After returning to the dormitory, Chen Mo is naturally interrogated by several roommates.

However, Chen Mo knew the truth that too much was lost, and he kept his mouth to himself. Even though jitata and Jiudu tried their best, they couldn't get a word out of Chen Mo's mouth.

Finally, several people can only accept their fate and regard Chen Mo as an alien.

However, in the face of Chen Mo, Gu Linfeng has lost the previous natural and unrestrained, and has become a little cautious.

The world of martial arts pays more attention to rules. Of course, this rule is based on strength. Chen Mo can scare away Yuenan, and his strength is beyond doubt. Therefore, Gu Linfeng can't be as casual as the others treat Chen mo.

Today is the first day of class. Everyone is very active, including Chen mo.

Several people came to the classroom together, waiting for the first class of the University.

However, when several people enter the classroom, the students look at their eyes, some cautious.

Chen Mo in particular, most of his classmates dare not make eye contact with him, and seem to be very afraid.

Fierce as fire and Shen Junwen have arrived, two people's positions close together, it is estimated that Shen Junwen deliberately chose this.

Her eyes are as fierce as fire. She looks at Chen Mo, but suddenly she has a few more colors.

Shen Junwen's eyes are also facing Chen Mo, but his face is still, but his eyes are slightly shrunk. His eyes are somewhat complicated.

Behind the fire, there is an empty seat. Chen Mo's eyes pause for a second, and then he walks past as if there is no one else.

In this life, since the attention is not shrinking, it is not necessary to care about other people's views.

Jitata Jiudu several people's eyes a light, a light look at Shen Junwen's face suddenly gloomy, showing a smug smile.

Several people find a seat close to Chen Mo and sit down quietly waiting for the arrival of the new teacher.

She turns around like fire, looks at Chen Mo and shows a smile, which is a greeting.

Chen Mo smiles back to her and sits quietly waiting for another woman in his memory.

Next to Jiang Xue, slightly frowned, looking at Chen Mo's eyes, some disgust.

Jiang Xue doesn't know what happened at the school gate today. Otherwise, maybe she won't be so indifferent to Chen mo.

Not long ago, a teacher came, after the same process. The second class is English.

Jiang Yuwei, the woman who is as strong as fire and looks like water, is Chen Mo's English teacher.

In his previous life, Chen Mo's achievements were not good, but Jiang Yuwei never gave up and taught him. Chen Mo was deeply moved by helping Chen Mo in his study and life.

Chen Mo remembers that in his previous life, he once thought that this beautiful teacher Jiang was actually trying to do something else to him.

Until Jiang Yuwei got married, he was red eyed and ended his wishful thinking dream.

Chen Mo remembers that Jiang Yuwei got married during his junior year. At that time, the students also went to her wedding and met the handsome groom. Everyone felt that teacher Jiang had found her happiness.

But no one thought that, just a month later, Jiang Yuwei's bad news came.

Chen Mo remembers that when he heard the news, it was like a bolt out of the blue, which made Chen Mo's whole people stunned.

He and lie Ruhuo were also sad for a long time, and together with Wen Tingyu and several of them, personally wrote a memorial to teacher Jiang.

Later, I don't know who sent the memorial message to the school forum, which once ranked the top of the list.

Although Jiang Yuwei and Chen Mo did not have any feelings beyond the scope of friends, Chen Mo has never forgotten the beautiful and gentle teacher Jiang.

Although he didn't know how Jiang Yuwei died at that time, Chen Mo guessed that there must be something inside.

Therefore, Chen Mo must stop the tragedy and save the life of his beloved teacher Jiang.

Time flies with Chen Mo's thoughts. Soon, the second English class begins.

is as like as two peas in the memory, a white dress, with charming long wave hair and a charming smile, Jiang Yuwei.

This moment, almost all the students in the class are petrified.

Especially boys, one by one in the eyes, seems to be burning a small sun.

"Hello, my name is Jiang Yuwei. I'm in charge of teaching you English." Nice voice, as always gentle, like the first time to see Jiang Yuwei six hundred years ago.

No one answered her. There was a strange silence in the class.

Jiang Yuwei seems to have been used to this kind of scene for a long time, without any embarrassment. With a gentle smile, she stood quietly on the platform waiting.

After a long time, the whole class burst into warm applause.

Chen Mo did not applaud, but quietly looked at Jiang Yuwei on the platform. He knew that under the gentle and beautiful appearance of this woman, there was a more selfless and broad heart.

As strong as fire is a girl like flame, can light up the people around. She is a gentle woman like water, washing the hearts of people around her and moistening her heart.The Tao Te Ching says that the highest good is like water, and water is good, which benefits all things without fighting, and deals with people's evil, so it extends to Tao.

Jiang Yuwei, is such a woman, with her own, for the people around her to wash a dirty, inclusive.

In this class, the students listened very carefully. Even Jita Jiudu, who always hated English most, cocked up his ears for fear of missing any syllable of Jiang Yuwei.

When Chen Mo wakes up from all kinds of thoughts, she only hears Jiang Yuwei say in her delicate and soft voice: "let's talk about this class first. Let's see you next class, students! Class is over

Looking at the woman with flowing clothes and maternal brilliance, Chen Mo's eyes are deep, showing a momentum of daring to compete for supremacy between heaven and earth.

"Mr. Jiang, in this life, I will change my life for you

After class, the class was boiling. Almost all the students, male and female, were talking about the teacher Jiang.

Chen Mo's roommates are no exception. Jitata Jiudu once quietly ran to Chen Mo and asked Chen Mo in a low voice, who would be better if she compared her fierce like fire with Jiang Yuwei.

Chen Mo just a faint smile, no answer, because there is no way to compare the two, water and fire can never be distinguished.

College courses are much easier than high school courses. Chen Mo and lie are like fire. They chat for a while, chatting and laughing. It seems that they have a good chat.

However, Shen Junwen all morning, did not find the opportunity and fierce like fire to say a word, a handsome face, some gloomy.

Jiang Xue takes the opportunity to chat with Shen Junwen for a while, but feels that Shen Junwen is obviously perfunctory. After that, Jiang Xue also loses interest. Some jealously look at him like fire, and finally can only sigh helplessly.

Some people are doomed to be unable to compare with it. For example, Yan Qingcheng is far away in Wuzhou, such as the fire in front of you, or Jiang Yuwei

At noon, Chen Mo and several people have lunch in the school canteen, and then go back to the dormitory to rest.

Jitata Jiudu lay in bed and said lazily, "there is a biological science class in the afternoon. If anyone goes to ask for a leave for me, I will surely doze off when I listen to that class." , the fastest update of the webnovel!