"It's so weird of all this!" Thunder war exclaimed.

"Why do I say this kind of thing, eh, strange?" Lei Zhan suddenly confused his own words.

"What happened just now? How do I feel like I forgot something! " Xiahailong said in doubt.

"Do you feel that too," Li Xiao said? I also feel like I forgot something. "

Chen Mo looked at several people quietly, without expression, but his heart was shocked.

Some of them have lost their memories of the past.

And Chen Mo found that his memory of the past is also slowly forgotten.

Chen Mo knew that, perhaps in a while, the broken arm would be completely forgotten by him.

But only the old oil lamp, which is more than in the sea of consciousness, witnessed the strange experience just now.

Yes, the disappeared oil lamp is quietly in Chen Mo's consciousness sea at the moment.

Ji boundless way: "you a few still stand in this silly stand to do, continue to go ah, Eagle country people have also got five animal cores, now we are at the bottom!"

"Yeah, why are we standing here, strange!" Lei Zhan scratched his head and puzzled.

"Go, don't delay time. You must hunt for foreign animals as soon as possible." Zhang Zhen strides forward.

Xiahailong looked at Chen Mo and smiled, "let's go, Chen team!"

Chen Mo nodded and followed several people to move on. He knew that some people had forgotten what they had just done.

Now he has forgotten the appearance of the broken arm just now, but he has not forgotten the great Lei Yin Temple, and the oil lamp.

If it is the great Lei Yin Temple in the myth and legend, what power can destroy it?

Now that it has been destroyed, why would this strange oil lamp be left over the ruins?

And the broken arm of the underground seal, who is it?

As a nun, Chen Mo knows more about the ancient Chinese myths and legends than anyone else. He understood that the gods in the ordinary population were actually some powerful immortals.

In the Sanqing Dynasty, jade emperor, Wang Mu, Buddha, etc., they are different forms of power displayed by different cultivation methods, and those people are only relatively powerful immortals.

In Chen Mo's view, the so-called sage is just the cultivation of the real immortals in the realm of harmony.

And those so-called Da Luo Jinxian, the nuns in Yuanying realm, even the Sanqing Dynasty, were just like Chen Mo's original strength, but the existence of the deification realm.

However, this big Lei Yin Temple, which appeared in the broken world, has made Chen Mo subvert his previous cognition.

If Chen Mo is right, this is a broken world broken by great power like the empty mountain. However, compared with the small world of the empty mountain, the world is much bigger and gives people the impression of being as big as that of a world.

Perhaps in that distant era, the earth was not the size it is now, but hundreds of times as big as it is now.

"I thought that this rebirth, as long as repair to Jindan, can cross the earth, it seems that I underestimated the earth."

Chen Mo was serious. What he thought was to repair Jin Dan as soon as possible and to be able to fight nuclear weapons hard. But now his goal has changed. He wants to explore the secret of the broken arm. Even Chen murxiu is not enough to return to the realm of God.

He is still too small compared to the star sky.

The last mark of the broken arm was forgotten, but Chen Mo did not forget everything like others. He still clearly kept the memory just now, but forgot the appearance of the broken arm. Chen Mo thought it might be the reason of the lamp.

Chen Mo tried to control the lamp with his spirit, but he failed. He tried it with his mind, but the lamp still remained motionless.

Chen Mo found that he could not manipulate the lamp in any way, and finally he could only give up.

Several people went on and killed some other animals on the road, but there was no more strange experience like that.

Leaving the city in the ruins, Ji boundless looked at the top of the counter.

"Now, we are the first to be born, the second in the United States of America, the third for the Russians, and the fourth for the eagle. We are still the last. And we have eleven different cores between us and the first place! "

Zhang Zhen frowned and said, "we are not only on the road, but only six beasts, how can they meet so many?"

Lei Zhan also had this question, nodding: "that is, unless they find the old nest of the beast."

"If they act separately," said Ji boundless

"It is very possible, so they must encounter more exotic animals than we do," Lei said

"Or, let's split up?" Asked the thunder war tentatively.

Ji boundless pondered for a moment and said, "leave the city first. If we haven't found the Russians, let's act in groups."

"Well."Leaving the ruins of the city, several people stopped again.

In the plain ahead, two men are fighting a strange beast.

"That seems to be the hair country people. It seems that they have split up." Said Lei Zhan.

"Why don't we..." Lei zhanbi makes a neck slap.

"Yes There is no rule in the battlefield of the five countries. Mercy is a crime here. Even if one person can be killed, his or her own side's chances of winning will be greatly improved.

However, before a few people began to act, the two people who were fighting seemed to have found them, and they actually gave up the foreign beast and ran away.

"Sissy, these two cowards!" Lei Zhan scolded.

"They have done a good job. If we take separate actions, once we encounter unmatched strength, we must not hold on and evacuate immediately." Ji boundless admonished a way.

"Yes Several people nodded to show understanding.

Ji Wuyuan glanced at several people and said, "let's split up now."

"Zhang Zhen and Li Xiao are in a group, Xia Hailong and I are in a group, and you three are left in a group."

Zhang Zhen had both attack and defense, but his speed was slow. Li Xiao is the fastest and can complement Zhang Zhen.

Xia Hailong's various strengths are medium, so is Ji Wuyuan. A group of two just belongs to the steady type.

Thunder can attack from near or from far, but defense is not good. Feng Mian can use his excellent perception and concealment ability to make up for the short board of mine warfare.

As for Chen mo I haven't found any advantages for the time being, so let's buy one for free.

"Do you have any questions? If not, let's go at once Ji Wuyuan said.

Li Xiao said, "I have a problem. How can we contact after we separate? There must be no signal on the cell phone here! "

Ji Wuyuan was surprised: "by the way, I almost forgot about it. This is a separate space, and signals from the outside can't come in at all. I have a positioning stone brought by my family. I can sense the general position. The maximum range is 200 kilometers. Once this distance is exceeded, it will be out of the scope of communication stone. "

Say, Ji boundless sends everybody a piece of communication stone.

"Therefore, we should try not to exceed the perception range of the positioning stone. In case of danger, we will break the positioning stone for quick support."

"Yes." Several people nodded.

Ji Wuyuan looked at Chen Mo and said, "if there is no problem, then start to act. Each group chooses a direction and starts!"

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