Chen Mo didn't say anything. He was really not a martial artist in the inner world. He was too much higher than the inner world warrior. He was afraid to frighten Ji Qing.

"Now, can you go?" Chen Mo looks at him and asks lightly.

"Go?" Ji Qing looked at Chen Mo and said with a sneer, "even if you are a warrior in the inner world, we are not without it!"

"Brother Yue, I have to trouble you to do it!" Ji Qing faces Yuenan arch hand road behind him.

Gu Linfeng's face sank. If Chen Mo was a warrior in the inner world, it would be easy to defeat Ji Qing. But Yuenan is also a warrior in the inner world. Can Chen Mo beat him?

Shen Junwen's younger brothers, one by one, have a sneer of schadenfreude on their faces. Yuenan's strength has just been seen by all. Even if Chen Mo won Ji Qing, the victory or defeat of Yuenan, who was able to slap Gu Linfeng in one hand, is still unknown.

It is estimated that Chen Mo loses more and wins less.

Other students around him also showed a look of curiosity. If Chen Mo was against Yuenan, who would win?

Jitata Jiudu still has a lingering fear about the situation that Yuenan slapped his hand and fan Gu Linfeng just now. Seeing that Chen Mo is about to go to Yuenan, Jita Jiudu says in a deep voice, "Chen Mo, be careful!"

Chen Mo stands quietly, his face flat. His eyes turn from Ji Qing to Yuenan.

However, Yuenan did not move. Instead, he stood there, looking suspiciously at Chen Mo with a look of panic in his eyes.

Seeing that Yuenan didn't move, Ji Qing couldn't help but remind him: "brother Yue, look at you!"

Yuenan looks at Chen Mo, and suddenly he swallows and spits hard. He asks carefully, "have you ever been to the black pool?"

Chen Mo is a little stunned and looks at Yuenan. He seems to think of something. A strange smile appears on the corner of his mouth.

"I killed the golden scale alligator." Chen Mo said lightly.

People do not understand what they are talking about, some doubt, depending on the situation, they seem to know each other?

Before everyone could recover, Yuenan suddenly knelt down to Chen Mo and exclaimed in horror, "younger Yuenan doesn't know that you are here. If you have any offence, please forgive me!"

What's the situation!

The audience is dead!

All the people look at Yuenan, who suddenly kneels down to Chen Mo, with a face of muddle!

"He, why should he kneel down to Chen mu?" Jitata asked stupidly, the brain has some short circuit.

No one answered him. The others looked at Chen Mo, whose face was flat, and his brain was blank.

Ji Qing was also blinded. He opened his mouth and looked at Yuenan. The whole person was petrified on the spot.

After a while, Ji Qing returned to his senses and stammered, "Yue, brother Yue, why are you?"

Yuenan didn't pay any attention to him. He knelt down on the ground. He was arrogant just now. Now he almost prostrate his head on the ground. He is extremely humble!

Chen Mo said faintly: "you go, don't come here in the future."

Yuenan, who was granted amnesty, kowtowed respectfully to Chen Mo, then bowed back: "thank you for your forgiveness."

Yuenan ran, faster than the rabbit, as if there was something chasing behind him. He was extremely embarrassed. How could there be any master style?

Chen Mo's eyes turn to Ji Qing, his eyes are slightly cold: "do you still want to stay here?"

So far, Ji Qing is stupid and knows what's going on. He quickly arched his hand at Chen Mo and said, "thank you for your kindness. Goodbye!"

Seeing that Ji Qing also ran away quickly, all of them came back to God.

In an instant, the scene exploded.

"What is the situation? Yuenan and Jiqing are scared away by Chen Mo? I read it right! "

"What is the origin of Chen Mo?"

The students were shocked by the picture just now, and speculated about Chen Mo's identity. Originally Yuenan was a myth in the hearts of these ordinary people, but the myth in their hearts suddenly worshipped another person!

So what kind of existence will this person be?

Gu Linfeng looks at Chen Mo's eyes, full of panic. The elder of Yuenan has completely called Gu Linfeng into a cloud.

Perhaps this address is just a honorific title for ordinary people, but it has a special meaning for people in the martial arts and Taoism circles.

If you can call an elder, you must be able to improve your accomplishments and convince your opponents.

Does Chen Mo Neng convince Yuenan in his accomplishments? Gu Linfeng can't imagine. After all, Chen Mo looks two years younger than him.

In Gu Linfeng's world, even the most top-notch talents could not be willing to be called the elder at Chen Mo's age!

How did Chen Mo do it?

Jitata doesn't understand the rules and regulations of martial arts and Taoism. He only knows one thing, that is, his very low-key roommate is actually a very great existence!

"Chen Mo, tell me honestly, is that the robber in the video is you? Is it you? " Jitata Jiudu's eyes showed a kind of fanaticism, which could scare away the powerful people like Yuenan, which was so amazing!Hao Jian quietly came to Chen Mo and asked carefully, "brother Chen, do you accept apprentices? Let me worship you as a teacher, whatever you want

Chen Mo has a chilly spell and moves slightly to keep a safe distance from Hao Jian.

When Jia Junsi and Wen Tingyu look at Chen Mo, they suddenly have a touch of inexplicable color and a trace of deep awe.

Shen Junwen's younger brothers opened their mouths one by one, and their faces were dull. It seems that they still can't believe what happened in front of them is true.

"Shen Dashao, what is the origin of Chen Mo? This is too frightening

Shen Junwen's younger brothers have been scared out of their wits. Yuenan's strength has become a God in their hearts.

However, the God in their hearts suddenly knelt down to Chen mo.

How great the impact is, I'm afraid no one knows better than Shen Junwen's younger brothers.

Shen Junwen is also full of disbelief. Just now Chen Mo punched Fei Jiqing, which made him look at Chen Mo with a new look. But now Yuenan suddenly kneels down to Chen Mo, which completely subverts Shen Junwen's understanding of Chen mo.

Shen Junwen looked at Chen Mo in a very complicated way. He was filled with emotion: "I thought Gu Linfeng would become my biggest opponent in class three in the future. I didn't expect that the real opponent was him!"

"He was the first person in the exchange meeting last night!"

Those students in class three dare not envy Chen Mo Xin any more. One by one looking at Chen Mo's eyes, only shock.

"No wonder the goddess was so easy to accept his accost. At first, I thought he was lucky. It seems that the goddess's eyes are the most vicious."

"At the exchange meeting, Shen Dashao and the later Gu Dashao were the most powerful figures in class three. In fact, the real big man was him!"

Chen Mo calmly looked at Gu Linfeng and several roommates and said, "if you want to go back and talk about it, whoever wants to be a panda will stay."

After that, Chen Mo walked into the school calmly, as if nothing had happened.

Jitata Jiudu and others are stunned and rush after Chen mo.

When Chen Mo and his classmates leave, the students also disperse. Only a few senior students stare at Chen Mo's back and ponder for a long time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!