However, gratitude should return to gratitude and transform the dignity of the great monk in the divine realm. No provocation is allowed.

Ignoring Wang Liying, Chen Mo continues to look at Zheng Xiuli, and her voice is full of killing intention.

"Kneel down!"

A strong breath burst out of Chen Mo and swept the whole classroom in an instant.

Everyone felt that they were shrouded in a breath that made them tremble. They didn't even dare to come out of the atmosphere. They were afraid that they would be killed by this breath if they were not careful.

Zheng Xiuli, who was in the storm, knelt down on the ground with a thump, trembling all over, as if she saw Tianwei!

All Zheng Xiuli's stubbornness and self-esteem are crushed by Chen Mo mercilessly at this moment, which is from the oppression of her soul. She can't tolerate any resistance from Zheng Xiuli.

"I was wrong, I was wrong..." Zheng Xiuli prostrate on the ground, shivering, crying voice full of fear.

Chen Mo's face is indifferent, and his breath is ethereal, as if heaven and man come.

"You have repeatedly provoked me. Today I destroy your self-esteem and self-confidence, and let you be submissive all your life. Are you convinced?"

How dare Zheng Xiuli refuse to accept, kowtow and cry: "I take, I take!"

All the people were frightened. They had only heard of master Chen's prestige, but never seen master Chen's divine power. Now they see Zheng Xiuli's submissive appearance, they can really feel master Chen's power.

Now they finally understand why the big men in the seventeen cities of Hanyang are like children who make mistakes in front of Chen Mo, and let master Chen deal with them.

Wang Liying wants to speak and scold, but in front of Chen Mo, who is full of strong pressure, she can't speak at all.

Chen Mo turns his eyes and looks at Zhang Qiang.

Zhang Qiang knelt on the ground with a thump. He was scared to death and cried out: "master Chen, spare your life, please!"

"Since you are so fond of gossip, I'll punish you for never speaking again!"

After Chen Mo finished, he stretched out his hand, and Zhang Qiang suddenly became a mute, unable to make any sound. He could only scream.

"Can you accept it?" Chen Mo has no emotion in his voice.

Zhang Qiang couldn't speak. He could only keep nodding. He was afraid. He was really afraid. He had no doubt that Chen Mo would kill him. Now he is satisfied to save his life.

At the moment, the headmaster and a group of teachers, or students, looked at Chen Mo with awe, as if they had known this classmate for three years.

Even Jiang Yao and Zhao Gang, who have a good relationship with Chen Mo, are still in a state of fear at the moment. Their eyes toward Chen Mo are a little strange and awe stricken.

The headmaster's face was solemn, and his heart was filled with emotion: "it turns out that this is the real master Chen, who acts on behalf of heaven and takes charge of life and death, just like a real immortal in the world and a dragon in heaven."

"Compared with his identity, what is the number one in the college entrance examination? No wonder he doesn't care

Anyone can't imagine that once a famous waste in Wuzhou, he has changed himself into a national champion in the college entrance examination and a famous master Chen in Hanyang!

From now on, he will be the top figure in Hanyang.

Chen Mo's face was flat. He turned his head and looked at Jiang Yao and others. He said with a smile, "I still have something to do. I'll go first. If you have something, please call me."

"Well!" Jiang Yao and Zhao Gang nodded their heads dullness. Their eyes did not dare to look at Chen Mo at all. Master Chen's prestige was that they did not dare to look directly.

Chen Mo walked out of the classroom with his hands on his back.

When he passed by, whether it was the students or the teacher, or the principal, they all looked down humbly and did not dare to look directly.

After Chen Mo walked out of the classroom, all the people looked up and looked at Chen Mo's disappearing figure with deep emotion.

"I'm afraid that in the future, he and we will never be in the same world again! As he said, his eyes have been on the starry sky

After leaving the school, Chen Mo returns to yanguihu villa to clean up and bring some things that may be used. Chen Mo calls Yan Qingcheng.

"This time I'm going to leave for a period of time. You'll take care of Wuzhou. If you encounter an enemy that can't be countered, you can start the mountain protection array, and the divine realm can't be broken."

Yan Qingcheng bowed and nodded: "yes."

After that, Chen Mo came to Hanyang that day.

Chen Songzi gives some jade and Peiyuan pills to Chen Songzi, and instructs Chen Songzi to take good care of Li Sufang and Wen Qing. After that, Chen Mo goes directly to Yanjing on the high-speed rail.

On the seat, Chen Mo looked out of the window at the rapid retrogression of scenery, his face indifferent.

This is his second visit to Yanjing since he was born again. For the first time, he and Li Sufang attended the mourning of grandma and made a three-year agreement with the Li family.

In the twinkling of an eye, more than half a year has passed. I wonder if the Li family will regret Chen Mo's identity.

Chen Mo got off at the high-speed railway station at more than nine o'clock in the night.

According to the phone number left by Jiang Heshan, Chen Mo dials in the past.

The other end of the phone is a nice woman's voice, not Jiang Heshan.

"Hello, is that Mr. Chen Mo?" The voice asked sweetly.It seems that Jiang Heshan has already explained it.

"I've arrived at Yanjing high speed railway station. Please come and pick me up." Chen Mo said lightly.

"OK, you'll wait at the exit of the south parking lot, and our people will be right there!"


After hanging up the phone, Chen Mo follows the signs and finds the exit of the south parking lot.

About 20 minutes later, a black Audi A6 slowly comes up and stops by Chen mo.

As the window slowly descended, a young man with a flat head and dark glasses put his head forward slightly and asked in a hard voice, "Hello, is this Mr. Chen Mo?"

Chen Mo nodded: "it's me!"

The young man immediately got out of the car and opened the door for Chen mo.

Judging from his actions of opening the door with one hand and holding the roof with the other to prevent passengers from meeting each other, it is obvious that he has received professional training.

"Mr. Chen Mo, Mr. Jiang has arranged a place for you to live. Go and have a rest first. Tomorrow morning, Mr. Jiang will come to meet you in person!"

"Well!" Chen Mo said faintly.

The car drove slowly. The young man drove smoothly. He looked at Chen Mo through the rearview mirror on the road. It seemed that Chen Mo was too young. The corners of his mouth were slightly curved, which made him look scornful.

Chen Mo sits in the back row, keeping his eyes closed, but everything around him is within the scope of Chen Mo's perception. Even the slightest movement cannot escape.

Chen Mo feels that the car is leaving the city, and the speed starts to speed up. There is less noise and more insects around. Even the air is quite fresh.

Chen Mo didn't think much. Maybe the place where Jiang Heshan received him was not in the city.

The car had been driving for more than an hour before it stopped slowly.

The young man got out of the car first, then opened Chen Mo's door and said, "here we are, Mr. Chen Mo, get off the bus."

The attitude of the youth was not as respectful as before, and his voice was a little gloomy.

Chen Mo gives him a faint look, with some inexplicable look in his eyes.

Looking around a dark low-rise building, only dozens of meters ahead, the lights are bright. There is a six story building with a bright searchlight hanging on the top of the building, which is firmly surrounded by a two meter high wall.

Chen Mo thinks that this is not a hotel at all, but a detention center. , the fastest update of the webnovel!