Chen Mo naturally believed Jia Junsi's words.

"It seems that I have to go to school. I can also see Yan'er and Ruhuo." Chen Mo said.

Jitata Jiudu holds Chen Mo tightly, and his face is firm. If you don't go back, I will fight with you.

Chen Mo chuckles and flees from Jita Jiudu: "OK, I'll go back with you. Don't cry and lose face."

Jitata Jiudu immediately became happy, looked at Chen Mo and said with a smile: "this time, I have carried such a big pot for you. What you promised me last time should be fulfilled!"

Chen Mo's face was harmless to people and animals and asked, "what did I promise you? How can't I remember! "

"Ha ha, we don't remember." Gu Linfeng and others laughed with schadenfreude on their faces.

Jitata Jiudu was indignant and glared at several people: "you bastards, I want to break up with you!"

A few people made a lot of noise and then went back to school.

Chen Mo goes back to his room, sorts out some precious medicinal materials from Yaowang Valley, and releases water for essence.

As soon as the white water essence appeared, the room became cool.

"There is no less harm in Yaowang valley. Now, spit out some water spirit crystal for me!"


Water line essence spirit sends out a burst of strange cry, seem to express their dissatisfaction.

Chen Mo snorted coldly: "you don't have the right to bargain with me. If it's not for the sake of your wisdom, I'll refine you directly!"


The spirit of the water line gave a strange cry, shaking with fear.

"All right, go back!"

Chen Mo will not give it a good face in the face of this evil spirit.

The shuilingjing that Chen Mo wants is actually the real object condensed by the water attribute element, which will consume the cultivation of the water essence. No wonder the water essence has to bargain with Chen mo.

However, as Chen Mo said, it does not have the right to bargain. Chen Mo has not directly refined it. He is already compassionate.

After a night's rest, Chen Mo comes to school the next day.

Jitata Jiudu betrayed the news of Chen Mo's return yesterday.

As soon as Chen Mo arrived at the school, he was personally approached by Professor Shen.

"Miss Chen Mo, skipping class is not what a good student should do!" Professor Shen said solemnly, but in a gentle tone.

"I'm sorry, professor. I'm really in a hurry." A silent apology of Chen Lu.

Professor Shen opened the door directly and said, "I believe you also heard that I recommended you to attend the academic exchange meeting. What do you think?"

Chen Mo thought for a while, but still refused: "sorry, Professor Shen, I may have to let you down. I'm really not interested in the exchange meeting!"

Professor Shen frowned and looked at Chen Mo seriously. After a while, he said, "is there no room for discussion? If you can shine brilliantly in this exchange meeting, it will be of great benefit to your resume in the future

Without any hesitation, Chen Mo shook his head and said, "I understand Professor Shen's kindness. I'm really not interested."

Professor Shen looked at Chen Mo again for a while, then sighed and said, "that's really a pity."

"Since you don't want to go, I don't have to. Well, you go to class! "

With that, Professor Shen nodded and left.

Chen Mo takes a look at Professor Shen's back. He doesn't think there's anything wrong with rejecting Professor Shen. He walks to the classroom indifferently.

Chen Mo's appearance immediately attracted the attention of many students in the class. After all, in these days, the president, the dean of Academic Affairs Office and the tutor came to look for Chen Mo more than once in person. It seems that Chen Mo's name spread all over the campus overnight.

Jitata Jiudu arrived earlier than Chen mo. when he saw Chen Mo, jitata Jiudu immediately approached him and asked, "did old Shen look for you?"

Chen Mo nodded: "he just blocked me outside."

"Did you promise him?" Jitata is a wonderful place.

"No, I said no interest." Chen Mo looks casual and starts to tidy up the books on his desk.

"What! You refused

"You, how can you refuse? Do you know how many people dream of a good opportunity? "

"You refused

Jitata Jiudu looks at Chen Mo with a speechless face, which is like looking at an alien.

"What is suitable for others is not necessarily suitable for yourself!" Chen Mo smiles faintly and continues to tidy up the books on the table.

When the students around heard that Chen Mo refused Professor Shen's invitation, they were also shocked.

The professor invited him in person, not to mention anything else. The honor alone has been the treatment that many people dream of and can not get.

However, seeing Chen Mo's indifferent expression, all the students can only look up and sigh at the injustice of heaven.

Chen Mo had only one class and was invited to the office by the headmaster.In the office, the headmaster sat in a chair and looked at Chen Mo with a serious face.

"Mr. Chen Mo, I heard that you refused Professor Shen's invitation. Is that true?" Although the headmaster was trying to suppress his anger, the dissatisfaction in his voice revealed his heart.

Chen Mo's face was flat: "I'm not interested in any exchange meeting."

The headmaster almost jumped on the table, what is no interest? It was a good opportunity to compete with those famous universities, which he won for South China University with his old face.

However, when Chen Mo came here, he became uninterested. It was like rain. A man worked hard to get the clothes home for you, but you said that I deliberately let the clothes get wet.

How can the headmaster not be angry?

However, even if the headmaster is angry, he should always maintain his image in front of the students.

"Chen Mo, do you know where this exchange meeting will be held?" The headmaster's voice was serious and angry, like a volcano that would erupt at any time.

Chen Mo was still unmoved and his face was flat: "I'm sorry, headmaster, I'm not interested in the exchange meeting, and I'm not interested in where to hold it. If there's nothing else, I'd like to go back to the classroom."

The headmaster clenched his fist and then let go.

"Chen Mo, this exchange meeting is held in Qinghua college, Yanjing, Qinghua University!"

The teachers in the office, when they heard of Qinghua college, were shocked and envious in their eyes.

When it comes to the four words of Qinghua college, the president's voice has been raised by eight degrees.

"It's one of the top universities in China. If you attend this exchange meeting, you can compete with students from the top universities in China. If you can stand out in the exchange meeting, you can be famous all over the world. In the future, you will add a thick ink to your resume The headmaster finally can't help but spit out the words in his heart, and the whole person is much more relaxed.

I thought this would hold Chen Mo down, but Chen Mo just gave a faint smile and said with a relaxed face: "sorry, headmaster, this doesn't attract me. You can go and see my score. If I want to go to Qinghua college, there is no problem. "

At the beginning, Chen Mo was attracted by the top universities in China. Naturally, he would not pay attention to this so-called opportunity.

The headmaster was stunned, but he forgot about Chen Mo's score. When Chen Mo reminded him, he remembered that the freshman in front of him who didn't seem to pay attention to everything was the number one in the national college entrance examination. , the fastest update of the webnovel!