Lei Zhan cried: "no, do you want to be so smart?"

Zhang zhennu scolded: "Lei Zhan, your special Niang is a crow's mouth!"

Feng Mian suddenly becomes very serious, and her voice says: "be careful, I feel that the things underground have a kind of fear that makes my soul tremble!"

Feng Mian and Lei Zhan are the same on the way, are a pair of old not serious appearance, this time she rare dignified.

Ji Wuya believes in Fengmian's perception. He thinks that the underground things may not be able to contend with at all.

"Back!" Ji Wuyuan made a decision and decisively issued the evacuation order.

"Oh, no, I'd like to see what that thing is under the ground." Lei Zhan said reluctantly.

"Back, now, it's an order!" Ji Wuyuan gave a sharp drink.

"All right." Lei Zhan looks sorry.

Chen Mo felt the tremor of the earth, and even he changed his face slightly this time. As Feng Mian feels, Chen Mo has a feeling of fear from the underground.

Although Chen Mo has only seven levels of strength, his insight and courage is a great monk who transforms the spirit state. However, Chen Mo is very clear that even if he has the strength of transforming the spirit state again, the underground thing will still make him fear.

"Why can't I move? The legs seem to be nailed to the ground Thunder Zhan suddenly cried out in horror.

Zhang zhennu scolded: "my special Mo is also the same, the legs do not listen to command!"

More than two people, Ji boundless, wind Mian, all people can not move, face dignified standing in place.

Chen Mo tries to lift his feet, and finds that his legs seem to be infused with ten thousand jin of great force. He can't move a minute even if he uses his whole body to cultivate himself, just like an ordinary person.

"What is this underground existence?" After Chen Mo's rebirth, he had the thought of panic for the first time. It seems that he knew too little about the earth before.

Chen Mo suddenly comes up with an idea. Why did his master Donghua Xiandi pass by the earth, a barren planet?

Is it by chance or something else?

On the open space that had been cleared by several people, the hard concrete floor began to crack, just like the aged bark, one by one began to fall off.

That thing is about to break through the ground.

Several people stood in place, unable to move at all, can only stare at the open space in front of them.

A big dry hand stretched out from the ground, like a living man buried in the ground, and finally got out of the ground.

That big hand broke out of the ground at that moment, the earth stopped shaking, even a few people's heartbeat seemed to stop, as if time was also frozen at this moment.

Chen Mo and others glare with fear, even Chen Mo is not immune.

This is beyond Chen Mo's understanding!

The huge hand was brown, just like the color of the world. It was not a human hand at all, because it was the size of a tank car.

Just when several people thought that the palm stopped moving, suddenly, it moved again.

The palm of the hand caught the ground around it, like a man buried in the ground, trying to climb out.

Soon, it really got what it wanted, and when it was completely exposed in the eyes of several people, the fear of several people also reached the extreme.

Because it's just a broken arm, a broken arm cut off from the bend of the arm.

When the broken arm appeared on the ground, the originally dark sky suddenly became restless, with lightning and thunder, and a strong wind, like the end of the world.

All of a sudden, the international players in other places suddenly felt a huge fear arise without any reason.

what a ghosts they make complaints about the devil's resurrection and so on.

Chen Mo feels that his life seems to be slowly losing. Although there is no sign, it can make people feel clearly.

"It, it's sucking our life essence!" Lei Zhan was terrified.

"What the hell is this?" Zhang Zhen cursed, everything in front of him almost overturned everyone's cognition.

"Group leader, those who have participated in the battle of the five countries have never said that there are such strange things here. Are we lucky?" Xia Hailong looks at Ji boundless with a wry smile.

Ji Wuyuan has a dignified face. Before entering the five kingdoms battlefield, he has done a lot of homework. Moreover, he is not the first time he has entered the five countries battlefield. Before, he has met at most one or two extraordinarily powerful strange animals. Such fantastic things can't be imagined.

"Don't lose heart and try to get rid of the shackles!" Ji Wuyuan shouts in a deep voice.

Chen Mo is also secretly anxious. He is considering whether to use some secret methods to help several people leave. Lei Zhan suddenly exclaims, "look, that oil lamp!"

Chen Mo's eyes follow the direction of Lei Zhan's fingers, and the oil lamp that was originally in the palm of the statue suddenly flies in the air.

Slowly came to the sky of the broken arm, around the oil lamp, emitting a circle of golden light.The broken arm seemed to be very afraid of the oil lamp and was crawling on the ground, shivering, but it seemed very unwilling to resist, just like the situation faced by Chen Mo and others.

The lamp stopped right above the broken arm, and then slowly fell, falling very slowly, as if there was an invisible giant below, fighting against it.

However, although the oil lamp falls slowly, it never stops. The more it reaches the end, the slower the lamp falls. When the lamp approaches one meter away from the broken arm, the falling speed is almost invisible to the naked eye and can only be sensed that it is still falling.

"Why, I can move!" Thunder war surprise sound, several people found that they have regained control of the legs.

And the power of sucking life essence of several people disappeared.

The oil lamp is still playing with the broken arm. Now it is almost close to the broken arm. It seems that it wants to put the broken arm into the ground again.

However, the broken arm always countered with the oil lamp, and both sides almost fell into a state of glue.

In the end, the oil lamp had the upper hand and succeeded in driving the broken arm into the ground.

Strangely, when the broken arm was sealed underground, Chen Mo seemed to hear a very unwilling roar in their minds. It was clearly a broken arm, but it could make a sound, which made people feel creepy.

As the broken arm was sealed into the ground again, the whole world seemed to be at peace again.

The lamp continued to stay over the broken arm for a while, circled back and forth three times, and finally fell to the ground.

At the moment, the flame of the lamp was finally extinguished.

"The light, the light is off!" Thunder Zhan exclaimed.

"I guess it's exhausted!" Ji boundless deep voice way.

"Look, the lamp is gone!" Lei Zhan points to the location of the oil lamp.

Several people found that originally stayed on the ground of the lamp, at the moment actually empty, so in front of the people mysteriously disappeared.

"Where has that lamp gone?" Several people are full of questions, but no one can answer them.

The dark sky is dead, the brown earth, the brown river water, and the huge brown palms seem to tell people the history buried by the years.

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