"Go in!" Ten garrisons at the same time, but Chen Mo can only understand the words of the two Chinese garrisons.

When people enter the gate of space, the words of the garrison come from their ears.

"Your counter also has a life-saving function. If you destroy the counter, you can be sent out immediately, but your scores will be regarded as invalid. Remember!"

Chen Mo and others are transported to a small forest, but the surrounding plants are not green but brown.

The sky was dark, and there was a pungent smell in the air. It was hard to say what it was, but it was very uncomfortable.

Ji Wuyuan glanced at the crowd and asked, "are you all right?"

"It's OK!" A few scattered answers.

Ji Wuyuan suddenly said seriously: "you heard the last words of the garrison just now. If you want to save your life, you will destroy the counter, but the result will be invalid."

Ji Wuyuan coldly glanced at several people, and his voice was solemn: "I don't want any of our achievements to be cancelled, because then we have a 99% chance of becoming the last one. Before you come in, you may have heard that the chips between countries are very heavy. This time, China has also made a lot of chips, so we can't lose or afford to lose! "

Zhang Zhen said in a loud voice: "leader Ji, don't worry. I'm ready to die. If anyone dares to be greedy and afraid of death, it's the sinner of China. I can't spare him the first time!"

While talking, Zhang Zhen's eyes have been staring at Chen mo.

Xia Hailong was not happy and said in a cold voice: "since the day I became a soldier, I have put life and death out of the way. I believe that since those who dare to come here have already known the danger here, since they still dare to come in, it means that none of the seven of us is greedy for life and afraid of death. In the future, if those words are not conducive to unity, some people should stop talking nonsense. "

Zhang Zhen snorted coldly: "so best!"

Feng Mian said with a smile: "all right, don't say those useless ones. Let's talk about how to act next! Even if you're not afraid of death, you have to get more pit than others, or you'll lose as well

Ji Wuyuan nodded: "Feng Mian is right. We must work out a detailed combat plan, but the premise is to ensure the safety of all of us. Otherwise, once the hard-working core is robbed by others, isn't it a wedding dress for others?"

Lei Zhan looked at Ji Wuyuan, put away his casual appearance, and asked, "group leader, tell me what you mean. What do we do next?"

Li Xiao and Zhang Zhen's eyes also look at Ji Wuyuan, waiting for his suggestion.

Ji Wuyuan said: "internationally, we have a good relationship with Russia. Although these guys are not good birds, compared with the three countries of eagle, fat and rice, the Russians are still closer to us. Moreover, chief executive Jiang said before he came in, let's first have a good relationship with the Russians. My suggestion is that we should hunt and kill exotic animals and look for the Russians and meet them Meet

"When we unite with the Russians, we can deal with those who are left alone..." Ji boundless than draw a wipe neck action, the meaning is clear.

"I agree with the group leader's suggestion!" Lei Zhan Dao.

Zhang Zhen also nodded: "I agree."

Feng Mian also nodded: "at present, there is no better idea than this."

Xia Hailong looked at Chen Mo, and when he saw Chen Mo didn't speak, he nodded: "I'm also in favor of it."

Li Xiao thought for a while, looked at Ji Wuyuan and asked, "what if those Russians refuse to cooperate with us? Or ask for something that we simply can't accept? After all, everyone wants to be the first, which is related to the interests of their own country! "

Ji Wuyuan said with a smile: "good question, but I have considered this question for a long time. In fact, the situation faced by the Russians and us is almost the same. They are also excluded by the three countries of yingfami. They have no better choice but to ally with us. It is just wishful thinking if they want to fight against the alliance of the three countries on their own. In order to protect themselves, they can only form an alliance with us. "

"Under such circumstances, how can they open their mouths to us lions?"

Lei Zhan and others nodded: "it's reasonable. I think it's settled. Now let's go and find the Russians."

Li Xiao also had no opinion this time, nodded his head and said, "then act!"

From the beginning to the end, Chen Mo didn't say a word. Ji Wuyuan couldn't help asking, "Deputy group leader Chen, what do you mean?"

Chen Mo said faintly, "I will go with you."

Zhang Zhen sneered: "this deputy group leader is really nominal. He has no opinion at all. It's better to give Li Xiao!"

Li Xiao white eyes Zhang Zhen, cold voice way: "you dare to pull me into the water, I immediately cut you!"

Zhang Zhen embarrassed smile: "good, I'm wrong, I'll make an analogy!"

Ji Wuyuan touched some of the life-saving guys on his body, pointed to a direction in front of him and said, "go!"

Just finish saying, Xia Hailong suddenly exclaimed: "look, the American people have already got two animal cores!"Ji Wuyuan frowned: "this is too fast! Who got it

Xia Hailong said, "Amandi!"

Ji Wuyuan frowned: "I haven't heard of this man. Both of them are in his name. Is that a little too coincident? Do the Americans want to push him to the top of the list

Lei Zhan said: "no, those Americans advocate personal heroism. How can they give up such a good chance to become famous all over the world?"

"The individual is first, but the reward is very rich. For this reward, it's normal for the Yankees to play some tricks. In the international community, they don't often do this?" Feng Mian sneered.

Ji Wuyuan solemnly said: "ignore them first, act according to the plan, go!"

Chen Mo followed the crowd and went on all the way. The forest they were in was not big, and they soon got out of the woods.

In front of them appeared a plain, very barren, and the earth was brown and pitted with rusty waste.

From the appearance of those waste products, it should be some pieces of mechanized combat equipment such as aircraft, tanks, armored vehicles, etc. Of course, there are some waste products that Chen Mo can't recognize at all.

Among these wastes, there are some sharp swords scattered. However, there is no spiritual power on the swords. It seems that they are ordinary cold weapons.

"I don't know how long the ruins have been, but these swords are still sharp. It can be seen that they must have been a magic weapon." Lei Zhan sighed.

Ji Wuyuan said: "it seems that this is an ancient battlefield. I feel like a battlefield where ancient and modern civilizations are fighting. It's strange!"

Zhang Zhen exclaimed: "I also have this feeling, as if I have come to the time and space where two times meet!"

Suddenly, Feng Mian exclaimed, "be careful!"

Finish saying, plain hand a lift, toward Zhang Zhen behind the direction to throw a red shadow.

Zhang Zhen's figure flashed suddenly, but looking at his original position, there was nothing.

"Fengmian, what are you doing?" Zhang Zhen thinks Feng Mian is playing with him.

"Don't talk, there's something!" Feng Mian looks serious.

Ji Wuyuan solemnly said: "Fengmian is good at perception and camouflage. Believe her! Be on your guard

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