Lei Zhan choked: "well, I admit it's a ruin, but you can't deny that it used to be a great city."

Li Xiao sneered: "so what? You said it was once. Now, it's a ruin. "

Lei Zhan speechless: "well, I won't challenge you. Anyway, in my eyes, its grandeur is the first in the world."

With that, Lei Zhan quickened his pace and followed Ji Wuyuan's step, walking in the city that he thought was once the first in the world.

The city has been completely changed, full of pungent smell, dust almost covered the bare feet.

But vaguely still can find some of the remaining text information.

Chen Mo picked up a sign from the ground. There were several characters on it, which were very similar to Chinese characters, but they did not belong to any ancient Chinese characters.

"Who among you can recognize the words on it?" Lei Zhan also found a piece of remains with words in his hand, but the words on it were more unlike the words on the brand in Chen Mo's hand.

Feng Mian tilted his head and said in doubt: "this text seems to be English, but it's not English. It's more complicated than English. I don't know any of them."

Ji Wuyuan looked back at several people and said, "don't waste your heart. I have read it just now. The words here are not the words of any country in the world. Maybe they are the civilization of the last era. Even if we call in the most authoritative experts on the study of ancient Chinese characters in the world, none of them can be recognized. "

PA, Lei Zhan left the sign in his hand on the ground, muttering: "Niang Xi PI, I am blind in this broken place."

Several people continue to move forward, and gradually walk to the center of the city. The buildings here are better preserved than those in other places. At least, looking at the remaining buildings, you can make up their appearance when they are in good condition, although I don't know whether they are the same as before.

It seems to be a square, and the golden patterns on the floor can be seen faintly on the ground. Moreover, the breath here is different from that of other places. There seems to be a strange force here, which makes people less irritable and makes people feel quiet and peaceful.

"I think this place is like a temple, and I can even smell the unique smell of incense in the air." Lei Zhan took a deep breath and looked greedy. No matter whether this is a temple or not, it is at least more comfortable than other places.

"You see, there seems to be light there!" All of a sudden, Xia Hailong pointed to a pile of ruins in front of him, and drank in a hurry.

Several people followed Xia Hailong's fingers and saw that there was a glimmer of light, but it was covered by the collapsed buildings. Only from the angle of Xia Hailong's station could you see it.

Lei Zhan was the first to run past, standing on the edge of the ruins and looking at it.

"No, guess what I see?" Lei Zhan looks incredible.

"If you have something to say, don't sell it." Ji boundless scolds a, this all when, Lei Zhan this guy is not serious.

Lei Zhan Shan smiles and says solemnly: "I saw an oil lamp, which is still burning."

"Are you lying to ghosts?" Li Xiao No. 1 didn't believe it. I don't know how long this place has existed, even for tens of thousands of years. I don't know if there is any oil lamp that can burn up to now?

But, wait for Li Xiao to probe to see after, immediately a face is dull.

Lei Zhan gloated and said with a smile, "did you believe it?"

Li Xiao was wooden and said: "believe it, it's not scientific!"

Lei Zhan said with a smile: "science is the most shameless thing. What science can explain is science, and what cannot be explained is not scientific. Do you think this place is scientific? "

Ji Wuyuan said: "remove these ruins, let's have a good look at the oil lamp you said."


Several people started immediately. Among them, the one with the worst cultivation was the master of protecting the body environment. Although the construction waste was heavy, for a few people, it just took more time.

Half an hour later, the lamp appeared in front of several people.

It was an ordinary oil lamp, similar to the ancient Chinese oil lamp. A black wick was still burning a weak flame, which seemed to be extinguished at any time.

Several people stare at the oil lamp with big eyes and small eyes. They can't believe it.

"It's not scientific!" Finally, Li Xiao couldn't help sighing.

The thunder war did not laugh at him, but also said: "this is really unscientific."

The expression of the rest of them is similar to them. Although they are not ordinary people and their acceptance ability is much stronger than those ordinary people on earth, they are still stunned to see this scene.

Chen Mo looks at the lamp quietly. He sees more information than a few people. He felt a faint spiritual power on the lamp.

This spiritual power is not like the spiritual power of an immortal. It is very weak. It seems that it will dissipate at any time. But Chen Mo can feel the strength and horror of this spiritual power. Because it is this spiritual power that protects this lamp forever.

Even longer and longer

Chen Mo couldn't help but wonder what kind of immortal culture existed in the distant ancient times on earth?The location of the lamp is also very interesting. Under the base of the lamp, there is a mottled palm. Although I don't know how many years have passed, the palm should look golden.

According to several people's conjectures, the palm should be a remnant of a statue, because several people found several pieces of dilapidated buildings as the palm while cleaning up the construction waste.

Just as several people were staring at the oil lamp, Xia Hailong exclaimed: "come here and see, there are words on this stone!"

"Where?" Ji boundless immediately strides over, and Xia Hailong stands together, looking at a broken stone opposite.

Chen Mo and others are also curious and hurry to look at the stone.

"Da Lei Yin Temple!"

Ji Wuyuan slowly read out these four characters. Although the font is written in the same font as Xiaozhuan, Ji Wuya just knows it.

"Da Lei Yin Temple? How could it be the great Leiyin temple? Shouldn't this be the supreme existence of Buddhas in myths and legends? " Lei Zhan's face puzzled, a whimsical idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Is it that the predecessor of this temple is the great Leiyin temple?"

Several people looked at Lei Zhan seriously, and his heart bristled. He couldn't help but smile and said, "I'm just saying that casually. Maybe it's the name that some monks deliberately chose in order to increase their popularity."

"How do you explain this lamp?" Li Xiao asked in a deep voice.

Yes, you can name it at will, but how to explain the oil lamp which will last forever?

Unless it's Miracles.

There was no one talking aloud. The atmosphere was a bit oppressive. It seemed that there was a pair of huge eyes staring at several people in the dark sky.

A few people feel the hairs of their hair stand on end, and those who have already ignored life and death have thought of fear at this moment.

However, this is not timidity, but the awe of the gods who do not know whether they exist or not.

After a while, Lei Zhan whispered: "it is said that the great Leiyin temple is the place where the Buddha lives. Under the great Leiyin temple, there are some extremely powerful demons suppressed. Do you think it will be..."


Before he could finish his words, the ground began to shake violently under his feet, just like an earthquake.

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