Chen Mo's eyes scan around and finally freeze on the cliff in front of him.

"The immortal Danting really had a good intention. He set up a hundred poisons and devouring immortal array to seal the evil animal. Unfortunately, later generations were incompetent and didn't know the real purpose of this array."

Chen Mo said lightly, suddenly reached out a finger, a powerful spiritual power directly hit the cliff, the original wood Hongdao closed stone chamber.


The whole stone chamber was collapsed by Chen Mo's finger, and a burst of smoke and dust swept up.

Mu Zhengfeng and others are more confused. They don't understand what Chen Mo is doing?

Show off?

However, the Mu family has given in, and Chen Mo has no need to show off.

Just when they were confused, a shrill voice suddenly rang out from all directions.

That sound is like the cry of a baby, very harsh, listen to the people creepy.

"What is this? Ghost

Although they are awe inspiring.

A white shadow from the bottom of the stone chamber collapsed by Chen Mo on the cliff quickly rushed out and flew straight to the West.

"Want to run? It's not that easy. " Chen Mo smiles and steps out. The whole person is already in the air and reaches for the white shadow.

"What is that?" Mu Zhengfeng looks at the white shadow the size of a baby in the air, and his face is astonished.

A group of wooden children were scared to their feet and stomachs were soft. The white shadow was just like a ghost. It was too frightening!

The white shadow is extremely flexible. Chen Mo's grasp did not work, but was cleverly avoided by it.

What's more, the object is still in the air, making a piercing and strange laugh, as if laughing at Chen mo.

Chen Mo was suspended in the void, his face was indifferent, and he said coldly, "evil animal, don't be arrested!"

With that, Chen Mo pointed out to the void and said coldly, "no!"

A circle of invisible barrier, covering a hundred meters of space, the five elements forbidden mantra. The white shadow let out a shrill scream, seemed to be very frightened, began to run wild.

However, it ran into the wall everywhere, no matter which direction it fled, it would hit the invisible barrier and bounce back.

Chen Mo is suspended in the void, looking at it quietly, with a face full of bamboo.

Mu Zhengfeng and other people also watched the white shadow rushing left and right, but it was like being covered by an invisible huge net. No matter how it struggled, it was useless.

"Master Chen, is it possible to imprison space Mu Zhengfeng thinks of some legends, and his eyes are full of panic: "if it's really confined space, then his strength is too terrible!"

"Even the whole wooden family is not his opponent." Mu Zhengfeng sighed.

The white shadow finally stopped struggling and was suspended in the air. It looked a little decadent. From time to time, it also sent out a low cry, as if begging for mercy.

Chen Mo sneered: "evil animal, do not escape?"

The white shadow seems to be able to understand people. Although he has no head and limbs, he moves at Chen Mo, clearly nodding.

"Come in, then." The storage ring on Chen Mo's thumb flashed a white light, and the white shadow gave out a reluctant low sound and disappeared.

People just feel as if they are watching magic, and they are confused from beginning to end.

Even muzhengfeng is no exception.

Chen Mo slowly falls in front of Mu Zhengfeng and others with a smile on his face. He looks more happy than accepting the whole Mu family.

Zhou Lide's childlike nature asked curiously, "what is that white shadow?"

Mu Zhengfeng and the younger generation behind him are also looking at Chen Mo curiously, hoping that Chen Mo can solve their doubts.

Chen Mo glanced at the crowd, and seemed to be in a good mood. He said slowly, "heaven and earth are in order. Everything has spirit. By chance, everything in heaven and earth can open up intelligence... "

Chen Mo said a lot of mysterious and complicated words, which we all didn't understand, but some people learned something from it.

Zhou Lide in particular, the little guy was stunned and stood there as if he were asleep.

The second was Mu Zhengfeng, who was magnanimous and devoted himself to alchemy, which naturally delayed the cultivation of martial arts and Taoism.

Now after listening to Chen Mo's words, Mu Zhengfeng looks more serious than ever before, and seems to have realized something.

Even those wooden children, some people have learned something.

Chen Mo, like a master of Taoism, is teaching a lot of disciples the truth of Tao.

In fact, Chen Mo's words can benefit them a lot more than directly telling them the truth of the Tao, because Chen Mo combines his own practice of transforming the divine realm into the understanding of the Tao, and tells them in a more straightforward way.

This makes it easier for these ordinary people to accept.

Slowly, a lot of animals gathered around Chen Mo, and the birds in the sky began to circle over Chen Mo's head.

However, none of the animals and birds made a sound, all seemed to be immersed in Chen Mo's sermon.

Unconsciously, Chen Mo even told the public his understanding of the truth of the Tao in a simpler way. Even Chen Mo did not expect that he would preach to a group of ordinary people on earth one day.Chen Mo stops telling and looks at the thoughtful people who are still immersed in his story. He smiles. Instead of disturbing, he waits quietly.

Looking at the flying birds circling in the sky and the small animals listening in the distance, Chen Mo smiles: "today is your destiny. It depends on your understanding whether you can take off the animal skin as soon as possible."

The white shadow, in fact, is the essence of water in the five elements. It is the purest element of water between heaven and earth.

Chen Mo now wants to practice the water body. According to the current progress, I don't know when and when he can cultivate the water body to the great perfection.

However, with this water essence, Chen Mo will no longer have to worry about shuiyuanli. How can Chen Mo be unhappy?

However, although the spirit of water essence opened up the wisdom, it was not a natural creature, but a coincidence of the day after tomorrow. Otherwise, with Chen Mo's current strength, he would not be able to defeat it.

If according to the name of the immortal cultivation world, the water essence and soul should belong to the category of demon cultivation. At that time, Danding immortal was not strong enough to subdue it, so he trapped the spirit of water in this place through a large array.

However, the spirit of the water element has already opened up its mind. He even tried to use the wood family to absorb the power of other practitioners, hoping to break through the seal of the immortal Danting.

Water essence gathers the purest water attribute element force in the world. Although water attribute element force has nourishing properties, everything has two sides.

The pure water essence can also be turned into a highly toxic thing, which is more terrifying than the corrosiveness of 3000 weak water. Those poisonous vines were made by him.

In fact, the reason why immortal Danding left the letter was that he was worried that the water spirit would escape and harm people one day, hoping that someone could suppress it.

However, immortal Danting certainly did not expect that the practitioners did not know for what reason that they were declining. If it were not for Chen Mo's encounter, I'm afraid that no one can clean up the water essence.

After seeing all the people who are still immersed in the understanding just now, Chen Mo leaves alone and goes to the Danshu room to collect the medicinal materials. , the fastest update of the webnovel!