don't blame me for being cruel."

With that, Qin Guanhai hit Mr. Qi next to Chu Wenxiong.

"Mean!" Mr. Qi roared and put up his arms.


His arms broke, and then his chest collapsed and he died on the spot.

"Vulnerable!" Qin Guanhai sneered, clapped his hands, and looked arrogant.

Chu Wenxiong took a breath of cold air, and his face changed wildly. His first thought in his heart was: the comer is not good!

Mr. Qi's strength is very clear to him, even if all his subordinates add up, it is not enough for Mr. Qi to fight with one hand. However, Mr. Qi was killed by this man with one blow. The strength of this man in front of him is almost equal to that of master Chen.

"Sir, what has offended you? I hope you can tell me one or two! " Chu Wenxiong bowed deeply and was more modest.

Qin Guanhai sneered: "three days later, I will tell you that you just have to do what I say. If you dare to disobey, this person is your example!"

Chu Wenxiong bowed down again: "Chu dare not, I will bring the words to you!"

"You know what you are!"

With that, Qin Guanhai flew away.

Chu Wenxiong stood up and looked at the direction of Qin Guanhai's departure. His face was gloomy.

"Is it true that master Chen died?" Thinking of this, Chu Wenxiong's face was even more ugly.

"Dao Zai, get someone to clean up this place. Prepare the car and take me to boss Jia immediately! "

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