Hanyang Province, office of chairman of Meihua group.

It was already more than nine o'clock in the night, and Li Sufang and Wen Qing were still busy with the new project's production. In such a large office, only two of them were left.

A middle-aged man in his thirties came out of the elevator and walked slowly towards Li Sufang's office without making a sound.

Li Sufang, who was drawing something on the paper with a pen, suddenly looked up at the door and said, "who?"

The door, which was locked, was suddenly twisted open, and the man came in, slightly lowering his head, unable to see the specific appearance.

"Chairman Li, I'm here to see you back to the West!"

Li Sufang and Wen Qing were shocked, but their faces did not change: "who are you? If you want money, I can satisfy you. There's no need to take risks! "

The man grinned coldly and kept walking towards Li Sufang: "I don't want money, I just want your life!"

All of a sudden, a figure floated in from the door, blocking in front of the man.

Seeing the visitor, Li Sufang and Wen Qing were relieved.

The man looked at the Taoist priest who was three feet above the ground in front of him, and showed a frightened look: "martial master!"

"Yes, you can die!"

Chen Songzi's face was murderous and his figure flashed. He came directly to the man and put his hand around his neck.

"Master, forgive me!" The man had difficulty breathing, and he begged for mercy with fear on his face.

Chen Songzi's voice was cold: "tell me who sent you, I will spare your life!"

"I, don't know, that person only told me, after the success, send me a top-notch elixir, can let me step into the realm of transformation!"

"What's the use of keeping you?"

Click, Chen Songzi grip hard, the man was killed on the spot.

Chen Songzi turned around and bowed to Li Sufang and said, "the chairman is shocked!"

Li Sufang stood up and quickly returned a gift to Chen Songzi: "don't do this, Taoist priest. You can't repay me for saving your life."

"By the way, why did the Taoist priest appear in time? Where's Xiao Mo? "

Chen Songzi stood aside and said, "the young master has something to do. He is afraid that you are in danger. Let me protect him in secret."

Li Sufang nodded and bowed, "thank you

"Don't be polite to the chairman. It's my job!" Chen Songzi bowed.

"You have a rest early. I'll take care of it first." Chen Songzi finished and left with the corpse on the ground.

Wen Qing looked at Li Sufang and asked, "Chairman, who do you think sent the man just now?"

Li Sufang said with a sneer, "is it necessary to ask? Who else can there be but ten thousand! "

"It seems that thousands of families have jumped over the wall in a hurry!" Wen Qing's face flashed a touch of worry.

"Yes, it's good that Xiao Mo has been on guard for a long time, otherwise they will succeed!" Li Sufang had some dark hatred. Her face was firm and said, "but if Wan Changru thinks that I can be stopped by these conspiracies, it is too small for me to defeat Wanjia!"

"Xiaoqing, you also want to collect some martial artists. You can't trouble Xiao Mo and Taoist priest Chen in everything."

Wen Qing nodded: "I will do it tomorrow!"

The next day, Wanshi Group Chairman's office.

Wan Wenyou slid into Wan Changru's office and closed the door.

"Father, the man is dead." Wan Wenyou said plainly.

Wan Changru seemed to be expecting it. His eyes were deep and he sighed, "it seems that it's not time for us to try our best."

Wan Wenyou sneered: "father, I don't think so."

Wan Changru looked at him and waited for the following.

Wan Wenyou said: "this result just shows that the news of Chen Mo's death may be true!"

Wan Changru wondered, "how do you say that?"

"If Chen Mo killed the assassin we sent, he would certainly come to us for revenge because of his character. Now, there is no movement in Meihua group, which shows that the person who started the attack is not Chen Mo himself, but the Chen Songzi beside him."

"It can be inferred that Chen Mo must have left Hanyang and gone far away, otherwise he would not have arranged Chen Songzi with Li Sufang."

"It is very likely that he died in the sea of death desert."

Wan Changru nodded and agreed with Wan Wenyou's analysis. He gently tapped his finger on the table and thought about his next step.

"Father, are we going to try our best?" Wan Wenyou's eyes seem to be burning a cluster of beating flame, which is a long suppressed fire of hatred.

After waiting for a while, Wan Changru said, "we are still observing for two days. This time, we are gambling with our lives and can't afford to lose!"

"I understand. I'm going to inquire about the news and see how the people around him react."

Wan Wenyou rowed his wheelchair and left slowly.

Wuzhou, Jia Jingan's private chamber.

Chu Wenxiong and Jia Jingan sat face to face, both serious."Recently, it is said that master Chen has died in the sea of death desert. What do you think, old Jia?" Chu Wenxiong asked in a deep voice.

Jia Jingan shook his head: "nonsense. With master Chen's power, how can the desert win him? It must have been a deliberate rumor! "

Chu Wenxiong nodded: "I thought so at the beginning."

"But I heard from my subordinates that after killing Gongsun Zuozhuan, master Chen did go to the northwest. Now it has been nearly 20 days, and master Chen has never heard from him. It's really worrying!"

Jia Jingan shook his head, and his face was firm: "boss Chu, have you been confused about drinking Lingqi water recently? How can you doubt the strength of master Chen? It's better to think about how to deal with the powerful enemy

Chu Wenxiong spread his hands and said helplessly: "how to deal with it? I talked to Taoist priest Chen on the phone. He was protecting the relatives of master Chen in Hanyang. There were only two little girls left in yanguihu villa. What can we ordinary people do? "

Jia Jingan's eyes turned, and he had a plan in his heart: "otherwise, we will lead the disaster to the East and let him go to Hanyang. Then we can let Taoist priest Chen clean him up."

Chu Wenxiong glared at Jia Jing'an and scolded, "Lao Jia, I think your brain is just in the water. If you don't think about it, if Taoist priest Chen is defeated, that person will hurt master Chen's relatives. It will be strange when master Chen comes back and doesn't pick your skin off! "

Jia Jing'an seems to think of the consequences, scared out a cold sweat, cautious way: "how to do?"

"What? Cold sauce Chu Wenxiong was helpless: "let's do as the man said. It's important to protect our lives and wait for master Chen to come back!"

Jia Jingan sighed: "it can only be so!"

Three days later, Qin Guanhai came to chuwenxiong villa again.

The big men, who had been waiting here for a long time, got Chu Wenxiong's warning in advance. They were respectful to the mysterious master and tried their best to delay Chen Mo's return.

Chu Wenxiong said with a fawning smile, "master, I have gathered all the people for you. What can I do for you?"

Qin Guanhai glanced at the crowd with a look of disdain on his face: "are you master Chen's minions? Well, that's all. It seems that master Chen is just a false name! "

A group of big men look ashamed, and curse Qin Guan Hai Tai secretly in their hearts, and there is no one in sight. At the same time, I expect Chen Mo to return as soon as possible to clean up Qin Guanhai.

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