Chen Mo returned to the Yanjing Eagle special Corps base and gave the 36 zuki Dan to the special combat team members.

Chen Mo took care of himself until all the evil spirits in all the players were cleared, and then Chen Mo left at ease.

With the help of zuki Dan, the strength of these special team members will be upgraded to a new level.

And in the later practice, it will be smooth sailing, and will never be attacked by evil spirit.

If there is no accident, the 36 Hawks will become 36 masters in a short time.

A special force composed of 36 masters is believed to make all countries tremble.

When Chen Molin left, he called Jiang Heshan and told him that his task had been completed.

After Chen Mo left, Jiang Heshan personally came to the base of the Eagle special team to check the physical condition of the members.

Jiang Heshan's two masters were stunned on the spot after checking the physical condition of the eagle players.

"What's the matter? Is there any problem? I said that boy is not reliable Jiang River Mountain anger road.

"No. Chief, I don't know what Chen Mo has given them, and they have improved their strength again. Moreover, their true spirit is so magnificent that they will become masters soon! "

Jiang Heshan was also stunned at the scene. The veteran, who had been on the battlefield and had made countless contributions, was stunned by the news!

Thirty six masters, what is that concept!

If the Chinese government has such a force, plus the strength of the dragon group, it will be enough to sweep over any wudaozong sect in China's martial arts circle.

Moreover, the 36 special forces composed of martial arts masters, those masters armed to the teeth with modern weapons, are no less than a human bomb.

The power of thirty-six masters is far more than one plus one equals two. Their combined strength has increased by more than 100 times.

Jiang Heshan laughed for the first time, and his face was gratified: "this boy, at last, has done a good thing!"

"It's still wise on the top." After his mood stabilized, Jiang Heshan admired the decision made by the superior at that time.

If he and Jiang Mo have made a decision, they are afraid of becoming enemies.

In the afternoon, shortly after Chen Mo returned to South China University, he was approached by Jita Jiudu and others.

Seeing the anxious look on their faces, Chen Mo thought something was wrong and asked in a hurry, "what's the matter?"

Jitata Jiudu immediately looked aggrieved and cried to Chen Mo: "Chen mu, why are you so excellent? Even Professor Shen, who is famous for his strictness, is very fond of you! "

"But do you know that you have made me suffer?"

Looking at the faint smile on Hao Jian's and others' faces, Chen Mo knows that there is nothing important and immediately relaxes.

"What's the matter? Can you make it clear?" Chen Mo kicks Jita Jiudu and laughs and scolds.

After several people's gossiping, Chen Mo finally figured out what was going on.

After the national day, the famous universities are going to hold a bioscience exchange meeting. Professor Shen is the most authoritative figure in the field of Biological Science in South China University, so he should be invited to attend.

There have been such meetings before, but they are for other subjects. Every time South China University is invited to participate, the result is reduced to other people's foil, the limelight is robbed by the people of the major universities.

This time, it was finally the turn of the bioscience exchange meeting. Professor Shen is well-known in the field of biological science. From top to bottom of South China University, they are looking forward to Professor Shen's humiliation and make a long face for South China University.

However, Professor Shen did not know what went crazy this time. He even named a freshman to attend the biological science exchange meeting instead of him.

The president advised him, his colleagues advised him, and the students also advised him. However, Professor Shen seemed to have a stubborn temper. He did not let go. He must let the new student take the place of him. He could be the deputy of the new student.

Now the school can't help but agree to Professor Shen's request. It just doesn't know who is the new student that Professor Shen values so much?

The freshman in Professor Shen's mouth is naturally Chen mo.

Since Chen Mo used the spirit liquid of life to perform the unique skill of reciting the withering glory in front of Professor Shen, and narrated the significance of that novel life, Professor Shen has been deeply convinced by Chen mo.

If we say that the only person who is convinced by Professor Shen in South China University is not those who have higher professional titles than him, nor those who are older than him, but Chen Mo, a freshman.

Chen Mo's name is known by more than 80% of the students in South China University because of Murong Yan'er and fierce like fire.

When he learned that Chen Mo was the one that Professor Shen valued, all the students fell in their eyes and groaned one by one.

Because of Murong Yan'er and strong as fire, Chen Mo's impression in most of his classmates is that he is a scum man who can only coax girls to be happy. Isn't it a shame to ask him to attend the biological science exchange meeting?However, Professor Shen was adamant, claiming that if Chen Mo didn't go, he would refuse to attend the meeting.

In this case, the school can only compromise again. If Professor Shen does not go, it will be a foil for anyone to go. As long as Professor Shen agrees to go, even if he is only Chen Mo's deputy, it is better than not to go there!

After a consensus was reached, the school began to look for Chen Mo, but found that Chen Mo had been skipping classes for several days. Jita Jiudu, who had been helping Chen Mo sign in, was immediately arrested.

Naturally, poor Jita Jiudu was criticized wildly, but everyone could not find Chen Mo, so they had to put the breakthrough on Jita Jiudu.

As a result, jitata Jiudu was entrusted with an important task and asked him to find Chen Mo within a time limit. If he did not, he would be severely punished.

Jitata Jiudu calls Chen Mo, but Chen Mo's mobile phone has been turned off. Jitata Jiudu had to come to Chen Mo's rented courtyard every day. Today, when Chen Mo finally arrived, how could Jita Jiu not complain?

After learning the whole story, Chen Mo can't help but smile bitterly. Professor Shen is really interesting!

Professor Shen is a relative of Shen Junwen, but he is upright. Instead of helping Shen Junwen do harm to the tiger, he denounces Shen Junwen.

This is a man of true faith and morality. Chen Mo has some respect for Professor Shen.

However, Chen Mo has no time to attend the exchange meeting. Now that he has got the essence of water, he will no longer have to worry about the water attribute Yuan Li. He can work hard to cultivate the water body.

"All right, you can help me go back and tell Professor Shen that I can understand his kindness, but I'm not interested in it!" Chen Mo refused mercilessly.

"No way!"

Unexpectedly, jitata nine all sternly refused: "Chen Mu Mu, you must go back to school with me in any case. If you don't show up tomorrow, I will be expelled from the school!"

"As for that?" Chen Mo looks at Gu Linfeng and others.

Gu Linfeng and others nodded.

Jia Junsi said: "if you just sign in for you, it's not a big deal. More students do it. But because of Professor Shen's insistence, the school is very dissatisfied with you, so poor chubby is implicated by you. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!