Next, Jiang Heshan stood up, the Russian leader also stood up, and the heads of the other three countries also stood up.

The U.S. big bellied person in charge gabbled for a while, and Ji Wuya immediately translated: "he said that since all the people have arrived, it's time to open the battlefield of the five countries! The rules are the same as before. Whoever gets the most pit will win! "

Jiang Heshan and the Russian leader nodded and said that he had no opinion.

The head of the United States waved: "go!"

With that, he left with the American players.

Eagles and Faguo followed, and the Russians followed. Finally, Jiang Heshan left with Chen Mo and others.

Jiang Heshan whispered to Ji Wuyuan, "tell us the rules of the game again!"

Ji Wuyuan said, "yes!"

As they move forward, Ji Wuya tells the rules of the five countries' battlefield.

"The battlefield of the five kingdoms is actually a special space. I don't know why or when it existed. There are many relics of ancient civilization and many strange animals in it."

"Strange beasts have animal cores. The purpose of each country's team members is to hunt and kill them for three days, because each time they open the battlefield of the five countries can only last three days. In the end, whoever gets the most pit will win. "

"Pay attention, when hunting and killing foreign animals, you should be careful of being plotted, because you can kill people at will, without any rules."

Ji Wuyuan said, her eyes swept over the crowd seriously, and finally stopped at Chen Mo: "do you understand? If you don't understand, you can ask me! "

"I see! There are only idiots who don't understand the rules. " Zhang Zhen hums coldly.

Gradually, the cement pavement has come to an end, and people step on a stone road, uneven.

Those crooked countrymen in front of him immediately called out, and Lei Zhan said with a bad smile: "what kind of ghost road do those crooked countrymen say this is? To hell? It's so hard to walk

Li Xiao PI laughs and mutters: "in China, this road has to collect tolls, but he still dislikes it?"

Jiang Heshan glared at Li Xiao and said, "I'll tell the person in charge of the Ministry of communications in its original form."

Li Xiao rolled his eyes and stopped talking.

Through the stone road, people came to the center of the island. Ahead, is a valley, very flat, green grass.

However, on the grassland, there are dozens of huge gray stone pillars, each of which is more than ten feet high and more than five meters thick.

"Oh, MAIGA!" Those crooked people began to cry again.

Jianghe mountain road: "this is the opening of the five kingdoms battlefield."

Xia Hailong looked at the array and exclaimed, "it's just fantastic. Is the array artificial or is it originally there?"

Jiang He mountain said: "I'm afraid no one knows. Even the black wizard who discovered this array is not sure. We only know that this array has existed for a long time since it was discovered."

Chen Mo looked at the huge array, but he was puzzled. Among the ten thousand Xiuxian families, no one has ever arranged the array like this.

That is to say, the array was probably not set up by the cultivators.

If it is not the arrangement of the immortals, is it not to say that in the ancient times of the earth, there used to be as powerful as the cultivators of immortals?

Even Chen Mo, who has lived for 600 years, is confused.

Although Chen Mo has cultivated to the realm of transforming gods, he is a great power even in the starry sky and among all the immortal cultivation families. But Chen Mo knows that he doesn't know much about the universe.

For example, the sarcophagus that was suppressed by the nine cauldrons, what is lying in the sarcophagus?

And the big blue palm, which killed him and his younger martial sister.

At that time, Chen Mo was already a great friar of Huashen realm, and the younger martial sister had become a true immortal in the Hedao realm. As a result, he was so vulnerable to a blow in front of the blue giant palm!

What kind of existence is that?

However, the more you can't see the origin of this array, the more curious Chen Mo is. If you can find the relics of ancient times in this place, you may be able to understand what happened in ancient times.

Members of the five countries stopped around the array, and ten people in black came from the air. Two of them were Chinese people who had received Jiang Heshan before.

Jiang Heshan sighed: "these people are the garrisons of the battlefield of the five countries. Once they become garrisons, they will stay here for 50 years, which is equivalent to devoting their whole life to this obscure and uninhabited island!"

"I see!" Zhang Zhen suddenly said: "no wonder even the leaders have great respect for them!"

Ten garrisons stopped in front of the phalanx. In their own languages, they said to the people of their respective countries: "the opening time of the grand array is three days. After three days, you will be here again. I'll give each of you a counter. Every time you get a core, you input it directly on the counter. The counter will show the number of cores each of you has obtained. Remember, please save your counter, once the counter is lost, it is almost judged that the person is dead! "After that, the two Chinese garrisons threw a counter to Chen Mo and others. It was like an electronic watch. The screen was bigger than the watch. The operation was very simple. There was only one function, that is, to input the quantity, and to turn pages up and down to check the number of animal cores obtained by others.

Chen Mo takes a look. It shows the names of all the members of the five countries, and finds his own, but now they are all zero.

The garrison continued: "do not input indiscriminately. If the input number is inconsistent with the actual number of animal checks, the result will be invalid."

"Is there anything else you don't understand?" Asked the garrison.

Jiang Heshan looks at the crowd.

"I see," they answered in a loud voice

Chen Mo followed the crowd and answered.

The two garrisons looked at the seven men with a serious look: "once they enter the battlefield of the five kingdoms, there are no rules, there are strange animals, enemies, and all the dangers that can not be predicted at any time. Of course, there are opportunities. Take care of it

Zhang Zhen said with a smile: "since I dare to come, my head has long been hanging on my belt. Those who are afraid of death can quit now. Don't wait for it to drag everyone back!"

Lei Zhan and others look at Chen mo. Chen Mogen is not moved and stands in the same place, with no expression.

The two garrisons and Jiang Heshan looked at each other and nodded. Then, the two garrisons turn and fly to the center of the array.

The garrisons of other countries also flew to the center of the array. Ten people each had a stone in their hands. Chen felt that the stone contained a huge force of heaven and earth.

"It's a spirit stone!"

Spirit stone, compared with those of the best jade, contains more abundant heaven and earth yuan power. It is often used by some low-level immortal practitioners and even used as currency for some exchange and trading.

Of course, the spirit stone is not enough for those who practice immortality. They all use immortal crystal, because the yuan force of heaven and earth contained in spirit stone at that time was of no importance to them.

However, for today's earth, the spirit stone is comparable to the existence of fairy crystal, because even jade is difficult to find on earth, let alone the spirit stone which is of great benefit to Chen Mo's cultivation?

"Open up!"

The two Chinese garrisons yelled, and a dazzling white light flashed through, and a door of space appeared in the center of the array. , the fastest update of the webnovel!