"Mr. Chen Mo, go in!" Seeing Chen Mo still and the youth behind him, he urged him impatiently.

Chen Mo curved his mouth and walked towards the gate of the six story building.

The gate is totally closed, and the material is very thick steel plate, which can be bullet proof.

The gate is closed. Chen Mo and Chen Mo go to the gate. The young man passes through the small window of the guard room next to him, hands over a piece of things and shouts, "open the door!"

The man inside looked at it and gave it back to him.

Then, the small door next to the gate was opened in a clatter.

"Mr. Chen Mo, please!" The young man looks at Chen Mo with a strange smile on his face.

Chen Mo pretends that he didn't see it. He carries his hands behind him and walks in leisurely.


The moment Chen Mo enters, the small door slams shut and is locked by a big lock.

Chen Mo steps slightly and looks back at the gate. The young man behind him jumps to three meters away in a hurry and looks at Chen Mo nervously.

"What do you want?" The young man gave a cold drink.

Chen Mo said with a faint smile: "don't be nervous. I just take a casual look."

The young man's face was embarrassed, and he quickly drank a cold drink to cover up: "go in. The room arranged for you by Mr. Jiang is in it."

With a faint smile, Chen Mo comes forward slowly, pushes open the iron door of the hall on the first floor and walks in.


After Chen Mo enters, the youth locks the door outside.

"Boy, ask for your own good fortune The cold laughter of the youth came from outside.

Chen Mo's face was flat. All this was expected by him. He wanted to see what happened to these people or Jiang Heshan.

In front of us is a spacious hall with a dazzling incandescent lamp hanging in the middle, which is not a place for people to live at all.

There is no one in the hall, but there are more than a dozen breath hidden in the hall. Chen Mo knows it like the palm of his hand.

Chen Mo walked forward with a plain face, as if he didn't know anything.

"Take it down!" A cold drink burst out in the dark.

More than a dozen figures appear in an instant, surrounding Chen Mo in the middle.

Actually, they were more than a dozen martial artists. Two of them had a strong breath. They had obviously entered the ranks of masters.

"Two masters plus more than a dozen martial arts masters in the inner world are strong enough to sweep the smaller sects in the martial arts world!"

"Go on The voice in the dark was another cold drink.

More than a dozen fighters shot together, and their movements were neat and uniform, obviously after special training.

What's more, the positions of these warriors are in the shape of the nine palaces, which is obviously an array.

"A little bit of work!"

Chen Mo holds the sky in one hand, and the third type of Tianxuan Shenquan is used by heaven and earth.

The mighty power is like the hand of heaven, crushing all living creatures.


The whole building seemed to tremble for a moment. Except for the two masters, all the other soldiers fell to their knees.

The two masters were a pair of middle-aged men and women. It was the last time that they followed Jiang Heshan to Hanyang to find Chen mo.

At the moment, their faces were shocked, and their eyes were full of shock. Although they blocked Chen Mo's blow, their bodies were still full of Qi and blood, and their legs were shaking.

The power of one punch is so powerful!

Chen Mo looks at two people, light way: "say, what does your master behind the scenes want to do?"

They looked at each other in silence.

Chen Mo snorted coldly, and his voice suddenly raised: "do you want to wait for me to kill these two people before you come out? Jiangheshan


With an old sigh, Jiang Heshan, dressed in grey Zhongshan suit, came out of the dark.

"You are indeed

Looking at jiangheshan, Chen Mo has no surprise and his voice is flat.

Jiang Heshan has some helplessness: "you have guessed!"

"Come on, what does that mean?" Chen Mo glances at the soldiers who are half kneeling on the ground and asks.

Jiang Heshan's face was serious and his voice was calm: "this is a test that all personnel who join the important official departments have to go through!"

"Oh, since it's a test, it shouldn't be so simple. There must be more in the back?" Chen Mo said curiously.

Looking at Chen Mo, Jiang Heshan looked at Chen Mo with complicated eyes and said: "there must be, but the premise is to force you into a desperate situation first, but now you can't even do the first step, and the later test can't be carried out."

"In all these years, you are the first person to make the test impossible!" If it is not concerned about identity and image, Jiang Heshan would like to roll his eyes.

Chen Mo has always felt that it is a bit too fast for him to become an official. If there is such a test later, it would be reasonable.

It's a pity that Chen Mo's strength is too strong. Jiang Heshan mobilizes all the experts under his hand, but Chen Mo beats him with one punch, which makes the test impossible.However, Chen Mo is very curious about the content of the later test. He doesn't know what the official test method is.

"Can you tell me the procedure later?" Chen Mo asked curiously.

"Yes, it is to catch you first, to make you feel that you are dying, and then to intimidate and entice you to see if you can resist it."

"If you get in the way, you can become an official. On the contrary, we will consider giving you a less important position or denying you directly. " Jiang Heshan explained.

"I see!" After understanding this, Chen Mo lost interest in a very common test.

"You don't have to test me. I said you can join me, but I want absolute freedom."

"Take me to the eagles!" Chen Mo said lightly.

Jiang Heshan mysterious smile: "you have arrived!"

Chen Mo's eyes moved: "you mean this is the Eagle special team?"

Jiang Heshan nodded: "yes, Xia Hailong, pull out the team and welcome your new captain!"

On the ground, a strong young man in a black sportswear got up, stood at attention to Jiang Heshan, saluted, and roared back: "yes!"

"You two, take the others down and deal with the injuries!" Jiang Heshan's face is a little ugly. These are all his best hands. As a result, he is beaten down by Chen Mo, which makes his old face a little hard to hang.

Two people bow their heads: "yes!"

A group of warriors retreated in dismay.

In the spacious hall, only Jiang Heshan and Chen Mo are left.

Jiang Heshan looked at Chen Mo, and his face was strange: "boy, if you want to be the leader of the eagle, I don't want to appoint you. It depends on your own performance."

"The Eagle special corps is an elite selected from the elite of various conventional forces. Since it is an elite, it is naturally a genius in all forces. Genius has a common feature, that is, no one is satisfied with it!"

"So, if you want to be their captain, you can't do it just by having strength. It depends on your ability."

Jiang Heshan finished, took a deep look at Chen Mo and turned away.

All of a sudden, he stopped and turned to look at Chen Mo: "I hit a nail at the time. Don't blame me for not reminding you!"

Chen Mo's mouth slightly curved and ignored Jiang Heshan's warning.

Challenge, he never fear!

Step on it!

There was a steady sound of footsteps outside the door.

"Stand, turn back, look right, look forward!"

There was a rhythmic command.

Four rows of young people in camouflage clothes stood in front of Chen Mo in an orderly manner. There were nine people in each row, a total of 36 people.

9、 It's the extreme number. It seems that the people who created the eagle are very particular about it.

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