The first in the first row on the left of the team is Xia Hailong, who was ordered to gather the team just now.

"Report, the total of 36 members of the Eagle special corps should be 36, and the actual number is 36! Please direct me! "

This group of people breath is fierce, give a person a kind of rebellious feeling. They have serious looks and cold eyes. Although they have no words or actions, Chen Mo can feel the disdain and contempt that emanate from them.

What's more, although Xia Hailong was reporting to him, he didn't add the title of captain in the report. Obviously, in their hearts, they did not recognize Chen Mo, the new captain.

Jiang Heshan is right. This group of people are not good friends.

However, Chen Mo is not timid at all, but has a subtle sense of novelty. For him, this is one of the most mysterious trump card forces in the official. He has never even heard of it in his previous life. Chen Mo is still a little excited when he becomes the leader of this mysterious army in this life.

Chen Mo glanced at the crowd. It seemed that he was infected by the breath of iron and blood soldiers. His voice also became a little serious: "my name is Chen Mo, and from today on, I will be your captain."

"Report!" As soon as Chen Mo's voice landed, a loud voice broke out in the crowd.

Chen Mo's face was flat: "say it!"

"Our captain's name is Huo Dongming. Why should you be our captain if you don't have a long hair?"

"Our captain is an indomitable hero. He exchanges his life with important news. Can you compare with him? "

"Our captain, lead us to kill the enemy in the rain of bullets, and lead us to retreat safely from the sea of corpses and blood. One of your biggest worries is the student with acne on his face. Can you compare with him? "

Thirty six special combat members of the eagle looked at Chen Mo in a uniform way without any disdain.

However, Chen Mo felt their strong doubts and contempt, which was stronger than any contempt.

In this battle, even a veteran veteran, I'm afraid that it will also be a solid downfall by these arrogant elites.

Thirty six hawk special combat team members are quietly staring at Chen Mo, waiting for Chen Mo's reply.

Chen Mo's face was still flat, his eyes swept over the rebellious elite, and his voice was calm: "I don't deny that Huo Dongming is a real hero."

"But I won't lose my life for a piece of news. Because I'll never get there

"I will not take you through a barrage of bullets, nor will I let you retreat from the sea of corpses and blood. Because if I can't solve the problem, even if you are included in it, it's useless! "

Chen Mo's words are very calm, without any momentum, just like telling a fact.

However, Chen Mo's words are full of impulse that people want to beat him up. He is too arrogant and looks down on others.

The original no expression of the Eagle special combat team members, now looking at Chen Mo's eyes, showed undisguised anger and indignation.

Although Chen Mo agrees that Huo Dongming is a hero, he also denies Huo Dongming's achievement in exchange for his life, which is also a disguised denial of the glory of the Eagle special team.

What's more, although Chen Mo's tone of voice is very calm, but the arrogance in his words is that the members of the Eagle special team want to go directly to beat him.

What is it that he will never get there? What he said seemed to be Zhuge Liang, a strategist from thousands of miles away.

What's the matter that he can't solve? It's useless to put them all in it?

This is clearly looking down on their entire Eagle special team!

Even if an ordinary person listened to Chen Mo's words, he was afraid that he could not help it, not to mention the elite of these Eagle special forces.

"Boy, don't you slander captain Huo! You are not qualified! " Someone yelled, and there was a strong anger in the voice.

"What do you have to say that? Do you think you are invincible

"Who can't say that? You can prove yourself to me if you have the ability! If you want to be our team leader, just rely on the above order to dream! "

In addition to Xia Hailong, the other 35 members of the Eagle special team are angry and stare at Chen Mo one by one, hoping to swallow Chen mo.

Even Xia Hailong was gloomy. Although he had seen Chen Mo's strength, what Chen just denied was Huo Dongming, the hero who had used his life to defend the glory of the eagle.

Outside the hall, Jiang Heshan stood quietly under a tree, followed by a man and a woman two masters.

The man looked cautious and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Jiang, do you really decide to let go? It would be bad if people were killed? "

Jiang Heshan turned around, looked at the direction of the gate, and said in a deep voice: "don't worry, I can still trust the eagle's team members. They may teach the boy a lesson and give him a bully, but they will never kill him."

The middle-aged man's face was black: "no, what I'm worried about is actually the safety of the Hawks!"“……” Jiang Heshan was speechless for a while.

"Don't worry, I believe he should also have a sense of propriety, and he's here to be a captain. He won't kill anyone. Let's wait and see."

In the hall, facing 36 fierce Eagle special combat team members, Chen Mo's face is still flat.

"As a special force of China, you should have guns?" Chen Mo suddenly asked in a puzzled way.

The crowd was stunned.

This time, Xia Hailong said: "of course, there are guns, but also live ammunition. What do you want to do?"

Chen Mo looks strange: "live ammunition? That's the best

"Who of you will get a gun and shoot me!" Chen Mo's eyes have been swept.

A group of rebellious special war elites were stunned by Chen Mo Zhen.

Although each of these people has the strength of foreign warriors, they can not reach the level of hard anti bullet, unless they become the master of chemical frontier.

"I'll go!"

A young man with a flat head and a scar on his eyebrows stood up with a big drink and looked at Chen Mo: "do you think that will scare us? I'm going to get a gun now. Don't blame us when you're dead! "

"Go Chen Mo said lightly.

In a moment, under everyone's gaze, the young man ran back with a new-style full-automatic pistol in his hand.

Chen Mo has no research on guns, but there is a slight sneer on the faces of the Hawks.

This gun can be said to be the king of pistols. The bullets fired are very powerful. The most important thing is that the bullets equipped with this gun have the same function as armour piercing bullets, but the penetration power is only one third of that of armour piercing bullets.

It's a good way to use a pistol.

Chen Mo seemed to have no idea of the sneer on the faces of the crowd. He looked at the young man and said, "what's your name?"

The young man raised his head, his eyes widened, and his voice was defiant: "my name is Li Hu!"

"Li Hu, since the gun is your choice, it's up to you to shoot!" Chen Mo nods, his tone is still flat, as if he is joking. , the fastest update of the webnovel!