In a flash, only representatives of Yanda and Qinghua were left.

They look back and see that all the people behind them have run away. They immediately scold these people for their lack of meaning. At the same time, they take advantage of the attention of all the people on Chen Mo and what kind of big men they are.

In the twinkling of an eye, a number of famous school representatives ran out.

Yan Shichang and Chen Mo naturally found their movements, but there was no sound to stop them. Yan Shichang doesn't want to get too stiff with those famous schools, but Chen Mo doesn't care at all.

The big men of the seventeen cities of Hanyang bowed in front of Chen Mo for five minutes, until all the big men were soaked with sweat, and Chen Mo slowly opened his eyes.

"Get up Chen Mo said lightly.

A group of big men suddenly long sigh of relief, although all are a face of distress, but the face appears from the heart of the smile.

"Forget it this time, and never do it again! Otherwise, don't blame me for not being affectionate Chen Mo glanced at all the big men and said coldly.

A lot of big men couldn't help but swallow and spit, and nodded and said yes.

There was a little doubt in the eyes of the stunned people. It is obvious that these big men came here not just to congratulate Chen Mo on becoming the champion of the college entrance examination, but for another purpose.

Chen Mo Mingxian also knew the purpose of these big men, so he deliberately gave them a bully, but finally he forgave them.

However, the inside story may only be known to the party concerned.

These big men came together to celebrate Chen Mo's becoming the champion of college entrance examination. In fact, they came for the affair of Youlan gate.

When Gongsun Ziying led Qin Guanhai to retaliate, they not only submitted to Youlan gate, but also took Qin Guanhai, the owner of Youlan gate, to yanguihu villa. Yan Qingcheng was injured and yanguihu villa was occupied.

Fortunately, yanguihu villa has not suffered any damage, and yanqingcheng and Sangsang are only in danger. Therefore, Chen Mo only gives a little punishment and chooses to forgive them.

Chu Wenxiong and others know Chen Mo's character. Seeing that Chen Mo has chosen to forgive them, they immediately quit: "thank you, Mr. Chen. We will go back first!"

Chen Mo nodded and said faintly, "no send."

Chu Wenxiong and other big men left immediately, and the classroom was spacious.

Yan Shichang and others were familiar with Chen Mo's face. They also got up to say goodbye: "Mr. Chen, we're leaving too!"

"No Chen Mo said lightly.

Seeing Shi Chang leave, those reporters immediately followed him away, and the classroom was quiet again.

The headmaster stares at Chen Mo with panic on his face. He saw Chu Wenxiong murmuring in front of Chen mo before, thinking that Chen Mo may have a strong family background.

But until today, I saw the leaders of the seventeen cities of Hanyang bow down in front of Chen Mo, and the headmaster finally guessed the real identity of Chen mo.

"It turns out that he is the famous master Chen in Hanyang!"

"No wonder Chu Wenxiong is so humble in front of him. No wonder the big men of the seventeen cities of Hanyang bow down to him. No wonder he always has a supercilious attitude."

"We all think that he is arrogant. In fact, that's just the attitude that he should have, because he stands at a height with us. How can we ask for a God and keep the same attitude as a group of people?"

At this time, one of Zheng Yuanhao's younger brothers suddenly pointed to Chen Mo and exclaimed: "I remember, I know who he is. Chen Mo is master Chen. He is master Chen! "

The student's face was frightened, then excited. Looking at Chen Mo, he jumped and jumped, as if he had discovered the most incredible thing in the world, and it was like meeting the most terrible thing.

Everyone's eyes immediately focus on Chen mo.

Ann KeYue, who knows Chen Mo's identity, has no expression.

But those students who didn't know that Chen Mo was master Chen suddenly learned that master Chen, who was widely publicized outside, was actually beside them and was their classmate. However, it is the school's famous waste, a large number of students were shocked to open their mouths, half ring did not close.

"So Chen Mo is master Chen!" Wang Liying, director of the academic affairs office and head teacher, as well as the teachers behind him, are also looking at Chen Mo with awe in their eyes.

"What a surprise! Master Chen, who is famous in Hanyang, is just a high school student! If I hadn't seen so many great people bow down in front of him just now and beat me to death, I can't believe that he is master Chen! "

Chen Mo's identity was exposed. In fact, it was within his plan. When he used master Chen's identity to hold a reception for the spirit of life, he had no intention to conceal master Chen's identity.

At that time, many people, such as an KeYue, knew that Chen Mo was master Chen. However, to Chen Mo's surprise, those who knew his real identity had not been disclosed up to now.

If it wasn't for this conceited guy suddenly calling out, I'm afraid most people are still guessing who Chen Mo is!Chen Mo doesn't pay attention to people's expressions, and her eyes slowly shift to Zheng Xiuli, who is full of gloom.

"You lost!" Chen Mo's voice is flat, but it has a palpitating power.

Zheng Xiuli's face turns pale and looks at Chen Mo with resentment in her eyes. She doesn't say a word.

"Keep the bet Even if Zheng Xiuli doesn't speak, Chen Mo will not spare her and commit crimes against herself.

Students look at Zheng Xiuli's eyes, full of sadness, but the bet is Zheng Xiuli's side of the initiative to put forward, no one will pity her.

Some people even think that Zheng Xiuli suffered for herself.

Zheng Xiuli was still silent, her teeth clenched and she seemed to endure great pain.

"Don't make me do it myself." Chen Mo repeated.

Zhang Qiang's face is gloomy and her eyes are turning fast. She seems to be trying to help Zheng Xiuli survive the disaster.

Suddenly, Zhang Qiang suddenly stood up and yelled to the headmaster: "headmaster, Mr. Wang, you can see that Chen Mo is bullying his classmates again. Don't you care about him?"

Xiao changdun was so angry that he glared at Zhang Qiang. He remembered that it was this guy who ran to find him before the college entrance examination and turned black and white in front of him. Now he still doesn't know how to repent!

After thinking about Zhang Qiang's graduation, Xiao Chang shakes his head helplessly and simply ignores Zhang Qiang.

In the past, when Lin Tao was telling stories in front of him, he almost wronged Chen Mo, but Chen didn't care, instead, he helped him to defuse Lin Zhenghua's threat.

He always remembered that he was grateful to Chen Mo, and now he would not be cheated by Zhang Qiang.

The headmaster is silent, but does not know the inside story of the head teacher Wang Liying, but some can not see.

"Chen Mo, although you are master Chen, you can't bully others. I hope you don't embarrass Zheng Xiuli." Wang Liying bravely said with a serious face.

Chen Mo still has some admiration for Wang Liying, the head teacher, no matter in the past life or in this life. Because Wang Liying is a teacher with real morality.

In her previous life, Wang Liying targeted Chen Mo everywhere and made Chen Mo hate her a high school age. But later, Chen Mo understood Wang Liying's painstaking efforts after stepping into the society. Instead, she was very grateful to Wang Liying. , the fastest update of the webnovel!