"Wait a minute. I'll make my own group." Chen Mo suddenly said.

Zhang Zhen was the first to jump out again and sneered: "you don't want to die! The beast doesn't know who you are? I can't talk about human feelings! "

Feng mianjiao said with a smile: "brother Chen Mo, sister knows that you are young, but you can't be arrogant here. You will die!"

Xia Hailong also advised: "yes, Chen team, you and Lei fight them together!"

Lei Zhan said with a smile: "Deputy group leader Chen, you should not be disgusted with us!"

Ji Wuyuan said in a deep voice: "Chen Mo, I didn't let you go just now because you entered the battlefield of the five countries for the first time, and asked you to observe it nearby. If you're angry because of this, I'll apologize to you, but you can't be impulsive

Although these people have been targeting Chen Mo, at the critical moment, they still hope that Chen Mo will not have an accident, and even Zhang Zhen is dissuading him.

Perhaps this is the military's unique view of the overall situation. In the face of major right and wrong or collective interests, they decisively choose to give up their prejudices.

Chen Mo said with a smile: "I will not joke with my own life. You can rest assured that I have discretion."

Seeing that Chen Mo didn't listen to her advice, Ji Wuyuan thought for a moment and said in a deep voice, "since Chen Mo is confident that he can work alone, let's divide into four groups and move in four directions."

Several people separate, Chen Mo is in a group, and starts to move toward the East.

On the way, Chen Mo killed several foreign animals and got several animal cores. However, Chen Mo did not immediately enter the counter, but dropped it into the storage ring.

Continue to move forward until Chen Mo's positioning stone can't feel the position of several people. Then Chen Mo slows down.

"Now, I can let go and explore here."

Xia Ji just said, "what's wrong with the end of the woods?"

"Isn't it?" Xia Hailong looks at the positioning stone and finds that Chen Mo's position cannot be sensed.

Ji Wuyuan said: "forget it, don't care about him. Let's continue to hunt and kill strange animals. It's important to compete."

"All right." Although Xia Hailong was worried, it didn't help.

Chen Mo is on his way. Now he can let go and do whatever he wants.

Chen Mo almost killed all the strange animals he met along the way. After a while, he had accumulated more than ten cores.

"The first one on the counter is the hair country people, a total of 20, and the personal first place is Amandi of the United States, 12. But the rest of the U.S. people are zero. It seems that they gave Amandi the core

"However, there is no guarantee that they also hide the core, and they will continue to hunt and kill other animals, and first save enough of them."

In fact, Chen Mo's concern is totally unnecessary. Chen Mo is the only one who has hidden the core in the battlefield of the five kingdoms from the beginning to the present.

Because the core is not so easy to obtain, the players of various countries, after getting the core, are the first time to input into the counter, let the team members of their own country see.

If you fall behind too much, it will affect the morale of the whole team. Unless you are sure that you will win, just like Chen Mo, who can easily kill a foreign beast, you will consider hiding the core.

Over a hill, Chen Mo meets a strange animal by a river. However, two American people are coming here quickly.

When the two Americans saw Chen Mo alone, they didn't immediately come up to grab the beast. Instead, they gabbled. Then they looked at Chen Mo with a strong sense of killing.

When Chen Mo sees the two men, he immediately abandons the beast and runs. However, he deliberately slows down and lures the two men to chase after him.

When they see that Chen Mo's speed is not fast, they immediately give a strange cry and run over.

Chen Mo controls the speed, and it's not easy for them to catch up with them. However, it is not difficult for Chen Mo to let them catch up with them with full confidence.

Finally, the two men stop in front of Chen Mo with a bad smile on their faces.

Both of them are white, one of them is wearing alloy mecha, the other has a strong energy overflow, it seems that they are not weak.

The man with the alloy armor on his arm says a few words to Chen Mo, and finds that Chen Mo does not respond. He shrugs at his companion, saying that he is unable to communicate.

Since they can't communicate, there's no need to talk nonsense. They directly attack Chen mo.

The metal armor on the hand, like a movie, suddenly covered the whole body, two arms turned into two machine gun muzzle.

The other one, flying directly into the air, looks like a big human bird.

In China, the master can be suspended in the air, and the time is not long. But these foreign powers have unique advantages.

For example, according to Chen Mo's guess, this person should be able to manipulate the elements of wind, so he can float effortlessly in the air without worrying about the exhaustion of his power.

"Open space coordination, this is a good match!" Chen Mo said with appreciation.

On the ground, the man controlled the machine gun on the machine armour and began to fire. In the air, the power summoned a powerful wind blade, covering Chen mo.Chen Mo smiles and leaves a shadow in the spot. The next moment, a punch hits the chest of the mecha.


The mecha is hit by Chen Mo and flies upside down. The bullets are fired at random and almost hit the power man in the air.

The psychic dodged in a hurry and kept swearing, but Chen Mo couldn't understand what he was cursing.

"I don't know what kind of material the mecha is, but it's not damaged! No, I can make a hole even if I hit the tank. Is it harder than the steel plate of the tank Chen Mo is a little curious.

"If the United States can equip all its soldiers with such advanced mecha, it will be able to fight all over the world! It seems that this kind of mecha is not many, otherwise in the outside world will not never see the United States to show off. "

Chen's guess is right. This kind of mecha is prepared by the United States to deal with those super powers. There are only capable people in the United States, but the number is very small, and the strength is not as strong as the warriors of China. Even compared with the orcs in Russia, this kind of mecha is far behind.

Therefore, the U.S. has designed this kind of individual combat mecha, which is used to combat the superpowers of various countries.

However, the material of this kind of individual combat mecha is very rare. The American people spent a lot of manpower and financial resources to make more than ten sets of mecha. Naturally, it is impossible to show off them casually.

Only on such occasions as the battlefield of the five countries can the United States give it up.

The mecha man stood up and replaced his machine gun with two long laser knives, and rushed to Chen Mo with incomparable flexibility.

"And this function!" Chen Mo is a little surprised: "the combat power is comparable to the master of the body protection environment!"

Chen Mo's estimation is conservative, and the master of the body protection environment can't resist the blow he just made. This mecha man is almost the same level as master peeping Shenjing.

However, Ji Jia people do not have magic tools and martial arts skills, so their comprehensive strength is much worse than that of the master of peeping God realm.

"Cut off the mountains!"

Chen Mo didn't delay. He put all his strength into his hand and cut it off at the mecha.

With the powerful man's huge blade attacking Chen Mo, he was defeated by the blow on the spot.

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