Zhuji pill and Ningshen Guiyuan pill are both basic pills. With Chen Mo's current strength, they have been refined in less than an hour.

Chen Mo returns to the main hall of Yaowang valley. Mu Zhengfeng and his people are awake and waiting for Chen Mo in the hall.

"Master Chen!"

Seeing Chen Mo's return, Mu Zhengfeng and others immediately bow down to salute.

They have benefited a lot from Chen Mo's teaching of the great principles, and once again they understand the power of Chen mo.

If the previous submission might have been forced by Chen Mo's ferocious power, now these people have been willing and sincere to Chen mo.

Chen Mo nodded, went to the throne and sat down: "no need to be polite."

Looking at Mu Zhengfeng, Chen Mo said with no expression: "I'll leave in a moment. After that, you will be responsible for everything in Yaowang valley. If you can't solve something, you can inform me."

"Yes Mu Zhengfeng bowed and said.

Chen Mo looks at Zhou Lide. With his eyesight, he naturally finds that Zhou Lide has become somewhat different from before.

Chen Mo smiles, and a special idea suddenly arises in his heart.

"Let's go!" Chen Mo said to Zhou Lide.

"Well!" Zhou Lide seems a little dull, seems to be thinking about something.

Mu Zhengfeng and a group of the sons of the wooden family send Chen Mo away.

Chen Mo takes Zhou Lide back to the hotel and looks at Zhou Yan on the hospital bed. Chen Mo hands Zhou Lide the tranquilizing pill and says, "feed your father."

"Well!" Zhou Lide nodded and took the pill to Zhou Yan according to Chen Mo's request.

"In an hour, your father should be able to return to normal. Come with me Chen Mo takes a deep look at Zhou Lide.

Zhou Lide looks at his father and follows Chen Mo to another room.

Chen Mo sits on the bed, his breath is ethereal and out of the dust. He looks at Zhou Lide quietly, but he is a little uneasy.

"What do you think of following me in Yaowang Valley?" Chen Mo asked in a mild manner.

Zhou Lide thought for a moment, and his little face showed a trace of confusion.

"Before I met you, I felt that I had no love for this world. If it wasn't for curing my father's disease, I would not have persisted to this day."

Chen Mo nodded and chuckled, "what happened after meeting me?"

Zhou Lide's eyes gradually recovered, and even appeared a touch of essence: "after meeting you, I feel that the sufferings I have suffered before are not worth mentioning. I feel curious about the world, and I want to be able to understand what you're saying

"Are you willing to leave your father if you go the same way as me? Maybe you will be lonely all the time. Can you stand loneliness? " Chen Mo asked softly.

Zhou Lide nodded without hesitation, and the vicissitudes of his age were revealed in his voice: "if my father's disease is cured, then I will have nothing to worry about. As for loneliness and loneliness, I've been used to it for years

Chen Mo looked at him, a hand gently tapping the table, as if thinking about something.

At last, Chen Mo seemed to have made up his mind. He gave a sharp finger and said, "are you willing to go on a road of no return? Once you set foot on this road, your life will be in danger at any time from now on, and you can never stop. But also will let you have the extraordinary strength, the long life

Zhou Lide's face showed a touch of excitement. Although Chen Mo said it was terrible, he knew that it was a great opportunity given to him by God!

A different road, and a brand-new world in front of him. As long as he nods, everything will change dramatically in the future.

"I will!" Zhou said it almost in a trembling voice.

Chen Mo's face suddenly became serious and frightening: "when you enter my door, you should respect me as the Lord and abide by my rules. If you violate the rules, even if you are poor and blue, I will certainly destroy your spirits and spirits!"

"Do you still want to?"

Chen Mo's voice is cold, and his body even exudes a strong sense of killing. Even a master of martial arts is afraid to crawl and tremble in front of this killing intention.

However, Zhou held on. Although his face showed a touch of fear and his legs trembled slightly, he still firmly raised his small head and looked at Chen Mo without flinching.

"I will!" His voice has some immature, but it shows a penetrating firmness.

All of a sudden, after the rain, the weather is clear, all the pressure has disappeared.

Zhou Lide felt his back was wet through. His legs were soft and he almost sat on the ground.

Chen Mo looks at Zhou Lide with a smile. His eyes are full of admiration.

"Even when I met my master, I didn't have such a tough mood. This is a good material for cultivating immortals! " Chen Mo sighs in his heart that Zhou Lide's talent makes him feel compassion.

Chen Mo's voice became milder: "learn from me!"

After all, it was a young man's temperament. Zhou Lide immediately showed a look of ecstasy on his face. He knelt down in front of Chen Mo, and bowed to him: "disciple Zhou Lide, see your master!"With a wave of Chen Mo's hand, a light curtain immediately appears in front of Zhou Lide. There are two lines of large characters on the top and the names of many people below.

"Read the two lines above and write down the names of the people below. There must be no omission." Chen Mo solemnly explains.

"The combination of Xuanqing Qi and verve makes Lingtai Qingming road self-produced."

Zhou Lide read it out. Then, Chen Mo went through some procedures. Everything was in accordance with the procedures that he went through when he became a monk in xuandaozong.

It can be said that Zhou Lide's apprenticeship ceremony is far more complicated than Chen Songzi and Yan Qingcheng.

Chen Mo intends to take Zhou Lide as his official disciple.

In this small hotel room, Chen Mo's first official disciple completed his apprenticeship ceremony.

"Remember the name of our sect, xuandaozong. I'll teach you the basic skill first."

Chen Mo is not ready to tell Zhou Lide in detail about everything about xuandaozong. It is not the time.

Chen Mo reaches out two fingers and points it on Zhou Lide's eyebrows. The introduction skill of xuandaozong is printed into Zhou Lide's mind.

Chen Mo's skill handed down to Zhou Lide is only the most basic basic skill of xuandaozong. Both the inner and outer disciples have the right to practice.

Compared with the Xuantian Shenglong road practiced by Chen Mo, it is much worse. As for those magic skills, Chen Mo has no plan to teach them.

However, even if it is the entry-level skill that everyone of xuandao sect can cultivate, if it is obtained by the people in the martial arts and Taoism circles, it will make a great stir on the earth. Therefore, Chen Mo must severely instruct Zhou Lide.

"Remember, you can't disclose your skills to outsiders, not even your closest ones. Once leaked, it will cause disaster! " Chen Mo's face is serious and her voice is more severe than ever before.

Zhou Lide nodded heavily: "master, don't worry. Even if I die, I will never reveal what the master has told me!"

Chen Mo nodded, looked at Zhou Lide and said, "you can choose to live in Yaowang Valley, or you can go to yanguihu villa in Wuzhou, where you have a senior sister."

Zhou Lide thought for a while: "I'll stay in Yaowang Valley for a while, and wait for my father to get better."


Chen Mo left Zhou Lide some money, and then left the hotel. With Zhou Lide's child's understanding, Chen Mo believed that it would not be long before he could step into the condensate state.

When he falls, he will feel a new world.

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